INSTANTLY STOPS DIGESTIVE PAIN About ninety-five per cent of those who ! suffer from indigestion are really sui£ fering from acidity, and their pa# results from the effects of the harm|pl stomach acid. To check this therjps nothing so effective as Bisurated W&gnesia, which positively gives ivmant relief, yet is quite harmless. Ipfctors prescribe Bisurated Magnesia for apmach and digestive troubles, hospitalg|mse it, and thousands who have tried New Zealand unite in praising it. firmly established preparation is/igobtainable from all chemists in both jpwder and taiblet forms at very lowjfpriees, and stomach snifferers are advJSvd to avoid the consequences of negldffit by getting a package without delafe* See this sign em the pMkage when buying and you'iWknow you've got the world's jMst remedy.^
M | H#ps of Ladies' IT I Sfbes. ZW " Ml Styles, 2's %# fed 3s, at Hannah'sjtemporary premises in Kjrangahape Road, right odf. Post Office.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 16
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