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APARTMENTS VACANT. ROOM, single, furn., superior locality, near Hotel Cargen; breakfast optional. 33, Eden Crescent. "DOOM, double, furnished, all couvs., in •*-* city ; 15/ rent; suit two girls or m.c. Write M. 5354, Star. "DOOM, furn., large, c.1., all convs.; rea- -*-*' ; at Gruf ton. —Apply "Ivanhoo," 'Jl, Wellesley St. "DOOMS (2), furn., all convs; at St. Helier's Bay.—Apply Black, Hairdresser, St. Helier's Bay. 47 "DOOMS t(2 or 3), partly furnished, and J-* , kitchenette; c.l. —1, Yarborough St., Ponsonby. Call evenings. nj KOOM, double, furn., ground floor, kitchenette ; also, Single.—Kenyon, 452, Queen St., opp. Myers Park. ROOM, furn., for holidays; ownentrance ; close beach and tram. —Bay View. Earnoch Aγ., Takapuna. 113 ROOM, front, large, kitchenette, furn., or unfurn.; 17/0. —la, Dedwood Terrace, near Three Lamps, Poneonby. "DOOMS (2), large, front, unfurn.; sepa■J-* , rate convs.; handy Symonds St. ; adults.—3 Stewart St.. Mt. Eden. 131 EOOMS (4), unfurn., kitchenette, sop. meter, califont; car stop.—Prospect 'Rise. 1. Bourne St.. Mt. Eden. So ROOM, double, furn.; suit m.c. or 2 friends; with or without board; homely.—ls, Crummpr Rd., Ponsonby. KOOMS (2), large, furn., use all convs.. ' with lighting; 30/; good locality; suit m.c; in 2nd section.—lnquire Star. 557 "DOOM, front, film., e.l.j hot water, own *■*■* meter, private entrance; also Single and Double Rooms.—l 2, Nixon St., Newton, near reservoir. ROOMS (3), separate entrance; all convs.. elec. light, gas ovdu and heater; rent reasonable.—Apply Immediately, 22, Bnyfielcl Rd.. Heme Bay. _78 SYMONDS ST. Section—Furn. Front Bed Sitting Koom, hall, verandah, private entrance.- 120, Newton Rd. HE WILLOWS," Symonds St.—Bed and Breakfast. Phone 43-2GB. —Miss ODea, Proprietress. A 0 LARGE Airy Rooms, separate gas stove, " c.l. free; terms moderate. —24, Pompallier Terrace. Ponsonby. 1 O/fi— ROOMS (2), unfnrn., separate en-J-CV \f trance, meter, fireplace, convs.; handy cars.—43, Lincoln St.. Ponsoabr. APARTMENTS WANTED. A BSOLUTELY self-contained Flat, furn. ■**- or unfurn.—The Home Finders, SS, Queen St. 202 (COUPLE, with baby, require Unfurnished Two Rooms, with kitchenette and garage.—Write S. 537 C, Star. ROOM, unfurn., wanted, in the vicinity of Newmarket.—Write S. 5169, Star. BOOM, small, wanted by elderly man; no board, but hot water. —Particulars to M. 530 C, Star.. ROOMS (2), unfurn., separate stove, meter vicinity Surrey Cres., by m.c. — Write 228, Dominion Rd. 253 "DOOM, single, furnished or unfurnished, -*-* fnirly central, by young man (10) ; urgent.—Write S. 5353, Star. WIDOW, schoolgirls, wants partly furn. Flat or Rooms, kitchen essential; selfcontained.—Write S. r>27B. Star. VyORKIXG Girl wants self-contained "* Flat In city; rent reasonable.—Write M. 5400, Stab. FLATS TO LET. A PARTMENTS, 3 rooms, self-contained, ■£*- private wash-house, bath, yard; uufurn. 25/, furn., 30/. —ill, Morniugside. 82 (CHELTENHAM —Unfurnished Flat, 2 rooms and kitchenette, c.1., Cheltenham ltd.—Write F. 4667, Stab. TvliV'ONPOßT—.Flats, unfurn, part furn., - L ' self-contained, convs., gas stoves, c.l. ; adults; moderate. —3D, Church St. IM TTkEVONPORT—2 Rooms, unfurn., kitchen-■x-r _ette r private entrance, califont, eJ., handy ferry.—37, Calfiope Rd. Hβ FLAT, furn., 2 , rooms, c.1., all convs.— Apply 100, Eden Terrace. 131 FLAT, furn., two rooms, own gas stove and range, c.1.—41, Khyber Pass. 2 large rooms, all convs, unfur T x " nished; superior.—72, Valley Rd. 218 "pLAT, furn., or Bed Sitting Room and -•- kitchenette.—l 7, Birdwood Crescent, Parnell. 205 "piLAT, 4 rooms, bath, e.i., convs. ; handy •*- first-, section; rent low.—Apply 324, Ponsonby Rd. XpLAT, small; adults only, every cony. and -L c.l.—Mrs. Turner, 19, Clarke St., Kingsland. Co 3 rooms, unfurn., partly furn. ; -»- own meter and convs.—Apply 42, Dryden St., Grey Lynn. furn., 1 or 2 rooms, own kitchen; **- also Single. Room; 32/6 week.—Onkleigh, 140. Symonds St. 2G9 BOOMS (5), kitchenette; handy Newton; 35/; refs. Motored to inspect.—llo, Balmoral Rd.. Mt. Eden. TJILAT, unfurn.. two rooms and kitchett - 1 - ette, handy bus and tram ; moderate.— 17. Orakei Rd., Renuiera. FLAT, self-contained, furnished, 2 rooms, own entrance hall, gas sfove, meter.— 132. .Tcrvois Rd., Ponsonby. 311 FLATS, self-contained, furn.. unfurn., lmin four trams, good locality.—Phone 25-341. or inquire Star 44C. D 4 FLAT, practically separate house; 3 ', rooms, baliiroom. kitchenette, all ronrs.—Buckley. 105. Nnfr North Rd. FLAT. Mt. Eden, fiirn., own bath, kltehen-ett-e, p.J.. telephone, self-contained: nUrnctive home.—7nqnir<? Star. r>B4 FLATS, unfurn., upstairs; bedroom, large kitchen, gas stove, sen. meter, bath, c.1.—23. St. Mary's Rd.. Ponsonby. TpLAT, self-contained, 2 rooms, kitchen- -*- ette; partly furn: tramline, second eectlon ; adults.—l6l. Mt. Eden Rd. "T7VLAT, unfurn., modern, self-contained, 2 •*- rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, balcony; overlooking harbour.—47. Sarsriold St.. exceptionally well furnished, two -*■ rooms, kitchenette, bathroom; best locality; 37/G good tenants. —Write M. 5580. Star. Self-contained, every cony.. ■*- mm. to tram and beach. —W. Boak, Hauraki Rd.. Takapunn. /^IRAFTON. —Two Rooms, large, self-con- " tamed. private, gas stove, c.1.—11, Carlton Gore Rd. __ GKAITON —Half House, furn.;. dining room, bedroom, kitchen ; sep. bathroom ; c.1.: adults.—l 7. Ligar Place. 196. KEY LYNN, 2nd section —2 nicely furn. sunny Rooms, kitchenette ; sep entrance, self-contained : 32/6. —20, Northcote St. HERNE BAY —urnished Flats, 2 rooms, convenient city, shops, beach ; adults.— Inquire Star. 692 PARNELL. —Flat, 4 rooms, c.1., convs.; near park, baths; reasonable rent.— Inquire Star. 390 "DOOMS (2), superior, furn.. kitchenette, '-'-•'modern cor#s.. sunny position, sep. entrance: phone.—l9o, Ponsonby Rd. 59 mAKAPUNA—"Castlerock." Brett Avenue. -*- under new management; superior Selfcontained Flats of 3 and 4 Rooms; good fishing and safe bathing: 1 mm. to bus and beach: moderate rentals. 161 TTNFURNISHED Flats, Dominion Rd., Ngarie Chambers, 3 rooms and modern conveniences ; 35/. —Samuel Valle and Sons. Ltd.. 83, Queen St. 22/fi — SELF -CONTAINED Flat, furn., , ' vr * e-1.. gas stove, separate entrance; business people.—lSO. Great North Rd. BICYCI.ES TOR SALS. A LWAYS a good selection of Reliable - rl - Second-hand Cycles at £5, fully equipped.—Clarke's, Newmarket. "D S.A., 2i, 1925 Model, as new ; 55-nj p h -»-»• 120-m.p.g. £.39 Cash.—lnquire St^r' . 634 (RENT'S Cycles, b.p.b., from £3 15/ • y Raleigh, fixed wheel, £3; Children's Tr.cyele. £I.—Fletcher, 2, Railway St Newmarket. ' I/" D iQfi S C Z C \ S ' ° Ut ° f repalr " Whnt offer - Terminus. Balm ° ral Rd - D ° ™-. JeTst wY a RUbber Co Ltd " IT > Willlk CATS FOR SALE.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
977Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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