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TO LET. OFFICES, centre of City, Short's Bldge., 154-loC; Queen St. —Uenry Allen, Sharebroker, Third Floor. D ONE THEE HILL —6 Kooms; big section, garden ; buses pass; 45/ weekly.—P.O. Bos 454, Auckland. T>APATOETOE. —Bungalow, 6 rooms, jX- furn., 45/, 7 weeks from December 18.—. T. Smythemau, SS, Queen St. PAPAKURA —Bungalow, 4 rooms, 26/; Seaside Bach, 13/0 ; 10 Acres, 5 Rooms, 45/. —Tylden, l'apakura. PAPAKURA —Early January, month or longer; modern 6 Booms, furn., piano, phone, lawn. —Tylden, Papaknra. TJARXELL —5 Rooms, £2 5/ week; Pon- -»- sonby—s Rooms, £2 10/. —Lillis, 19, Phoenix Chambers. US PONSONBY —6-roomed House, all convs., c.l. —Apply 32, Douglas St., Ponsonby. "DESIDJEXCE, large, to Let; every cony., -t* gnrage, fruit trees; £3 week, id advance. —Inquire Staii . 604_ ROOMS (5), kitchenette, all convs.; Heme Bay.—Apply 108. Victoria St. ROOMS (2), furn., sep. stove, meter; 20/; adults. —12, Collingwood St., Ponsonby. SEASIDE Bungalow, furnished, 3 rooms, kitchenette, sleeping porch; bathing, fishing; refs. required ; £4. —Write S. 5004, Star. SHOP and 3 rooms, 36, Virginia Avenue, Eden Terrace; rent £2. —Write 43, Station Terrace, Remuera. 92 SHOP, 20 x 90, best part Albert St.; plate glass front. —Gummcr, 44, Albert St., near Swanson St. BHOP, Karangahape Rd., business end; double-front, back entrance. —Jennings. 12, Brnnswlclr Buildings, Queen St. SHOP, brick, and living rooms, central position, Onehunga.—Particulars Carlton Land Agency, Onehunga. Phone 12-454. STANLEY PT. —6 Rooms, all convs.; good harbour view; 40/ payable advance. —Robertson Bros. (Auckland), Ltd., Quay St. 36 rriAKAPUNA.—Furn. House, 4 mine. ■*• beach, for fortnight, from January 9, 3926; £2 10/. —Write S. 4933, Stab. mAKAPUNA—Furn. Cottage, all convs.; -*- handy beach, tram ; any term.—67, Lake Rd., Takapuna. Phone 41-139. mAURArvGA—G-Roomed Town House, fur- - 1 - nished, all convs.; use cow and fowls; terms, £4 4/ ; refs.—C. J. Tuck, Tauranga. 47 rrVAUPAKII—S Rooms, 5 Acres, convs.; -*- weekly or aease.—H. R. Burrett, 14, Fort St. TO Let or Lease.—Office Room, divided into 2 compartments; Bank of N.Z. Buildings. Swansoa St. —Apply Bank of New Zealand. 216 "VTICINITY Museum—Lock-up Garage.— v Apply First Floor. 31. Shortland St. 4 ROOMS, over shop, all convs. —Apply TOO. Edpn Tprrace. 183 A ROOMS and kitchenette, furn., own "i range, meter, sleeping porch; adults.— 64. Albany Rd.. Ponsonby. 79 5 ROOMS including kitchen, etc.. of 6-roomod House, all convs.; rent 38/. — Curmick. 89, Green Lane Rd. 313 CITY HOUSE. Partly Fnrn. 6 Rooms. RENT 37/6. Apply 59, VIRGINIA AVENUE. 7.30 To-night", or 20, SECURITY BUILDINGS. 100 A RGYLE ST., Heme Bay—7 Rooms, kit- •&- ehen and kitchenette, all convs., £3. BECKEXHA'M AY., Epsom—s Rooms, £2 10/. KEPPELL ST. —6 Rooms, £2. PARK RD.— ~> Roams, £2 10/. GILLIES AY.— 6 Rooms, etc., £3 3/. SELBOURNB RD., Grey Lynn—s Rooms, £2 7/6. AITKEN TERRACE, New North Rd. —6 Rooms, £2 5/. SAMUEL VAiLE AND SONS, 83, Queen Street. T7IUKNISHED HOUSES.—CLAUDE RD., •E Epsom—7 Booms, £4. MARKET RD., Remuera —6 Rooms, £3 3/. RIDINGS RD., Remuera—7 Rooms, £4 10/. LANDSCAPE KD., Mt. Eden—s Rooms, £3. KING GEORGE AY., Epsom—7 Rooms, £3 3/. LUCE-RNE RD., Remuera—6 Rooms, £4 4/, GORDON TERRACE, Heme Bay—s Rooms, £4. ALLENDALE RD., Mt. Albert —7 Roams, £3 10/. KOHIMARAMA RD—6 Rooms, £4 4/ SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, 83, Queen Street. ■pOXAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, O'CONNELL STREET. MODERN OFFICES TO LET. On Reasonable Terms. Apply ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, 10, O'Connell Street. A
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR BAIA A MBEROL and Edison Diamond Disc xi - Records and Phonographs onJy at Edison Shop, 153, Queon St. D A UCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, 372", - C - Queen St., will gladly demonstrate the outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phonography j) "DOEHM Flutes, Banjos, Mandolins, Steel -*-* Guitars, Jazz Drums. Instruments on easy terms. —Sly, 144, Symonds St. C TJKASS Cornet, reasonable.—Apply or -*-» write 36, George St., Ponsonby. 95 "DUY and Exchange your Records at IS, ■*-» Darby St.; large selections available. All repairs cheaply executed. T>UY Your Xmas Instrument now! Our ■*-* Banjo-Mandolins, complete, £2 10/ are wonderful.—Meltzer Bros., 65 67 Victoria St. ** /XA.MPERS ! What about that Ukulele? We'll do j'ou them from 19/6. Moltzer Bros.. 65. 07. Victoria St. PLECTROMOPHON Electric Gramophone A-J Motors, Acceessories, best ever produced.—Sole Agents, "Phoneries," IS, Darby St.. Auckland. j[ Floor Cabinet, fine tone£11 for quick sale.—C77, Manukau Hd ' nr. Tramway Workshop. rj.RAMOPh'ONB Snips.—Oak Hornless yj with lid, 50/: Grippa Portable, 45/; Records, cheap.—7s. Kden Terrace. 73 GRAMOPHONES — Build yoM own" Motors Tone Arms, Accessories, Plans. Particulars, ■•Phoneries," IS, Darby St Auckland. '^ "IXTUSICAL Instruments, every description "- , - 1 - to be Auctioned. Tremendous savin"' To-morrow and Wednesday, at 81-83 Victoria St. ■RECORDS Exchanged, 1/; no worn-out •*••' stock; thousands to choose from Cinema House, 161, Hobson St. ' D "yiOLIN Repairs skilfully executed r Restoration. Adjustments a speclaltv. St., > A?c'i!ia n 9 a. Pltl,n " Ston Buildi "° S ' Q"^g
MUSICAL INBTRUMENTB WANTED. "DORTABLE Gramophone;, second-hand la """""i OPT.TRY FOR SALE. p-EDIGKEE 8.0. Hen, 13 Chickens 22/0WHITE Leghorns (30) lor Sale ;"~10 Star." 1 ° ]d; 0/ «»*'-taanlw DOGS FOR SALE. AIREDALE!* 4 pups, ■, woeks old; eheun -"- tor immediate sale—Write Kissiin.? Hall Ay., Otuhnhu. 68 in OX Terrier Dog for sale, S months "ow" - 1 - good ratter; price £I.—Apply 14 (°nl lege Hill. Phone ' S,o IIUSUI lUSU Terrier, oue year old, for silo" cheap.—lnquire Star. ° r "J^ \T7IKE-haired Terriers, male and >» good ratters, young, well bred—H Knigge, Beach Rα., Pt. Chevalier. ? MOTOR REPAIRS. -pORD Radiators lent, no charge whilLS sr'^o^^T^^ 3 *™% Motor^ 1 RePairS ' A «*MQrtes, see Sexton "IyrAGNETOS — Guaranteed Repsairs to guarantee.—Turnbull and Jones' A
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
890Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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