DYERS ASP CLEANERS. "rpHE EMPIRE" NEEDS YOU, J- YOU NEED "THE EMPIRE." ? ? WHY ? ? Because if you are thrifty and economical you will not throw away your Old Suits, Costumes, Frocfes, etc. Just send them to EXPERT MODELLING, " THE EMPIRE," or ring up No. 44-707, and our vans will EXPERT DYEING, EXPERT CLEANING, EXPERT REPAIRING. Old Garments made as new in a few days at a trifling cost. COUNTRY ORDERS receeive special prompt attention and Return Postage Paid. Special Fur Department for the Renovation and Remodelling of all kinds of Fur Works. EMPIRE CLEANING AND DYEING CO., (Furriers, etc.), 258, Queen Street 1 (Opposite Main Entrance, Town Hall). By Special Appointment to His Excellency. ! Viscount Jeliicoe. C THE TTOLIDAYS ARE /DOMING! HE J-J-OLIDAYS VVOMING ! How about the old suit and the old costume or frock you wore last summer? What have you done with them? Suppose you let us have them ? We can make them fit for 1 holiday -wear and save you the expense of buying new. Never mind if they are out of date. We can re-model to latest mode, and repair them and beautifully cleaned and , pressed, with the shabbiness taken right out of them you'll be astonished and de- ! lighted '. Suits or Costumes artistically . cleaned and pressed. 7/6. Call, write or phone- 21-374 or 21-500 for us to collect and deliver. mHE /-IROTHALL \\, 7AY T) EY AND "TiYEING /^O., 48, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. 137, SYMONDS STREET. 109, DOMINION ROAD. NEWMARKET —Neit P.O. PONSONBY —Opp. P.O. ONEHUNGA —QUEEN STREET. CITY AGENT: ARNOTT, la, QUEEN ST. : WORKS AND HEAD OFFICE: 33-35, EDENVALE RD., MT. EDEN AND VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON , C FOB BETTER CLEANING AND DYEING Try THE AMERICAN DRY-CLEANING CO Head Office and Works: Tuperiri Rd.. Greenwood's Corner. (Opp. Tram Workshops.) ;j We Collect and Deliver. Phone 20-534. , i Suits and Costumes, 7/6; Hats. 2/6. ' Accordeon Pleating and Hemstitching a Speciality. C VV E have Cleaning and Remodelling De- ' »» partments fjr Ladies' and Gents' Hats. • Cox'b Hat Factory, Karangahape Rd. D' : T\7 H. DREW for Cleaning, Dyeing, rI V\ • Renovating of ■ all descriptions.—79. • i Wellesley St. 'Phone 46-629. c • ' AA-(iC\(\~ CARPETS Cleaned and Disin- •! ** UW fected. Electrical Beatl ig I Vacuum Process.—Domestic Vacuum Cleani I Ing Co.. Strand Arcade. D
Page 5 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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