/sS£\ Favourite bILJv "Auckland's Keenest Prices." ' first Floor Department. 36-inch Art Silk J"uffre, Brocne effect, In Saxe, Apricot, 29-inch Coloured Fuji Silk, ror frocks, lingerie, etc.: in neiiu., i uih. aim . h\. P (nk skyi M auV e, salmon, Grey, rvavy, Saxe, White, 5 6 yard. a »d Black. 3/11 y«rd. 38-inch Silk Schappe flriarocain, in Grey. Royal, Tan. Fawn. V. nrisp. i;.jj<j. Reseda, Hello.. Ivory, and Black 40-inch Washing Batln. A pood, strong, serviceable C/Hi U .. H fabric. In Pink. Sky. Mauve, Saxe. Grey, Fawn, Flame. o/11 yara. Coral. Ml, Rose, Light Jade, .Mgger, Navy, White, and — Black. 38-inch Schappe Crepe. A soft, dainty all-silk fabric. 6/11 y«- rdr<>r frocks and llngerlp. in J'lnl;. sky. .\attier .Ml. ■ ——————— [S arei- ' " e " o ' >avv - lien,la ' Brown . Ivorj'. and 40-Inch Silk Georgette, in Cream. Pink, Hello.. Grey. a mm uanrf Apricot. Sky. Flame. Rose. Cardinal, Saxe, Salmon. a 11 y flrd - Brown, Navy, White, and Black. ' ~ 6/6 yard. 29-inch Stripe Fuji Silk, natural ground, with a Variety — '.r stripes, in .Navy, Saxe, Pink, Helio.. Green, and 29-inch Broche Fuji Silk, in neat dainty designs in I,larK - Pink, Sky, Ml, Helio., Cedar, White, and Natural. 3 11 yard. ~...., 29 "m,^itiP- tU^ a !^n U iH S " k, r e<?v , eral , re ' iable wearing 40-inch Silk Crepe de Chine, in Cream, Pink, Helio.. SvJunu' * mi ?hßrtrpn- -°«-p " I,ndPrwear - Rose, sky. Grey. Coral, Flame. Apricot. Saxe. Brown. pjjama3, snirts, and dnldiens wear. Mo i e , >i f g-er. Fawn. Nattier, Navy. White, and Black. 2/11, 3/3, 3/6, 3/11, and 4/11 yard. 5/8 yard.
mSII s P ecial °- s - Sizes, T• Is i Ladies' Morning " Coverall!," Jef iTflrnTryV fl ''' attractive design Delaln- //I / WJiih'V* - i /ill L £ ette, - ln ?ood 1,1,, ? shades flfi 1 1/1 l'J CftCtl fining Magyar Hair sleeve. round neck style, with loose \lTi ,ie helt- An ex,ra pood Extra Heavy, Durable, Smartly \ \ value -Leader"' price Striped Towels, elze 22 x 45. \ \ quick 'armm'l A well-woven, sort nni?hed \ \ 1 Medium ard Special Towel. recommpnded ror . . J 11 05. Sizes. bathing , use. A J.C.L. Leader te J \ " ;.eadcr Price," B J - inc that orTers unequalled L- Jri " Lwdir Priot," X "STAR ATTRACTIONS." Ladlei' 12-Bulton Fine Lida Gloves, de- — ■ — prndabJe fitting-, Eng-lish make, in Pas- ——— • Telle, White, Grey, and Beaver. An < j;_-t elbow-length, U3r.ful Summer Glove, Leuics AA - U »!. priced surprisingly low. Cnrsets Visit tne " Btar Attraction Price, TO-MORROW, L j Bargain 1/11 «i" P*"-. «»<* Basement Bcallcped and Embroidered whit. Lawn M and Camisole Tope, square style with snoul- gW v¥,ee» r,ifr Fsaraar AT der stra P s - A ruU-sfzed, user.n novelty, 1H offers poeitive 'jin rsazaar JV m attractive open designs. A "Star" price *»•»»• i» for many JJT oiler that means a diroct saving- to early Savings Oil Rll ii I shoppers. . ■ D«*u:__ excellent Bg Star Attraction Price, TO-MORROW, naming articles M 9 d each - Apparel, suitable for m r M m Q *« t f am amlu m Lingerie, Gifts. # rrqm a to n a.m. only. m Kimonos, Wonderful M Mail Orders not fc at "Star Am.rtin«" Underwear, range of B Nightdresses, Toys, Dolls, B Princess Slips, also showing. "AIWdiJS Bwy" T^S'. JOHN COURT, Ltd. Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers
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