New Advertisements. nAfITERBUBY_BAILWAYS. TIME TABLE. Webk Days. — From Christchurch to Heathcote, 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; 2, 4, 5 p.m. From Heathcote to Christchurch, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30 a.m.; 12.30, 2.30,4.30, 530 p.m. From Christchurch to Selwrn and intermediate stations at 6.30 and 10.45 a.m., and 4.45 p.m.; returning from the Selwyn at 8.30 a.m., and 12.30 and 6 p.m. Sundays.—From Christchurch to Heathcote, 9, 10 a.m.; 2, 3, 5 p.m. From Heathcote to Christehurch, 9.30, 10.20 a.m.; 2.30, 4.30, 5.30 p.m. 10-23 G. Holmes & Co. CANTERBURY RAILWAYS. NOTICE. ON AND AFTER about NOVEMBER 15, WOOL and other GOODS will be forwarded through the TUNNEL at the undermentioned rates: — Light Goods, Per Ton Measurement. Christchurch Station, to or from Lyttelton Station £0 5 0 Heavy Goods, Per Ton Weigh* Christehurch Station, to or from Lyttelton Station 0 7 0 Light Goods. Merchants' Stores in Christchurch, to or from Lyttelton Station ... 0 7 O Heavy Goods. Merchants' Stores in Christchurch, to or from Lyttelton Station ... 0 9 0 Light Goods. M erchants' Stores in Christchurch, to or from Ship's side in Lyttelton Harbour 0 9 6 Heavy Goods. Merohants' stores in Christchurch, to or from Ship's side in Lyttelton Harbour •• 0 12 0 Prom Christchurch Station toSouth Rakaia & W 6 From Christchurch Station to Selwyn Station 0 14 0 COALS. Per Ton. From Lyttelton Wharf to Christchurch Station £0 6 0 From Christchurch to Selwyn ... 012 6 WOOL. Per Bale. From river bank, South Rakaia, to ship's side, Lyttelton Harbour... £0 13 6 From Selwyn Station to Ship's side,Lyttelton Harbour ... ... 09 6 From Rolleston Station to Ship's side, Lyttelton Harbour... ... 08 0 From Christchurch to Ship's Bide, Lyttelton Harbour 0 5 0 jf.B.—Wool waiting shipment will be stored at the Christchurch Station, and charged for at the rate of 2s per bale. GRAIN. Per Bushel. From Selwyn Station to Christchurch Station £0 0 2i From Selwyn Station to Lyttelton Station 0 0 4 From Rolleston Station to Lyttelton Station 0 0 3 From Templeton Station toLytteltonStation 0-0 2* From Christchurch Station to Lyttelton Station 0 0 2 N.B.—The above rates for Wool and Grain include weighing, marking, advising, and all other charges. In the event of Consignees requiring it, the undersigned are prepared to find all labour for Custom's examination. 11-8 Gbobob Hoimes & Co. COBB AND CO.'S TELEGRAPH LINE
OP ROYAL MAIL COACHES, CONNECTING WITH CANTERBURY RAILWAY. ON AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT, October 7, passengers for Selwyn, Rakaia, Ashburton, Orari, Timaru, and all places on the South road, will be conveyed by Railway, leaving the Christchurch station on Tuesday's, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6.30 a.m., connecting at Selwyn with the Mail Coaches, and arriving at Timaru early the Same day. Returning, will leave Timaru at 6 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, arriving at Selwyn in time for the 6 p.m. Christchurch traim. Through tickets, including railway and coach, to be had at the Bcoking-offihe, corner of High street, from which will be despatched a conveyance for passengers, parcels, and luggage, a quarter of an hour before the departure of the train. L. G. Colb & Co., 10-3 Proprietors. NEW ZEALAND PRESBYTERIAN, No. 8. Contents: 1. University Education in Scotland. 2. Prussian System of Edoucation (concluded). 3.; Unity of the Church. 4. Psalm CX. 6. Social Meetings of Church Office-bearers. 6. Home Churches and their Missionary Work. 7. New Hebrides Mission. 8. Quarterly Record of Religious Intelligence. PRICE ONE SHILLING. ' 11-8 OAMARU XXX ALE. THE UNDERSIGNED, agent for the Oamaru Brewery Company (Limited), sin receipt of regular SHIPMENTS of their justly celebrated PALE BITTER ALE. This beer is esteemed by judges to be the best in this hemisphere, and its light and agreeable aroma is preserved for any length of hme by its sound body of pure malt and hops John S. Legett, Hereford street, Christchurch, l °-» Next Bank of New Zealand.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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