EX-END AND HO iiii-r- -i r j ■■ _~i| ■i"n"iii|iii||- l n ■, i j ;ni", .""li I'M , ' I il l i| ,i i . i II ACCORDEONS AND MOUTH \\ 11 ORGANS. I! ii I.arg-e Variety. Lots or Fun to he had. I! = 1 Our Prices are at Least 25% Less ii 11 than anywhere. f: ! I Auckland Piano Agency Ltd. 11 II 372 QUEEN STREET S; II (Directly opposite Towni Hall). |! =I = : 11. . .__., „_„_„_. I I 11 RADIO ACCESSORIES. I! li Imperia Head Phones (2000 "Inn?'. ;i i= 30/- complcto. Valve.*. Radiotmns, I? II all prades, 17/6. Loud Speakers, I! II 30/- up. All Hadi'i equipment. i = II Send fnr Kadin price List. |! II " STANDARD" || || OATMEAL (Coarse and Finei II || Quality, Freshness and Flavour Combined jj i\ Parked in 3 Jib Cartons. j j || Procurable rrom Your OroceP. I! Il The Northern Roller Milling fj y COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. jj II SURE TO PLEASE. II II A Pair of GREY FLANNEL TROUSERS jp 3 1 (Our Own MnkPi. I; || XMAS VAIUE PRICE, 27 6 Pair. il II HUNTER & SONS, LTD. [| jl 13 ELLIOTT STREET || || Just througrh Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND. i\ || I j| Sucklings I II B2 QUEEN STREET \\ II At Entrance to Everybody's Theatre. I If "RIVERINA SHIRTS" Tor Men arc ser- ! || vlceable and smart. We have them I 11 with Collars to match. In h smart ninpre. I i| or stripes, guaranteed rast colours. I |1 All sizes. A.LS.C. Price, 9/6. 1 11 Ashley's A.B.C. Stores I I! KARANGAHAPE ROAD. I li "ASHLEY'ri BUSY CORNER." I !! " STANDARD" i If ROLLED OATS. | II Always Fresh and of Delicious Flavour. |i \i Packed In 21b. Cartons. \ || Procurable from Your Grocer. I jf The Northern Roller Mil]ing I || COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. | II I If TENNIS EQUIPMENT. J 11 Racquets, Tresses, Balls, Tennis Nets, eu-. I II Full Storks <>r Famous -: ii " SPALDING " r.fIODS. : If Also. AYRES , TE.NMS BALLS. 1 || Racquets Strung- and Flestrunp to Order. | II Mason, Struthers & Co. Ltd. f || CUSTOMS STREET.
I EXHIBITION I 1 Three Flights High. I ] Come! I I WARREN'S J s — — " I I I I I Jethro Lock & Co. j I 12 Victoria St. West. [ j XMAS VALUES in LADIES , BAGS I I By far the best assortment of Quality, 1 = Fashionable Bag's for Ladies Is offered i i at Frank Wiseman's, Ltd. I I See our Newest Designs—The Very I I things Tor Girts. I 1 FRANK WISEMAN'S, Ltd. I I OPPOSITE H.IYI. ARCADE. I i I ; GERMINA i I ENTIRELY A WHEAT PRODUCT. 1 : Makes Splendid Pudding's. : - Procurable from Your Grorer. = I The Northern Roller Milling | I COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. 1 " CHAMPION " ; I MUSCLE RAISER FLOUR j : The Finest Obtainable. I ; Ask Your urocer for it. I The Northern Roller Milling I COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. I I SILK AND LISLE HOSIERY. ! { Good Quality. I.adderproor and Spliced. I I Excellent Wearing, and in all Shades i \ Only 3/11. | Jang Hing Loong Co., Ltd. j ! . 320 QUEEN STREET I I (Opposite Civic Square>. | "STANDARD" \ OATMEAL (Coarse and I'ine> I Quality, Freshness and Flavour Combined 5 ; Packed in 311b Cartons. Procurable from Your Grocer. , | ! The Northern Roller Milling I COMPANy, LTD., AUCKLAND. f } 1 KELLEWAY'S ' I ALWAYS CHEAPEST DRAPER.I 50IN. UNBLEACHED DAMASK— f| 1/6J yard. 22 x 22 HEMMED DAMASK NAPS jj 4/11 \-do7.en. :
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 11
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