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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. CI- HELPER'S, Edwaxd StTj off Union St.—s-Roometi Spiendid New Bungalow ; c.l. and hot water; water view; £1200; dep. £50. —'Phone 40-946. - 1M "pPSOM.—MAIN RD., OPP. EPSOM AY. ■" New Modern Bungalow, 7 large rooms, unique design, every cony. Freehold Section, in lawns and garden. £2500, easy terms. Will sell fully furnished if required. Possession any time. Now Building—6-Roomed-New Bungalow, with every cony., adjoining above property. £2100, terms arranged.—WTNN SHEATH, Builder, Manukau Rd., Epsom, opp. Epsom Avenue. B4 BUY NOW! GET POSSESSION BEFORE XMAS. £150 DEPOSIT. BRAND NEW 7 BUNGALOW HOME, just out of builder's bands, of 4 rooms and kitcienette, complete with every latest appointment and design. Mirrored wardrobes, porcelain bath and basin, gas stove. Section. 50ft x 140 ft. Only 1 minute to Edendale cars. A rare opening for a thrifty buyer. TRICE. £1230. AND-ONLY £130 DEEOSIT. A REAL BARGAIN. BRICK BUNGALOW. VALUE £1250. • PRICE, £070. £50 DEPOSIT. must know the cost of upkeep an<l -*- insurance charges of a Brick Bnngaiow are practically nil. Also the cost or building is about one-third more than a wooden home. Now! Just figure this out, and you will see only exceptional circumstances permit us to offer this , snip. Comprises 4-roomed, cavity wall, Brick Bungalow, and built, remember, of specially selected bricks, with all usual appointments, electric light, porcelain bath, wastihouse, copper and tubs, and a nice i-acre Section, handy to railway station ana buses. "When we say it's worth £3250 we mean it, but the price TO YOU IS £970, AND £50 DEPOSIT. REMUERA BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS. PRICE. £SOO £225 CASH. TUsT Fancy.'—Five Rooms and convenl- « ences, on the waterfront of Remuera, for £800. It seems too good to be true but it's a forced sale, and the price is absolutely below market value. POSSESSION TO-DAT. PRICE, £SOO, AND £223 CASH. "WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 0 P.M , FRIDAYS. 'NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS • WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN," New Address : CORNER HIGH STREET AND VULCAN LANE. AUCKLAND. a SECOND SECTION. £975 £75 DEPOSIT. r>RAND NEW BUNGALOW,' containing 4 *-* spacious rooms and kitchenette, together with all appointments, art papers and freizes, plaster ceilings, porcelain bath electric light, patent drainage. Good level section, only two mins. to trams. And you can walk right in to-day on Tj.r.x.o, £75 DEPOSIT. BALANCE EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. A ONLY £25 CASH. REAL COSY LITTLE HOME, Just out of buUder's hands. Contains 4 large rooms and kitchenette, porcelain bath, electric light, gas stove, plaster ceilings, a r* pa :? ers etc - Fine volcanic section, full of fruit trees in full bearing. Handy trams and trains. • AND ONLY £975. WITH £25 DEPOSIT. BALANCE WEEKLY PAYMENTS. WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN," CR. HIGH STREET AND VULCAN LANE, A BEAUTIFUL HOME. VALUE £2500. PRICE £1050 _ % ._ £250 DEPOSIT. KING GEORGE AVENUE, EPSOM •OEAUTIFUL HOME OF 6 KOOMS. with -■-'.every latest appointment and labourf*f?l I ,f • 1 " ta H«»- °n Fine Section, 66ft x 132 ft: only 1 minute trams. Freehold. Land Transfer Title. House ie insured for £ 1700. Section easily .worth £■ <00. So you will see that this fine property is easily worth £2500. For one week SSf^iWSXo"? t0 - 6eU at £193 °- and in^uck?a V nd. the larSMt SeleCti ° n ° £ homes WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD "THE I,AND MAN." ' REMUERA. GOVT. MORTGAGE, £925. TTIGHLT ELEVATED MODERN' BUNGA- -"- LOW, of 5 Rooms ' and Sleepinjr Porch. Bathroom p.b. and b. built-iS buffet and wardrobes, electric light and all modern conveniences. Everything in firstclass order. SECTION IN LAWNS, back and front concrete paths and fowlrun. Glorious landscape views. ■ TOTAL COST, including Principal and *ST P°e n r n e .Mortgage, Is on.y PRICE REDUCED TO £1550 FOR QUICK SALE. GOOD TERMS TO APPROVED BUTEK. SOLE AGENTS, H. BALL AND CO., ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS (Ground Floor) 'Phone 44-544. . MOUNT EDEN. ■VTEW BUNGALOW OF 6 ROOMS, every modern convenience, splendidly built. Beautifully designed and finished VOLCANIC CORNER SECTION, splendid position, near cars. . ■ F v PRICE £ISSO. GOOD TERMS. MOUNT ALBERT D EL £^ TFUL NEtV BUNGALOW OF 4 ROOMS and Kitchenette-, with every S^NeVTomE^F 8 'if S TH ciA B S i S 'T I &? PRICE £1300. GOOD'TEEMS. W. M. B. MOWBRAY, LTD., 30. SHORTLAND STREET. g PARNELL. ~~~ PRICE £1175—DEPOSIT £100. Seldom we have the opportunity to offer a home in this select locality at the above price. CJOLID HEART OF KAURI VILLA *-* recently "painted and modernised. Five rooms, bathroom, pore, bath ana basin range stove, and electric light, washhou«e' copper and tubs, under one roof, p.wic! Nice papers and freizes. Nice sunny position, and handy to St. Stephen's Avenue. Must be sold this week. Extra-Sections can be had if required, or can be purchased separately. H. R. BURRETT, 14. FORT STREET. 'Phone 44-518. C NIHOTUPU. WAITAKERE RANGES. rriHOROUGHLY COMFORTABLE, WELLJ- BUILT. FURN. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, bathroom, balcony, washhouse; good water stipnly. NATIVE BUBSH and GRASS LAWNS. BIG PANORAMIC VIEW. WELL SHELTERED FROM COLD WINDS. ; '£1200. TERMS ARRANGED. [ This is an ideal situation;- the property belns one of the most desirable in the neighbourhood. No agents. .... Particulars from ' : B. 5285, STAR. 31s'
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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842Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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