M. & C.'s FOR YOUR DECEMBER SHOPPING] The Fashionable Shapes in Bowen Straw Each at 29/6 Seven shapes are sketched, and there are othejft from - * which you may choose, all expressive of the vogue for a smartly rounded crown, and brims of varying intentions, some turned up, others down, some wide, some narrow. Ribbon trimmed in such a variety of simple, yet effective, ways, and obtainable in several different head fittings, they have good service, smartness, and reasonable pricing all in their favour. Colours: Saxe, putty, brown, tan, mauve, and brick.
THE NEW INITIAL DOING YOUR AND MONOGRAM OWN SERVICE J CHRISTMAS Produced from fine quality felt, AT*TO\J^} the initials are a reliable washing | 1 IWINO. foundation over which to embroi- | J[ so , i n Dennison Crepe Paper is der, providing a wide choice in suggested a splendid medium for cifferent types and sizes, and in- the making of delightful flowers, ' eluding a splendid range of sports | favours, and effective decorations. j monograms in various colourings. Daily demonstrations are given in , ~ »i o „ n t-> c department on the "First In the McCall Pattern Department, Floori and helpfu , suggestions are I Second Floor. always willingly given. Bring the Children to Jungleland / and Toytown on the Fifth Floor /Milne <&> Choyce Ltd. — FOR SERVICE — Queen Street—. Auckland : V
Pl - -, -, ----- I. . I. -~-.. ' ■■ _■ / , - ,1 I- — I DO YOU REALISE JUST WHAT ATTRACTS S j THE GREAT PURCHASING PUBLIC ?- 1 I / / QUALITY! , j jii If quality unconsciously strikes your customer's eye/when he sees your well- | I printed Catalogue, Letterhead, Circular, Billhead/Price List, Card, etc., he f p! knows instinctively your goods will be of similar high quality. I I Let us-put you on the high road to extending your business by moans of 1 ill quality printing. " jjj jij - Our service is unique and conrprehensive, organised on the most up-to-data § 111 > lines, and based on an experience of over 50 years. 11l tH / ' ■ j, t;i jlj Ring 42-234 and ahall be happy to seed our representative % jlj to talk it over and give any help and information required. | I fip Irrtt f rtiting $c Pubitslitng flto., fiflt | j! Shortland Street— ._ Auckland |
Page 16 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 16
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