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AUCTIONS. pREAT pLEARANCE S ALE ' pEORGE VT'ALKER WILL SELL r.Y PUBLIC AUCTION, mO-MORROW, rpuESDAY, AT "J -J O'CLOCK. rpHE QOUI'LKTE QONTENTS OF £ SUBURBAN TTOMES. • Reiuovrrt from flip Residences of: >ir.S. ASKEW. Stewart St., Mr. Eden. MR BAMFOHD. Arney ltd.. Rerauera. jins. JKNKINSON. Lawrence St., l'oneonby. MRS. DAVIDSON, Hurnley Terrace. Mt. ' Eden. MR HILL. Grand Avenue. Me. Albert. MR HEALKY. England >St.. Ponsonby. MBS JAMIKSCN. Syinonds St.. Onebuiwi. jjjjS.'NOLAN, Sherwood Ay.. Grey Lynu. • DETAILS: DINING-ROOM. — HANDSOME OAK SIDEBOARD with B.P. Mirror. Cutlery.. Glassware, Vases. OVAL OAK DIVING TABLE, Cutlery. Dinnerware. fi H.n. OAK DINING CHAIRS, with Mnnuette Seats. Pictures. Oak Occ. Table. BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD SUITE of •" Pie'-es. nphol. ill Fawn Moqnettp. S.G. Chairs. AX. and Rev. Floor Rugs. SMALL DULL POL. >SIDKBO\RI>. Glass Spills. ROUND D.P. DINING TABLE. fl-PIRCE DININGROOM SUITE, iiphol. in Real Leather. Palm Stands and .Innlinieres. O.R. SETTEE AND MOQUETTE SQUAB. O.R. Hall Seat. Hatrnrks. Curtains. Blinds. rOL. K. SIDEBOARD. 5-pieee Settee Suite. Table Cover. B. Kerbs and Fenders. D.P. Occ. Table. Willow and Wicker Chairs. Easy Chairs. Kauri Hallstand and Hosts of Usual Kni'-k----nacks. BEDROOMS.—SOLID OAK BEDROOM SUITE of 4 Pieces, comprising Spacious Shaped Mirrored Wardrobe and Comb. Dressing Chest, Pedestal. Toilet Cupboard, and full sized Oak Bedstead en suite. H.S. Wire Wove. Good Kanok Bedding and Pillows, Toiletware. Curtains Ax. and Rev. Floor Rues, Box Seat HANDSOME WALNUT AND POLISHED BEDROOM SUITE of 4 Pieces, consisting of Large Double Mirrored Wardrobe. Large Comb. Chest. Toilet Cupboard and llnssive Double Bedstead to match. Wire Wove. Kapok Beddins, Pillows, etc.. O.R. COM CHESTS, lr. S. AND D. OILED RIMU BEDSTEADS AND WIPiE TV'OVES Kauri Com. Chests. Chests of Drawers. 4-PIECE OAK BEDROOM SUITE, with Oval Mirrors. Med. Chests. Good Beddins. D.P. Com. Chest. Floor Rujrs. S. and D. Iron Bedstearts and Wire Woves. and Bedroom Plenishmeuts of every description. KITCHEN — HOOD GLASS-FRONTED KITCHEN DRESSER (in the white). 6 Kitchen Tables, Kitchen Chairs of all kinds. Crockery and Cooking Utensils Of every description. Conches. Blinds, Curtains." Floor Rugs. Pictures. B.M. Fenders, Lawnmowers. Garden Tools. Trunk. Books. Wringer, Enamel Ware. Meatsnfe. Mills Cans. Pres. Jars. 2 SHOW CASES, Gas Stove, Gas Hotplate, and Sundries too numerous to detail. MART TAOKED. MUST BE CLEARED. Special" Invitation to the Trade. p EORGE TX'ALKER. THE FURNISHING AUCTIONEER. SALEROOMS, 3S. QUEEN ST. 43 -\,r I -v l i n c r r. "IT I L L I N E R V. • AT I L I. I N E R Y. ! "\r I L L I N E X Y. AT 12.30 A - M :- mO-MORROW rpUESDAY, AT OUR ROOMS. QUEEX STREET, Of\f\ QJPRING TTATS. EXCLUSIVE MODELS. ALL LATEST DESIGNS. A H AX F OR A LL A H AT F OR A LL ALSO : 10 PORCELAIN BATHS. 1 HIGH-GRADE PIANO. 4 DROPHEAD SEWING iIACHINES. 1 IRON SAFE. 3 Tgoo o s f«- tcke £500 O VK F LIENIT ' :RE VXD 7 j?, 00518 T r ooms n -dooms 7 J^OOMS OF GOOD USED FURNITURE. 40 SMALL "B^l^xeox, THE BIG* QUEEN STREET \UCTIONKER, QUEEN STREET, OPP. COURT'S. jg Tyj-oTOh gars. M OTOB C ARS ' QARS. QARS. XMAS rnKSEXTS FOR ALL. J X ROBERTSON, L TD., J. R, R OBERTSOX > L- TDWILL SELL AT FISHER'S GARAGE. 130, DOMINION RD. (Noar Valley Rd). ON miIURSDAY AT O'CLOCK. /CLEARING SALE OF THE FOLLOWING MOTOR CARS, which are now on view at Fisher's Garage : — 1 8-CYLINDER. "-Passenger, self-sta,rter, c 1 well upholstered and good rubber. 1 HUDSON. Model. 7-seater, ttrst-class condition, up-to-date. 1 NASH 5-SEATER TOURING CAR. firstclass order, self-starter. Will ko anywhere and will give undoubted satisfaction. 1 nUDSON PHAETON. Wouth inspection. 1 1021 OLDSMOBILE SPORTS MODEL, very fast. A car suitable for gentleman with small family. 1 OVERLAND LIGHT CAR, colonial built body. The prettiest little car in Auckland. 1023 BUICK SPORTS MODEL, upholstered in red leather, wire wheels, spare tyre, c.1.. and starter : excellent condition. 1 OLDSMOBILE 8-cylinder, in good condition, c. light. 1 3-4-TON TRUCK, in good order and condition. These Cars can. be sold on terms to approved buyers. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE.—We will' offer any other Motor Cars that anyone wishes at the Auction Sale, but they must b" Without Reserve. 3 A LBERT OTREET T AND TJOOMS. "piRIDAY. JAECEMBER \ AT 2.3O PM BY T}UBLIC A UCTION. XT x\. Instructed by MRS. E. E. WAL.LACELAWSON. XTER VERY FINE SEASIDF x± PROPERTY. AUDREY ROAD, off Tiri Road, with irontage to Mliford Beach. House o rooms, bathroom, washhouse. etc.. ?fls stove, water laid on: rock and concrete retainlns wall. L.T.T. Trams 3 mins. Lovely views. Easy terms. Also. On Account of MR. CHAS. PETTERSON, Tiri Road, Milioru". SECTION,' 60ft by 17C5ft (leveO. with House, 6 rooms, kitchenette and conveniences thereon ; 2 fires, ;Ms. water, garage and washhouse; close to trams and beach. L.T.T. Terms arranged. Properties Flagged. V 7 T OAN AND AGENCY CO., LTD., LOWER ALBERT STREET. 'Phone 40-920. 40
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
803Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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