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FINANCIAL. A T. 8.5., 2 Shares, 59th Group, £4 paid; ■"■'what offer;— Write B. 5306, Stab. 01 A T. 8.5.—2 Shares Group 49 ; £12 4/ in; what offerV—Write B. 5251, Stak- 90 A T.8.C., Group 47.—Two Shares, fully ■"-• paid : £1C 12/. What offer.—Write M. 5460. Star. A UCKLAND Uuilding Society Shares - ri - wanted, groups 30 to 3S ; send particulars and price.—Box 0. Thames. 114 "ITONEY lo titna on Mortgages, current -*- TJ - rate. —Baker and Swan, Lister Bldgs., Victoria St. E. ? D ■jirOKTGAGES — Secones anO Firsts, -*-'-*- wanted immediately; cash purchase; I any amount. —W. L. Butler, 04, Queen St. D "VrORTGAGES, sound, wanted to Buy, at xyj - reasonable discounts; cash buyers waiting.-—George Mayhill, 5, Phoenix, Chambers, D j CJ HARES (4). Northern Co-op. Building' J Society. Group 4 ; £24 paid, accept i £16. —Write F. 4574. Star. SHARES [2>. Auckland Building Society, £17 S/ . fully paid-up; take £15; urgent.—Write F. 4940, Star. , QMALL Loans granted to Civil Serrants, Schoolmasters and others, in permanent positions on simple Promissory Notes, Furniture without removal, and other securities. —Genuine, P.O. Box 1654. . __D UNIQUE Investment wilL secure future' independence; small outlay: easy . terms.—Apply Genuine. P.O. Box 325. j 4?17X DISCOUNT off £53.3; £180 oK cWX • «-* £07.-.: £80 off £275; £60 off £300.— Butler. 04. Queen St. -C-9QX REQUIRED, good Second Mortgage, showing IS p.e.—Home, i Limited, corner Hisrh St. and Vulcan Lane. -<?(IX(\ WANTED, House. Devonport: cwUOU concrete roads: £1150 refused: not selling.—Whittaker's, Everybody's Agents, Phoenix Chambers. " i TMMEDIATE PRIVATE ADVANCES. £5 T0 - £100. ON Furniture. Pianos, Sewing Machines (without removal), Building Society Shares, Life Policies, and other Approved Securities. Without Fees, Fuss, or Empty Promises. USE OTTR MONETPAY IT BACK ON EASY TERMS. LIBERAL LOAXAXD piXASCE QO., Ground Floor. PALMERSTON BUILDINGS ; 47. QUEEN STREET, CITY. D ryEEKLV SAVINGS INVESTMENT. * r ONE SHILLING contributed weekly toward A UNITY SERVICE BOND PROVIDES FOR :— 1. Cash Payment after Seven Years. 2. Educational Annuity in ]4 Years. 3. House Property Endowment 20 Years 4. Superannuation Annuity 40 Years. 5. Guaranteed Security under "Trust Deed " Motto : " MUTUAL, SERVICE." You supply trees, we supply land and tend same until maturity. j CO-OPERATIVE TREfc PLANTING SOCIETY, LTD., Station. Mill. Mine and Quarry Owners i Auckland Office: 10, Ferry Buildings. D ' AND TjiINANCE ■ COMPANY, T IMITED. 34. COLWILL CHAMBERS, SWANSON STREET. CITY. •PHONE 2191 (Three Rings). Di: \TTHEN FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED i »V place your reliance in i TnE "RELIANCE." Tvhen you call on us in connection with your financial worries, you can rely on courteous attention, sound advice, and feel confident that the interview will be strictly rouiidential. for we are a financial I firm •with an enviable reputation for FAIRNESS. HONESTY. AND ' HIGHEST BUSINESS INTEGRITY. Immediate advances on Furniture, Pianos. Sewing Machines (without removal). Motor Cars, Building Society Shares, and every class of security. You can choose your own terms of repayment and interest will be at the lowest rate. Existing loans paid off. Remember our name—it is your guarantee of satisfaction." mHE TJELIANCE T OAN AND pOMPAXY, T TD., I IRVINE'S CHAMBERS (First Floor), ' 32, QUEEN STREET. Thone 42-909. J. S. EMAN'UEL, Managing Director. (Branch Office: HAMILTON.) Hours : 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday evenings,> 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. r> i THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED LOAN ! COMPANY IN AUCKLAND. j We Lend Money on any Security, such as ' PIANOS, FURNITURE, etc., without removal: also BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES. Terms of repayment to suit yourself. Offices so situated as to give utmost ! privacy. Inquiries treated strictly confidential. JEWELLERY, ETC., We Lend en above at Half the Current Ruling Hate in Auckland. ' TDEAL T OAN AND TfUNANCE r>O., LIMITED. ALSTON CHAMBERS, 63, QUEEN ST. Phone 44-577. T> /"iITY LOAX AND FINANCE COMPANY. WE LEND MONEY ON ANY SECURITY, such as PIANOS. FURNITURE. SEWING MACHINES (without removal), BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES, MOTOR CARS. Loans Granted Day of Application. Our Interest is Lower than all others. Our Repayment System is recognised the Easiest in Auckland. Inquiries treated Strictly Conflden- ' tial, and absolute privacy and honest treat- j ment guaranteed. CITY" LOAN AND FINANCE COMPANY, 3rd Floor, Room 22, Ilellaby's Buildings, Queen Street. j Opposite G.P.O. D ■pQUITABLE T OAN & TjMNANCE QO. you to obtain the Money you I J—' need without Fuss or Delay. QUICKLY settles your Financial Troubles , with absolute privacy. tTRGENT Loans made the.same day as , ' applied for. INTEREST is lower than in any other Office in Auckland. TREATMENT that will satisfy you and show that we can be' of Real Assistance to you. A DVANCBS made on any Reasonable -"- Security (without removal). BEING the Old-established Company noted for Reasonable Charges, a Square Deal, with Repayments to suit yourself. T OANS in Other Offices Paid Off. Larger
We ,-rivp PLAIN. STRAIGHTFORWARD ! Quotations for Loans on Pianos. Sewing Machines. Furniture. Bond Warrants. Building Society Shares, Motor Cars, Promissory Notes, and Every Class of Security. WE MAKE NO CHARGE IF BUSINESS ! DOES NOT RESULT. j EOUITARLE r.OAN AND FIXAXCE CO., HIS MAJESTY'S ARCADE (Second Floor).! QCKEX STREET. 'Phone 44-720. C JOAN AND TjMNANCE I FACTS WORTH KNOWING. We are now Lending Money at LOWER INTEREST than any other Office, and our REPAYMENT SYSTEM is recognised as the EASIEST IN AUCKLAND. Being established over 10 years, our REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALINGS can be thoroughly relied upon. An important point is loans are conducted with STRICTEST PRIVACY, and, as NO FEES ARE CHARGED, it will PAY YOU to see up before going elsewhere. WE ADVANCE any Amount on FURNITURE. PIANOS. MACHINES. MOTOR CARS (without removal) ; also PROMISSORY NOTES. ' i LOANS IN OTHER OFFICES PAID OFF AND LARGER AMOUNTS ADVANCED. ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TOAN AND TfIIN.ANCE flO.. WYNDHAM CHAMBERS, opp. Gas Co., j WYNDHAM ST., CITY. Phone 42-061. D \
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
939Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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