I HAVE A MANDOLIN-BANJO | r this season. 1 I 1.0t3 of Fun to be had. 1 Our Prices are- at Least 25% Les3 1 I than anywhere. = I Auckland Piano Agency Ltd. I I 372 QUEEN STREET I (Directly Opposlto Town Hall). | I SENSIBLE PRESENT. ? I ROl .\fi OR SQIARE FA?»CY CUSHION. I ! All stiiides, fancy centre, rurkled piped I j effect. From 10/6. | | WARMAN & SONS | i 79 HOBSON STREET, AUCKLAND. I I, m „ ,„ „ |<— J ! "STANDARD" [ I OATMEAL (Coarse and Fine , ' I 1 Quality, Freshness and Flavour Combined 1 \ Packed in :)}■!> Cartons. I I Procurable from Your Grocer. I ! The Northern Roller Milling S \ COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. f = J I GIFTS THAT MEN WANT! j I Ladies! neclde what to R-ive him by I I visiting Frank Wiseman's, scores of I I appropriate ideas. Brnshes, Sliavlnff I I Sets, Suitcases, lland'Kig-s, sports \ Goods, etr. Plan a visit to : - I FRANK WISEMAN'S, Ltd. ! : OPPOSITE H.M. ARCADE. I I _ a _ I l " J \ Sucklings \ 1 B2 QUEEN STREET I I At Entrance to Everybody's Theatre, j I TOWELS FOR XMAS GIFTS. 1 I For bathers or household us*. Quality i ::■ Towels economically priced. I From 3/9 pair Tor J2ln. x 201n. size at | I WARMAN & SONS | I 79 HOBSON STREET, AUCKLAND, j I " HOUSEHOLD " f NECESSITIES. 1 "Champion" Flour. All 1 "Standard" Oatmeal. obtainable ] 1 "standard" Rolled Oats. from I I "Oerniina" for Pnddingrs. Your I "Semolina" for Pudding-s. Grocer. . ! The Northern Roller Milling 1 I COMPANY,.LTD., AUCKLAND. I "GRAMOPHONE" MOTORS ! ; Wonderful Value. Swiss Make. ! Two Sprinp-. £3/12/6 and £5. I I Make your own Cabinet and i use one of these Motors. I COME AND HEAR THEM!! I Mason, Struthers & Co. Ltd. I CUSTOMS STREET. | KODAKS AND BROWNIES II 14 °^ I " A^ EET !l We have a complete range or the II Latest Models In Kodaks and Brownies. j| ; 4 "ENSIGN" CAMERAS. J- The finest example or British Camera || construction. Size or picture, 2i x •$!- il Easy to operate. 11 With R.R. Lens £4/5/H With PT.7 Anastlgmat Lena .. £6 II £&lWlptc>rtj " 140 QUEEN STREET if fc.gr, AUCKLAND. 11 ~~ ~—"~~" ■■—••— || WATCH POCKET "CARBINES." 11 The Popular All-British "Ensign" if Cameras. Wonderfully efficient. PlcII tures are so clear cut and sharp. = = Will permit of hlg-g-est enlargements. || £2/12/-, £3/2/6, £3/17/6, etc. If *" 140 QUEEN STREET H *. Auckland. IS ENSIGN "REFLEX" CAMERAS. i= You see the full-size objert on the II focussing- screen up to the moment or ;| exposure. Slng-Ie Lens, £2/2/- and 11 £2/10/-. Focussing: Model, with F7.7, il £4/12/6. Anastlg-mat Lens. I 3&Vl*lU7foZ& " 140 QUEEN STREET !l AUCKLAND. ! 1 If HIGH-CLASS BEATEN BRASS WARE il Manufacturer's Samples. To he Cleared i at Prices that will Astound You. I What netter than this ror Xmas Presents? i Shop lately occupied hy 1 E. Porter A Co., Ironmongers, Queen St. ? Supervisor: I GEORGE WALKER I AUCTIONEER. j Jethro Lock & Co, IJ 12 Victoria St. West. ff ' " "~~"^"—"—"— ••—■■—•>—•>—•.— If FOR HOLIDAY USE. !| FAWN GABARDINK SHOWER-PROOF i| DUST COATS, lifrht and serviceable || Tor motoring-. 25/ Xmas Value. I) HUNTER & SONS, LTD. ;J 13 ELLIOTT STREET l| Just through Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND. II SPORTS GOODS OF EVERY II DESCRIPTION. II CRICKET, HOCKEY", TK.NNiS. Ktc || amoriß- the Samples to be sacrificed at || shop premises lately occupied b.v i= Porter's, Ironmongers. Queen Street. l= Supervisor." !! GEORGE WALKER || AUCTIONEER. II NOVELTY GOODS of r-wr.v description l| to be cleared at rniirh lower than rust II price. Samples that simply must he sold. II Shop premises lately ocrupli-d b\ i| E. Porter & Co., Fronnionifers, oueen St. || GEORGE WALKER I ' AUCTIONEER. : :t UNHEARD-OF PRICES FOR DOLLS, il MECHANICAL TOYS, SPORTS GOODS AND ALL FANCY GOOJS M At shop premises iHiely firciliilfd hy If E. Porter & Co., lronmcingcr.s, (jueun St. || GEORGE WALKER : AUCTIONEER. {I !j IV , IV" Newmarket and II Karang-ahape Road. il r.o\v*F.~T pricfs Fon iicii-orade [1 FOurWEUt IN Till-; liDMlMufl, FLEETFOOT TENNIS SHOES, 4/11 pair. IDEAL FOR CAMPERS. ! woor.t.K.N fii -ii m."';.-. :,ti x ~n 6ln. 1 Ijark Shadcj. llaril Wearing-. 17y6. | HUNTER & SONS, LTD. 13 ELLIOTT STREET | Just through Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 11
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