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TO .LET. A LGIE'S BAY—Furn. Beach Cottage, December and February; firewood. — l'honu 'W. Algie, Mullet Pi. A PAKTMENT House, 9 rooms and shop, 501, New North Rd.—Phone 25-oSU, Oi, \ictoria Ay., Keniuera. AVONDALE —House, 4 rooms, gas, water, p.w.c, washhouse, copper and tubs, bath; i-acre sectiuti; 0 mitis. station ; rent 30/. —-l'lnnipstou. High St., Avondale. ltit> "DACII, furnished, own gas cooker; two J-* minutes from Cheltenham Beach. — Inquire ej_2 BEAUTIFUL Shop, Dwelling, new building; reasonable reut; brilliantly lighted. 305, Dominion Kd., nest Empire U'neatre. BEST Part of Pohsonby—lo-Roomed House in two Flats ; excellent sub-letting proposition ; price, £3 per week. —Nettleton and. Son, 7, Shortland St. 11K:i BOARDING.HOUSE, Otahuhu, 20 rooms; good stand; splendid opening.—Apply t>, Wallace St.. Heme Bay. »° BON MARCHES CHAMBERS, Karangahape Road—Modern Offices, suitable doctor, lawyer, healer, optician, dressmaker, photographer, agent. ~- BROWN'S BAX.—Bach, from Jan. S, 1026, rent £2 5/. —Phone 46-4SJ. ROWN'S BAY.—Furn. Cottage, 3 rooms and sleeping porch,—Alexander and Co 58, Queen St. _2 BUCKLAND'S BEACH—2-roomed Cottage, furn., from early December, 3 weeks.—lnquire Star. §1 BUNGALOW, 2, Prospect Rise, Mt. Eden, G Rooms, convs.; 50/. —Apply 50, Balmoral Rd., Mt. Eden. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, every convenience; ' near school and trams; rent £2.— Fplts, 12, Palmerston Buildings. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, furnished, handy : beach and city, for ii months from. December 18th.—Inquire Star. vi*_ BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, New Lynn ; workman's weekly ticket 2/3; firewood found.—Edwards. 30, Cobdcn St., Newton. BUNGALOW, furnished or unfurnished, seaside, handy town; every convenience, garage; term; moderate. —Write B. 4990, Star. BUNGALOW, furnished, 6 large rooms, garage, telephone; three more months; December; rent reasonable. —Ring 25-299, mornings. CHEAP Storage or Factory; level; concrete road, near Queen St.; any reasonable offer.—lnquire Star. 655 COTTAGE, furn., Titirangi, main road.— Particulars apply 69, Balmoral Rd., Mt. Eden. 38 /COTTAGE, good, 2-roomed, Parish Rd. ; Edendale tram ; rent 15/. —Apply 10 and 11. Monday. /COTTAGE, Furnished, attached; North Aye., Narrow Neck. —Harklns, 25, Grey St., Devonport. 'Phone 96. D4_ C COTTAGE, share with couple, by widow; J unfurn.; refs. —14, Leamington Rd., Dominion Rd., 2nd section. 103 COTTAGE, 3 rooms, near New Lynn Golf Links; 15/ week. —Apply F. Child, Willerton Avenue, New Lynn. DEVONPORT — Artistic Bungalow, 4 rooms, c.1., handy beach, concrete roau; £2.—"Kockbeare," Morrisons Ay., Devonport. OOMINION RD. —2 unfurn. self-contained modern Flats; 35/ each. —Samuel Vaile and -Sons, Queen St. DOMINION KD. —House, 5 rooms, kitchenette, convs.; splendid order; large workshop.—32, Douglas St., Ponsonby. EAST COAST, Seaside —House, empty, 8 rooms, conveniences; 40 miles Auckland, good road; fishing, bathing; 2mins. wharf and store.—36, Waterview Rd., Stanley Buy. "p LfLERSLIR, Marua Rd.—'Bungalow, 4 J-J rooms, c.1., all convs.; omin. bus; 35/ weefc.—'Warren, City Chambers. ELLKKSLIE— 6 Rooms, convs.; gardens, fruit trets ; views ; 40/.—Land Sales, Ltd.. :i. Winstone Buildings, Queen St. __ Houses everywhere; also Homes built. Government loans, 25/ weekly.-— 7. Hellahy's BldgH., opp. G.P.O. 103 EPSOM. —-6 Large Rooms, elevated, convs., blinds; near car; rent £2 10/. —49, King George Avenue. - 72 "CVPSOM— : Large Front Room, .sunny, close trams and bus, reasonable, respectable. Rppvp. :'.O.- Phopnix Chambers. 97 FACTORY Space, about 2000 square feet. Lower Nelson St. —Apply Oldfield and Henry. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS; PERFECT ORDER; GOOD TERMS TO APPROVED TENANT. GRAY AND COCKROFT, WINSTONE BLDGS. GARAGE or good Storage; apply before 10 of after 6.—17, Kipling Aye.. Epsom. QREY LYNN, 2nd section — Furn. House, 4 rooms, mod. convs. ; mm. trams; newly renovated.—2o. Northcote St. If ALF House, 4 rooms, sep. convs. ; part -*-*• furn.—2l. Hargreaves St., City. LI ALF furn. House'to Let; c.1., gas stove, -*-*- range, convs.; 307 in. advance.— Inquire Staii. 611 TTALF House, beautifully furn., piano, J d- e.i., self-contained; adults only.—l 2, St. Stephen's Aye., Parneil. 1_ HENDEKSON. —New 5-Roomed Bungalow, all convs.. 1 mm. railway station; 25/ week.—Write S. sir,-t. Star. HEPBURN ST.—7 Rooms, all convs.; rent £2 10/. —Apply Mummery, Grocer, 110, Hnbson St. TTERNE BAY.—No. 7, Wallace St.— -*--*- ■" Rooms, garage available ; twelve months. TTERNE BAY, Waterside—House, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, c.1., all convs.—Apply 0. Ardmorp Rd. IK? HERNE BAY—S Rooms, 45/ ; Orchard, Residence, suburban, 11* acres, 30/. — Cricliton. (i:'>. Queen St. HOUSE, 0 rooms. —Key at S4, Khyber Pass Rd. 90 HOUSE, 6-roomed. partly furn., c.l. ; £2 ; mm. Symonds St. —IS, Nikau St. S'J HOUSE, 5 rooms, convs. : Amaru Rd., Onehunga.—Apply R. Hill, Crown St.. Royal Oak. 312 HOUSE, 6 rooms, nicely furnished, all convs. ; at Kingsland. — Apply G, Berosford St. TTOI'SES, Empty -or Furn. ; also note, -f- Homes butVt, Govt. loans, 25/ weekly. 7. Hpllnby's Bldgs. 208 "prOTT-SE, m 7 rooms, c.1., larder, patent, -"■stable, pore. uath.—Apply No. 1, Brentwood Ay. HOUSE, 7 rooms, furnished or uufurn. all convs : ; garage ; leaeso.—3l, King Edward St. Dominion Rd. HOUSE, plainly furcf., 4 rooms, kitchenette, separate wash-house, c and t., bath, c.1., gas : long term ; immediate possession.—Apply G6, Haslett St., Eden Tprrncp. KOIII. —One Furn., one Unfurn. House; short or long term ; rents moderate.— Anply Cuthbprtson. Kohi. KOHIMARAMA— 2 well furn. seif- , contained Flats, every convenience; Christmas holidays or term. —Harrop and Medley. Shortland St. T. ALBERT, 5, Counsell Terrace. —5 Rooms, furn., califont, City drainage; £2. —Key nest door. T. ALBERT Mt. Roskill. Avondale—4 and 6-roomed Houses. 1 to 17 acres.— Irvin. Richardson Rd.. Mt. Albert. MT. EDEN.—S-roomed House, garage, garden.—Phonp 40-455. MT. EDEN. —6. Mewburn Aye. B-rbomed Housp. to Let. —Apply 145, Balmoral Ita.. Mt. Edpn. 59 MT. EDEN.—House, G rooms, all convs., plevated.—Apply 14, Milton Rd.. Mt. Eden. HI9 MT. EX>EX.—Superior New Bungalow. 4 rooms. kitchpiiPttP. bathroom, laundry ; electric light: absolutely all modern rnnrenlenees; god locality.—jr.. Wynyard Rd. , MOUNT EDEN—House, 0 rooms, range, gas stovp: 50/ week advance; refs. — Apply 21. Kin;; Erlw.nrrl St. "VTEW Seaside Bungalow, Green Bay, : 18/ weekly for term.—l 4, Wairiki Rd..' Mr. Eden. OFFICES (2), furn.. Including typewriter, safp. c.1.: suit solicitor, architect, agent; very central. —Write F. 4695, Star. FFICE. National Bank Chamber*. Fort Sγ.: splendid liiht: telephone installpd: furnished if rrquired.—Giiflllan and Gentles. Second Filoor. C^NETANGI. —Furn.. Cottage, beach, available .Tanuary 10; every conv.—l26, Mt Eden Rd., or Le Roy, Storekeeper Onetangl, - 18
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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992Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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