LIDAY SUPPLIES HAVE A UKELELE THIS SEASON || Lots of Fun to he had. II Our Prices are at Least 25% Less || than anywhere. i | Auckland Piano Agency Ltd. f f 372 QUEEN STREET ";; 5 (Directly opposite Town IlalP . || SPECIAL ADVERTISING OFFER if To every purchaser or onn or our If Anchor Brand T«MUS we will present |i ABSOLUTELY FREE If A Genuine Swiss Lever Watch. if A Tlioroug-lily Reliable Timekeeper. 11 WE PAY POSTAGE. II SO DONt HESITATE. H __. f IJ ANCHOR BRAND REINFORCED CALICO II TENTS AND FLYS. f? 6 X 8X ?. 37/6 6 X SX 3, 476 || S X 111 X 2, 576 8 X lIU3, 67/6 II lv X Ii X 2, 77/6 10 x 13 x 3, 87/6 11 Unbeatable Value. Ii MELTZER BROS. 1--65-67, VICTORIA ST., AUCKLAND- f = n Ij. i ii FOR |I THE GIFT p 62 QUEEN STREET [f I At Entrance to Everybody's Theatre. \\ i GET A WASHING SUN HELMET II ! FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL. II Floys' Helmets, in liplit and dark fl I kliaki. jrrny and r.rssli. Price, 2/11. || i Pretty Floral Cretonne Helmets lor ii liirls. Price, 3/11. H I At Ashley's A.B.C. Stores j| KARANGAHAPE ROAD. II "ASIILKY'S BUSY COR.NF.R." \\ N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. || 1, HOWE STREET, AUCKLAND. If SIITS. OVERCOATS, DRESSES, HATS II CLEANED AMI MADK LIKE NEW. \\ Phone 41-399. H ] We will send our van to collect your |l j clutlie.s and return thoni within 2 i liuurs. || j THE "GREAT AMERICAN" W \ IIM.L-IiKAHI.NiI LAWN MOWERS ll Pennsylvania Make. \\ j Sizes 1.->m. I Tin. loin. l> i in. l> I £6 £7 £8/10/- £10 II i Guaranteed to Give Every Satisfaction, ii "■ I seel liy fiovernnient House II I and Auckland City Council. II ! Mason, Struthers & Co. Ltd. H ! CUSTOMS STREET EAST. I!
.. t m m M mmmm „ „ „ „ I I) EXHIBITION |{ II Novel and Unique. V. li Cornel -.'- I j Third Floor, STRAND ARCADE, fl II for j I' EDISON BELL i| Portables, jj 11 GERMINA 1| |l ENTIRELY A WHEAT PRODUCT. || ll Makes Splendid Puddings. ; || Procurable from Your Grocer. 1; || The Northern Roller Milling ! \l COWPANir, LTD., AUCKLAND. \ 11 FANCY GOODS TO BE THROWN OUT 1 II AT LESS THAN COST PRICE. 1 II Buy your Xmas Presents wliilc these I II Bargains last. I fl Shop premises lately occupied hy 1 II Porter's, Ironmongers, Queen Street. 1 l= Supervisor: i !! GEORGE WALKER I If AUCTIONEER. j I! N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. I if 1, HOWE STREET, AUCKLAND | [I Specialise In Cleaning- Clothes by i || Hemovlnj? all Orease Spots and Dirt i ll Marks. Let us have your Sports Suits, I ii Flannels, Blazers, etc. I if Phone 41-399. ! II We will send our van to collect your i j| clothes and return them within > i Hours. I : § """~ . " " '§ If SILK C OVES. i ll In all Colours, t ".-quarter I II Doub.. Tips, fl A Beautiful quality and Very DroS. J y. I l\ 8/11 pep pair. [ if Jang Hing Loong Co., Ltd. ] \\ 320 QUEEN STREET { ; r (Opposite Civic Square). I II N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. I II 1, HOWE STREET, AUCKLAND i ii Specialise in Cleaning Clothes Uγ I II Removing all Grease spot sand Dirt = Ii Marks. Let us have your Sports .suits, | II Flannels, lilazers, etc. | li Phone 41-399. i; II We will send our van to collect your § ; if clothes and return them within i i hours. | !! ly-ELLEWAY'S || ll 5.C.D.. NEWMARKET. || I 50 ONLY HONEYCOMB QUILTS, || I Single Bed— 6/11. I I D. BED UNBLEACHED SHEET- If j ING—2/5J yard. ||
Page 11 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 11
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