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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. A BAKGAIN for Someone.—s Kooms, Bir- •"• .kenhead, handy wharf; large section; i450.—-Inquire Star. 653 DKOWN'S BAY—Furnished Cottage, 3 ■*-* rooms and sleeping porch ; price, £400 ; deposit £50.—Alexander and Co., SS, Queen Si; 43 "DUNGALOW, new, Westmere Estate, ■*-* Cirey Lynn ; very cheap, and easy terms. — Write M. 5507, Star. TJ L'NGALOW, 5-roomed, Mt. Albert; prac- ■*-' tically new; every cony. ; £1275, take small deposit or mortgage deposit.— Write M. 5506. Star. piITY —10 Rooms, sound ; good order and position ; £1400, terms £150.— F. Rackham, 16, Wyndham St. ±100. Government mortgage, ■y £fi7o. Purchase price, £1250.—A Good 6-Roomed Semi-Bungalow, city drainage, c.1., every cony.; elevated section; close trams, 2nd section.—ALEXANDER AND CO., 58, Queen St. 204 Tj^PSOM —Bungalow, modern, tiled roof, •*-' elevated; £1550, terms arranged.—F| Rackham. 16. Wyndham St. Value; no middlemen; ' Homes built your wishes; Government or private loans. —7a. Hellaby's Bides. 211 NO Deposit required, purchase money as rent. Quite new Bungalow, 5 rooms on i-acre, between Western Springs and Avondale. Price ±"1100.—C. E. Archibald, Gleeson's Bld?s.. High St. UO "pOINT CHEVALIER—S Booms, kitchen- ■*- otte. c.1., gas stove, all convs; £075, deposit £100. Possession.—lnquire Star. 660 TJESIDENCE, 6-roomed, Islington St. -*-* Cash about £ 1250; bargain. What propositions?— Write S. 527 G. Stab. fPAKAPUNA—Five-roomed House, convs. -*• Section 75 x 145. Good garden. £SSO. 14, Fitzroy St.. Ponsonhy. Waterside, second section, 1 - 1 - mm. from car and beach, S Rooms ; 3f> perches, level, superior locality, splendid view; £1750.—C. E. Archibald, Gleeson's Bldgs.. High St. 110 X ROOMS, top Symonds St.: c.1., mm. " tram ; £50 deposit; £SSO. —Norman, 217, Karangahapp Rd. 4?9K DEPOSlT—Bungalow. 4 rooms and CW -** J ' kitchenette ; price £075.—Home, Ltd.. High St. 4?KfJ DEPOSIT.—6-Roomed Villas. Balanre £1000. Handy city.—Crichton, 6H. Quepn St. -P7K DEPOSIT—Mt. Albert.—New Bun- <=■■'»«■' galow, 4 rooms and kitchenette, c.1.. p.b. and b., califont. all modern convs. ; splendid views; close to trams; vacant. Balance, £1000.—Thode and Co., 17, Phoenix Chamber? -PI AH DEPOSlT—Epsom.—New Modern O ~^ J -'-' , -' Bungalow, 5 rooms and fcitchenette. c.1.. electric hot water system, built-in cupboards, bins. etc.: sleepin™ porch : large level Section. Balance, £1400. — Thode, Phoenix Chambers. -P QT^V - BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, kitchenIfj ■ cUp . all convs .. on iy i 25 cash Hornp. Ltd.. High St. -P "I OQX —REMUERA—5 Rooms, garage, cwJ - Ut,,J electric ; deposit £100 or offer. Laycock and Faithfull. 32. Queen St.. 212 £1 £473, balance Rent— ( *-"" 1 ' Fonr-roomf>d Buniralow: n.1.. evpry convenience.—l 24, "Wheturangi Rd., Epsom. . £1125, £1123 ' m - -5 £125 Deposit buys this magnificent 6ROOMED BUNGALOW, every modern cony., including range, gas stove. Built of the best" seasoned timbers. Section 66ft frontage, area i-acre, laid out in orchard, live hedges, lawns and garden. Situated near Hall's Corner, 2min from tram and beach. J. M. McVEAGH, LTD., 3, Swanson Street. 107 MT. ALBERT.—PRICE £1000, DEPOSIT £75. High slopes, glorious views, very healthy; 3 mins. cars. New Bungalow, 4 rooms and kitchenette, sleeping-dining porch; also front and back porches. Very nice papers, and well fitted kitchenette, gas stove and califont; c.1.. bath, basin sink, washhouse, copper, tubs under one roof. Section 50 x 180. Balance as rent at 32/6 per week. DOMINION RD.—5 Rooms, absolutely all convs.: price £1250. Deposit about £100. Balance as rent. These Properties priced for quick Sale, and I will consider any reasonable proposition. For Particulars see Owner. S. L. WALLATH, 114, Park Rd. Phone 43-374. EPSOM. BARGAIN. Situation Is excellent. Easy walking distance to Diocesan. St. Cuthbert's, Grammar and Public Schools. Two minutes trams. A FINE SUBSTANTIAL FAMILY ■ RESIDENCE, needs painting and papering; 6 large rooms and verandahs, with p.b. and I)., califont, h. and c. water, range, gas stove. 2 fireplaces; city drainage; electric light. Land Freehold, level (approx.) 66 x 175; outbuildings. PRICE £1450. DEPOSIT, SAY £200. QUANE AND" IIAUDER, 18, SWANSON STREET. 201 AN IDEAL BEACH RESIDENCE. Situated on one of the best mainland Beaches within easy distance of the city by launch or by road. Well-built House of three rooms, wide sleeping porch. Fully equipped, ready for immediate occupation. Price, £050 and terms arranged. RUTHERFORD, ROBINSON AND AUSTIN, LISTER BLDGS., VICTORIA ST. 110 £50 — DEPOSIT — £50 PAPATOETOE. "VTEW MODERN BUNGALOW, just finished. 4 Large Rooms and kitchenette ; two large built-in wardrobes, linen press, bathroom, pore, bath, shaving cabinet; beam ceilings throughout ; 3 rooms are panel papered; all timber is hand-dressed: two open fireplaces; Orion range, h. and c. water service, hot air linen press ; front and back vtirandahs, w.h., c. and tubs, woodhouse, etc. ; electric light in every room ; house built on concrete blocks ; paths formed,. clothes posts in. etc. Section is freehold, level, volcanic, free from stone, 66 x 165; bus passes door; handy to station; train fare 2/0 week. PRICE, £975 ; EASY TERMS. OWNER, . 22, ONSLOW ROAD, EPSOM. 24 CAN YOU BEAT IT? RIGHT ON SECOND SECTION. RIGHT ON SECOND SECTION. £1050 — £1050 — £1050. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW, 4 Rooms and Kitchenette, with every possible convenience. Volcanic Section. DEPOSIT IS ONLY £130. This Pretty Little Home costs only 33/ per week, principal and interest. W. FOUHY AND CO., 32, CAMPBELL'S BUILDINGS. Corner HIGH ST. and VULCAN LANE. 45 WESTON'S ESTATE. MOUNT ALBERT. A SECTIONS AT SACRIFICE PRICES OF * £275, £300, £300, £315. These Sections are elevated, command excellent views, .md have rich volcanic soil. The owners have reduced their prices in order to wind-up the Estate. Handy to trams and buses. J. M. McVEAGH, LTD., 3, SWAXSOX STREET. 199
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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885Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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