New Advertisements. THIS DAT. SALE BY AUCTION AT THB AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION GROUNDS, CHRISTCHURCH, os FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. \\7ILSON & ALPORT will be in IT attendance at the above place and time to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on account of Exhibitors, Horses Cattle Sheep Pigs Implements &c, &c, &o. Early entries are requested. 11-5 SALE OF PRIZE PIGS. WILSON & ALPORT have .received instructions from Mr William Parish to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, immediately after the termination of the Show, to be held THIS DAY (FRIDAY), NOVEMBER 8, At the Grounds of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Colombo street south, Christchurch, The following prize pigs, viz :— BOAR, SOWS, AND YOUNG PIGS, Of his celebrated breed.
Sale about 4 o'clock. 11-8 CASHEL STREET CATTLE SALEYARDS. f X7ILSON & ALPORT will SELL BY >> PUBLIC AUCTION at their Saleyards, Cashel street, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, Several well-bred dairy cows, in milk and springing to calf Fat and store cattle Yearling heifers and steers Ac, &c, Ac. Sale at 11.30 a.m. Terms at sale. 11-8 CHRISTCHURCH MARKET. SALE OF LITE STOCK AND PRODUCE. WILSON & ALPORT will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the Marketplace Saleyards on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, Horses, cattle Fat and store pigs, breeding sows Turkeys, geese, ducks, fowls Flour, sharps, bran, chickens' wheat Prime hams and bacon Potatoes, onions, carrots. Sale at 1230 p.m. Terms at sale. 11-8 IMPORTANT SALE .OF SHEEP AT THE CARLTON SALEYARDS, PAPANUI ROAD. WILSON & ALPORT will hold the next sale of Sheep at the above Yards on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. About 500 fine wool Merino ewes, with lambs at foot by prize Romney Marsh rams 50 half-bred Merino and Romney Marsh ewe and wether hoggets. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms at sale. 11-8
SALE OF LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY. WILSON & ALPORT have received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at their Salerooms, High street, Christchurch, on an early date, of which due notice will be given, The following desirable PROPERTIES, viz:— Three quarter - acre freehold sections, situate in Colombo street south, a short distance beyond the Railway crossing, each section having 100 links frontage to Colombo street, closely adjoining the shop of Mr James Mann, and very desirably situated for business purposes. One quarter-acre of land, situate in Colombo street south, held under lease with purchasing clause, and having comfortable cottage thereon, and other improvements. 11-8 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS AT THB AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SHOW. WD. BARNARD will be in attendance » on the Grounds THIS DAY (FRIDAY), NOVEMBER 8, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION ANT HORSE 3, CATTLE, SHEEP, OR OTHER STOCK Placed in bis hands for sale. N.B. —Several lots are already entered. 11-8 FOR SALE, rpHE STYX MILL, in complete working X order, together with the Lease of 89 Acres of Land. Terms easy. Apply to Hanhbb & Habpbb. 1, Stone Buildings, November 6, 1867. 11-8 A YOUNG PERSON wishing to go to England would be glad to TAKE CARE of some CHILDREN, or wait on a lady. For address apply at the Office of this Paper. 10-30 \\ 7 ANTED, a good GENERAL BERf ▼ VANT. Apply to W. Lawbbncb, Papaaui hotel, immediately. 11*7
Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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