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PROPERTIES FOB fiAXE. \ CCOMMODATION or Convalescents' A- Uousc. larse grounds, beautiful position. Obtainable on easy terms. —Write B. 5151. Stab. A \ yx Reasonable Offer, modern, attractive, A.' elevated 6-roomed Home, handy 2nd sgctiou.—lnquire Stab. SJJ * VB ST.—£ll7s, dep. £100—will build ix 4-Ud. Bungalow; 100 yds tram.—aou, Victoria Arcafio. r>lcu,. Laingholm, Titirangi; 2 rooms, -D lovely view; Ims daily; £ 150; terms. 31. Kitcnencr .St., Kdendale. .__ BAKFuOT, .vowmanet, for Kemuera, Epsom, and Green Lane Properties. ColonreJ Map of District Supplied Free. C BAI'SWATEK— Bungalows and Sections, 10 niiuuies from G.P.O. ; views, value; terms.— Willi'". Phone 90, Takapuna. D BL'CKLANU'S BEACI1 —To Let, or for Sale—Furn. 4-roonied Cottage ; garage, Phone 25-475. C UNO A LOW, 4 rooms; £20 deposit; Price £1*50; To Papaya and Penrose. —Phone 20-381. ___ BUNGALOW, 3 rooms, 2nd section, convenient to school, bowling green and library.—7. Baildon Kd. 6 BUNGALOW, 3 rooms, Eden.— Wrigley, Bnilder, 16, Kahiri Kd., Mr. Phone 21-533. 115 L'NGALOW, roughcast, 2mln Zoo cars; 5 rooms, gas, c.l. ; concrete paths. Price £1083; deposit £100; US/6 weekly principal and interest.—lnquire STAR. s'.'-! GUI' —£50 Deposit, balance £525 —4 Booms, electric light, washhouse, etc. Thomas, Bon Marche. EVONPOKT. — Modern Cungalow, G rooms, glassed sleeping porch ; extensive view harbour, few minutes ferry; owner transferred. —Inquire Star. 620 EPSOM, Cornwall Park Avenue— 6-Eoomed House; usual convs. — Apply No- 1- Highwic Avenue, Epsom. EPSOM, Corbett Scott Ay.—Must Be Sold—7 Rooms. Ist mortgage £1300. 6 p.c.: - £lToO.—Barfoot. Newmarket. 110 EPSOM —Modern Bungalow ; exceptionally well designed ; built 1024 : 7 rooms, two sleeping porches; garage. Section, S6 x 170; well laid out: 3 minutes St. Cuthbert's. Owner transferred.—Ring 24-053, or write 1.0. Box 1775. 10 FOB Urgent Disposal.—Lease or Sale. Easy terms.—Rich Farmlet, eeafront, Rnssell.—Particulars. Brooker. Russell. O4 GRAFTON (adjacent Domain). —7 Booms, kitchenette ; all modern conveniences ; £2100.—McLean, 510, .V.Z. Insurance Bldgs. GRAFTON, Best Part.—s Rooms, all - convs.: motor garage; large section; only £1550; terms.—Parris, Phoenix Chambers. HOUSE —2 self-contained Flats and all convs.—Apply Owner, 68. Franklin Rd. HOUSE, £800; 3 rooms, washhouse, bath; elevated : good garden ; £100 cash.—lX, c-'o Wilson, Newmarket. ' 166 HOUSE, 5 rooms, second section, Ponsonby;. close bus and tram; £250 deposit.—Write B. 5270. STAR. 41 HOUSE, 7 rooms, h. and c. water, washhouse, large garage, workshop; level allotment; glasshouse ; price & 1500.—52, Prospect Terrace, Mt. Edep. Key next door. TTOWICK —3 or 4 Acres good Land, 2 -O- mins. main road; good bus service.— F. White. Howick. TMJIEDIATE ' Possession — Rough-cast -L Bungalow, mod. convs.; 5 rooms, workshop, basement, concrete garage, garden; near tram stop, post office, school, convent, public library.—Apply owner, 1, Beaconsfield St., Grey Lynn. T OVELY Little Home, suit newly mar- ■" ried; lOmins. city; £150 cash.—"Write S., 5148. Star. XfIMJTE Ponsonby Rd. —7 Rooms, good -**- order; level section; £1450, deposit £150.—Norman, 217. Karangahape Rd. TITT. ALBERT—S Rooms, kitchenette, •»■*■*• pore, bath and basin, hot water.— Apply Store. Richardson Rd. ■VfT. ALBERT.—Modern Bungalow, 5 ■"■*• rooms, convs.; good position; only £1050; deposit £100. — Parris, Phoenix Chambers. TUT. EDEN", handy Symonds St.—6 •"*• Booms, convs.; mm. car; good section; £J2so;,deposit £150.—Parris, Phoenix Chambers. "M"EW House, 4 rooms, kitchenette, pore. -"v-bath,- convs., city drainage; . corner section ; small deposit; possession.—ls, Meola Rd.. Pt. Chevalier. VBW Bungalow, good position, Pt. Cheva- ■*■' Her; 4 rooms, kitchenette, all modern oenvs.; price right, about £150 deposit.— Write S. 5007. Star. _____ "VTEW LYNN—S-Rd. Modern Bungalow. "-' garage, stnins. station; £1050: deposit £50: no agents.—Write S. 4871. Star. YEW 5-roomed Bungalow, Komaru St., -•' off Orakei Rd. : all convs. ; corner section.—For price and terms, apply the Parker Lamb Timber Co., Ltd.. Fanahawe St. ONE TREE HlLL.—Modern Bungalow; cash offer above; Government mortpage of £730 wanted.—lnqnire Star. 615 BE.MUERA—New Bungalow, 5 rooms and ■*•*' kitchenette, every cony.; harbour views: £1450; terms.—Write Builder, F. 4704. Star. "RIPARIAN Rights. Heme Bar.—Govt. iv Mort.—6-Rd. Home; section 50 x 150; motor garage boatshed, etc. Price £2500.— Tliorte. -Phoenix Chambers. ' SACRIFICE—Great South Kd.—Fine Villa Residence, 7 rooms, electric light, hot and cold water, and all modern convs. Section 40 s 200 ft. Price, £1875: only £300 deposit—Apply 151. Great South Rd. 26 fTUKAPUNA—Houses, 5-8 rooms, vicinity x beach; £1200-£2300; would let.—7o, Lake ltd.. Takapnna. rpE PAPAPA.—£3S Deposit—Mm. Sta- ■*• .tion.: —5-roomed Modern Bungalow, convs. ; good section ; £975. — Parris, Phoenix Chambers. /TVITIRAN'GI Heights—Bungalow, 5 rooms. - 1 - every cony.; glorious views: beautiful bnsh; £100 deposit.—Phone 24-317. O. HOUSES—AppIy 17, Manawa Rd., oil *•* Victoria Aye., Remuera. 120 W WEEKLY, covers repayments and interest on Govt. mortgage, £800; elevated Bungalow ; price £ 1025.—Mayhill, Edendale. d DEPOSIT—Kauri House, c.1., all cwijvr. convs.: balance rent.—Bradley, c. Fnnd St.. Area Hill. DEPOSIT.—New Bungalow, 5 rooms, ronvs. : nice section, orchard, best soil; balance £730.—Rose. Avonrtalp. Open nil flay Saturdays. 140 -C'-I AA —NEW Bungalow. 4 rooms, convs., Ow - LV, -' overlooking water, Parnell. Balance £075.-28, Bellrue Rd., Mt. Eden. ' - ; _C ■OIAA DEPOSIT—Dainty Bungalow. 4 rooms, kitchenette: £1175.— A r-iiT- La Rona, Dorset St., Wpstuiere Estate. A : RARE OPPORTUNITY of bnyinc a Home with a frontage to Kangitoto Channel. Glorious outlook. Price reduced to effect a quick sale. Apply to ARCHDEACON MacJIUREAT, 8, Hamana St., Devonport. "pI'SOM - — CLOSE TO TRAM. Xj OWNER LEAVING. MODERN BUNGALOW. 5 Rooms and Kitchenette ; electric light, gas stove, califont, pore, bath and basin : 20 x 14 motor garage. Large Volcanic Section, etc.. etc. Price and terms right. Immediate possession. Apply 22. ONSLOW RD., EPSOM. 23 ■PKA DEPOSIT, BALANCE 23/ PER =~"V WEEK. NEW, MODERN BUNGALOWS, * or 5 rooms, electric light, h. and c. water, pore, o. and b., copper and tubs. Quarter-acre Sections, volcanic soil, no stone. Price, £775 to £975. Ready for occupation. CORIN AND CO., 5, Waitemata Chambers, . Customs Street West. VT7AITAKERE RANGES—Week-end Sec- * * tion ; lovely views, native bush, exhilarating air; £125. Same locality, Summer Residence of 3 rooms, bathroom, porcelain bath, basin, kitchenette, motor garage; 2J acres; excellent views, beautiful native bush ; 700 feet above sea ; railway • station 15 miles; price £1000.— FROSSER, 33, Selwyn Rd.. Greenwood's Comer. Phone 4012 (two rings). 20 ■fof T. ALBERT DISTRICT. ■"■*■ NEW BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS, And Kitchenette, porcelain bath and basin, P-w.c., calif&nt, gas cooker, open fire, electric light; built-in warlrobe, linenpress. birtns; bow leadlight window; hish section, l-oth acre, no stone: smins. walk 3rd tram section. Price, £1175. Small deposit, balance arrangel as rent. ■ • PHONE 4G-465. I
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,019Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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