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PUBLIC NOTICES. ■\T-OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. I. JOHN RIACH. Kolmar Road. Papatoetoe. hereby give notice that I have applied to the Magistrate's Court at Otahuhu" for a License under the Land Agents Act, 1921-2-J, to carry on business as a land agent at Woollams' Building, Great South Road, Otahuhu, and that such application will be heard at the above Court after one mouth from the 30th day of November. 1925. being the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Otahuhu this 30th day of November, 1923. 392 (Signature) J. RIACH. yearning to all inhabitants of * * auckland and the surrounding districts. and for the owners of local fishing and pleasure boats. Bis Majesty's ships Dunedin and Laburnum of the New Zealand Squadron will ] carry out day and night firings in Hauraki Gulf from December S to December 13, 1925 • both dates inclusive. (Signed) ALISTER BEAL. Commodore Commanding 3 New Zealand Station. A SSTGNED ESTATE C. F. NORTON. ■«- JEWELLER, late of 201. Karangahape Road. Auckland, by deed dated October 9, 1925. The creditors of the above-named who have not yet signed the deed are requested I to forward their claims with full particulars ito mc at address below, on or before : FRIDAY, December 4. otherwise they may be excluded from the benefit o£ any distribution. I F. T. EYRE, F.P.A. (N.Z.), Trustee, 216, Victoria Arcade. Auckland. 6 i « SURPLUS MILITARY STORES. NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF TAUMARUNUI AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. A Disposal Depot will be opened in Taumarunui during the week for the sale of .surplus Military Stores in Meredith House Sample Rooms, off Marae St. Local paper will show date of opening. See Posters at Post Offices for list of Goods for Sale. C. F. BISHOP, Capt., T Oi/c. Disposal Depot. "Vf"R. R. J. ENTRICAN wishes to notify .•*- his many Friends and Clients that h*e is retiring from Business as a Land and Estate Agent as from November 30, 1925. With many thanks for your past favours, Yours faithfully, R. J. ENTRICAN, National Mutual Life Buildings, Shortlaud Street. pROTECT -yOUR TJROI'.ERTX •p.ROM rmiE "RUINOUS "DORER. Yon insnre your property against fire autt other risks. But do you insure it asainst that greatest of all property destroyers— Wood Borer ? There is only one way or effectively combating Uiis ruinous pcst — have your buildings fumigated with TVLADE'S T>ATENT AS. Instantly eradicates from all buildings, furniture, bedding, etc., every kind ot vermin—Borer. Bugs. Fleas Moths, Cockroaches, Rats acd »lice. Blade's Gas is also a Powerful Germicide and Disinfectant, and the greatest boon to property pn-ners yet invented. Properties Inspected and Quotations Given Free. ■gLADE'S pATENT pAS QO., /PREMIER BUILDINGS. QUEEN STREET, •Phoue -H-173. AUCKLAND. AX rpHE "DUTTER "DOX. (PRODUCE SERVICE. LTD.). 1, CUSTOMS STREET WEST (Opposite Waitemata Hotel). CURSORY RHYMES. Auckland has a little shop. Its walls are white as enow: And people flock from near and far, So fast Us fame does grow. : For Butter best, and Eggs so fresh, And Cheese of ruddy glow; i Cream so rich, and Tea so good, And prices that are low. SHOP AT rnH E t> UTTER T»OX ; (PRODUCE SERVICE. LTD.). 1, CUSTOMS STREET WEST. (Opposite Waitemata Hotel.) i SPECIAL LINES— 1 "SUNNTDAY" BUTTER, 1/10 per lb. I "SUNSTDAY" TEA, 2/C and 3/ per lb. FINEST CHEESE, 1/3 per lb. WHITE CLOVER HONEY. 1/1 and 2/6 per jar. NOTE. —No Boric Acid used in manufacture of our' Butters. MH A NDREW VERE AND CO. LTD.. Albert ; •"- St.. are now paying 1/9 for Hen. and 1/7 for Duck Eggs, free of commission, store charges, and cartage, at Auckland. ill AW, B n V A N T • (Successor to P. Bryant), COAL MERCHANT AND CARRIER, Tramway Buildings, Lower Albert Street, and Jervois Road. Ponsonby. Telephone 40-670 C i DANCING. THE GENUINE OLD-TIME DANCE. DRUIDS' HALL, NEWTON. TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY. Spot Waltz, Chocolates, and Cigarettes. Auckland's Best Dance Orchestra, in up-to-date tuneful numbers. Expert and Select Management. Ladies 1/, Gents 1/6. 187 W. E. McMICHAEL, Hon. Sec. FOOT-WEAK. T ADIES' Nubuck Shoes, latest cut-out ■" designs, from 17/9, all sizes. — Law's. 158, Karangahape Rd. c HOSTSVRY A /(* —BOND'S "Super-weight" Hose, new- */ " est shades ; now 4/6. —Falkner and Co.. 252. Queen S" ,) FINANCIAL. WANTED, Sound Second Mortgage for purchase ; cash immediately.—A. Steward, Box 1671, Auckland. 102 f rXA WANTED, first mortgage, 7 per dwdOli cent, new Bungalow ; value £1050. Builder, B. 5302, Star. iqi £7(\O REQUIRED, m-st mortgage, 7 per '"" cent: new bungalow; sound security. Owner.—B. 5301, Star. 36
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
745Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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