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AUCTIONS. I gMALL /CONSIGNMENT pARPETS. Bl* ORDER SHIPPING COMPANY. <yX "\TE\V /CARPETS O>X I uO ->ew Carpets —-> ox — "V EW oarpets — 9^ —•-» -"-'} IJIO-MORROW TUESDAY). "T)EC - . AT -J P.M. AXMINSTERS. WILTONS, TAPESTRY. AXMI.WSTERS, WILTONS, TAPESTRY. (Sizes to Suit all Rooms.) On View Morning of Sale Only. p EORGE yyALKEK, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. PHONE 43-3'u. 44 PHONE 44-3JIS. AND /COMPANY, rpO-MORROW (TUES.), AT -J-J O'CLOCK, IN THEIR MART, 3 HOMES FURNITURE. AND FURNISHINGS IN OAK AND RIMU REMOVED TO THE MART FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE. 3 PIANOS. , EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME, MART PACKED TO THE DOORS. TERMS CASH. ;C2QUIRRELL AND p*OMPANY, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. 14. VICTORIA STREET EAST. 13 TTNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT j ">F NEW ZEALAND, AT AUCKLAND, AT THE REQUEST OF THE MORTGAGEE, in exercise of the power of ' sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage Number 72839. DWELLING OF 5 ROOMS known as Number 44, Francis Street, off Richmond Avenue, Grey Lynn. Every convenience and in good order. ttAMUEL -yAILE AND CONS. T TD., Will Sell by Pulilic Auction at their Sale Rooms, No. 83, Queen Street, Auckland, on TfRIDAY, JANUARY IX 1020, AT Q O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON. A LL THAT PARCEL OF LAND contain- ■"■ in? 17 12-lOth perches, more or less, being part of Lots 65 and 06 on a plan deposited In the Land Registry Office at Auckland, under No. 4557. and is part of Allotment 4, Section f>. of the Suburbs of Auckland, and being the whole of the land comprised in Volume IU2. Folio 00. AucK- | land Land Registry, subject to Fencing | Covenant contained in Memorandum of Transfer No. 31810. Terms may h? arranged. The Mortgagee's application containing j his estimate of the vnlue of the property j may be seen at the Office of the Registrar , of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at ; Auckland, at all reasonable times prior to I the sale and a true copy thereof at the J sale rooms at the time of the time of the j sale without payment of any fee. i For further particulars and conditions of j sale apply to Messrs. Morpeth. Gould, and Wilson *22S Queen Street. Auckland. Solicitors for the Mortjrazee. or to Samuel Vaile and Sons, Limited, the Auctioneers.^ TJ EMUB RA. TJ EMUE RA. c i I QEMI-BUNGALOW. ONLY 4 MINUTES TO 3RD SECTION CARSfc POST OFFICE AND SCHOOLS. XO. 4. STATION TERRACE. NO. 4. STATION TERRACE. Off Clonuern Road. -piEIDAY, T-\ECEMBER i AT O O'CLOCK. -ROBERTS AND QO., Will Sell, at their Rooms, .Tellicoe Chambers, corner Queen and Wyndham ; Streets, a SUPERB QEMI-BUNGALOW TTOJIE, Containing 7 beautiful rooms, together with front and back porches, in first-class order throughout ; latest art papers, picture rails, built-in wardrobe, linen press, wtndow seats, casement and leadligbt windows : hot and cold water, porcelain bath and basin, washhouse copper and tubs; city drainage. Level Section, nearly i-acre. beautifully laid out in well-kept hedges, lawns, front and back, surrounded by beautiful homes. A Low Trice has been Fixed to Secure a j Ready Sale. Easy Terms. Immediate Possession. Property Flagged. S DENTISTRY. MY OWN SPECIAL METHOD OF PAINLESS EXTRACTION Possesses Many Great Advantages Which are Distinctive. HERE ARE SOME AMONG OTHERS : 1. NO PAIN. 2. NO NEED to come back the second time or oftener, as under other methods. 3. EXPERT EXTRACTIONS. No broken teeth or stumps left in the gums. 4. PERFECTLY SAFE for all ages. I can safely use it on a patient of So 5. HAVE A WEAK HEART, or suffering from other complaints, it will not affect you. G. NO PAINFUL PRICKING. 7 NO SWOLLEN GUMS. S. ABSCESSED TEETH are painlessly extracted. J9. EXTRACTIONS FREE when teeth are I ordered. Also ANALGESIA. The Most Marvellous Discovery in Dentistry of the Age. You can have your Teeth Drilled, Filled, Prepared for Crowning, Bridge Work, Pivots, etc., without tte Slightest Pain Whatever, l'ou are conscious, yet unconscious to pain. And I have proved this Most Wonderful Machine to be an Absolute Success in every operation. Therefore Patients who are nervous need no longer fear the Dentist. PAINLESS DENTISTRY MY ROOMS IS NOT A MYTH, BUT A FACT. ■pvENTIST / . IyrUNROE "piIANUEL, FIRST FLOOR. ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS. (Nest G.P.0.). OPEN EVERY EVENING. Telephone 41-604. Take Elevator. A -VTOUR CHRISTMAS TEETH. MR. MARTIN has Large Selections of Best Teeth to suit all ages. Best materials used, all work guaranteed, fees moderate. Plates. £'.i 3/ to ±"o 5/. Stoppings from 3/. Gold Inlays from £1 1A Painless extractions a speciality. J. MARTIN, DENTIST, Over National Bank, Karangahape Road. C BETTER Teeth for less money at Howey Walkers's. 200. Queen Street. D VT7HAT is worth doing is worth doing ' « well. Get your new Teeth at Howey ' Walkers. D
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
783Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.