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___" rOB---___._L--- -- £50 DE POSIT.-6i..oomed A'iUas. Balr, 17 , anee £1000. Handy city.—Criciuon, C 3, Queen St.. - DIAMONDS. '' £25 DEP °SIT—Grand Bungalow, 5 -> rooms; close bus; lovely harbour - Her ' - baiancc f1175 ; e asy payments. St. V £50 I>EIVOSI T—Perfect Bungalow ; smin. 0 i C:lr ' thiEd section; balance £1100; stands high, levely views, and section slopes. Mt. Albert. £75 —:NEW BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and k.. c.L, superb harbour views, close car and beach ; balance £1100. £7_.~ A Superbly-built BUNGALOW of hi 5 lovely rooms and kitchenette, d c.L, sleeping porch, and every possible y ■ cony. to please a lady's heart; 1 mm. third 1 i section car. c j £§5 DEI ' OSIT - — We have not inspected a ' ' a more prettily-designed, or more v , einaorately-fitted Bungalow than this. Hall, ._ j coat cupboard, sideboard, mirror-backed o | I' 11 "-''" press and wardrobes, c.L, balance r ,~lli»0, arranged ou easy terms to suit purj. , chaser. i 4_>lQ.f)— REMUERA.—Dainty Bungalow, 1., r ., ~4 '"'">» is and kitchenette'; balance J only £1150. This week's bargain. I £150~~ VALLEY HD -- se oond section.— i . . . Grand Kauri Villa, 5 rooms and (kitchenette; balance £1000. A real-gift for | family man. No steps. Level section. 'I V OAf)—NEAVTON. i mm Reservoir.—A r , ->"-"V Grand 0-Roomed Kauri Villa, 8 j «'.1.. balance. £000. Now, you working men, _. ' seize your chance ' _£200~ DEVOXPOHT -— S R ooms and > „ . .„_ J ar S c section ; handy waterfront. i Price £850. Speculator's chance. '' £ 200 —' Beautiful Bungalows, 5 rooms, ~ , c*-__ ,/v, perfect level Sections, built by '• i U""f c clty contractor in his spare time. ; , Balance, -£10..ii. Nothing better in Auckj | land. _> mm. third section car f 4> OAA—REMUERA.—Sweet" Bungalow. 4 | -'~-' XJ \j roonis and kitchenette; all balance |as rent; } mm. car: baiancc fuso. A I real gfin. No one can show you a similar home withm £200 of this price. EXCHANGES. i ' AA'e have some splendid Exchanges on onr books. If you want to get rid of any property, consult us. We can fit you. * . BUSIXESSES TO SUIT EVERY TASTE AXD PURSE. £1000 — £1000 — £1000. GIVEN AWAY. ; £1000 — £1000 — £1000 ; GIVEN AWAY. ' "£'looo AC TUALLY SAVED TO TIIE :™_ „ U LUCKY PURCHASER OF JIIIS BEAUTIFUL HOME. After buying ' this onr client's wife decided on a £4000 property at Epsom, so this has to be .sacrificed at hundreds ltss than was paid for it. QAVITY WALL BRICK BUXGALOW of 0 fine spacious rooms, besides oOlces. 1 o buy the Section and build this home to-day. would cust:— SECTIOX £600 ' nocSE £1900 OUTBUILDINGS _ND LAYING OUT PATH . . £ A r\f\ £2900 (This is a LOW ESTIMATE) AYE ARE TO SELL AT £1900 — £1900 — £1900. | AVith. say. £250 deposit, balance fiat, or "as rent. " as desired. The position is perfect, stands high, lovely i-.-Sv- :l "-. °"'- v 3 minutes from car in MT. ' LULN. The garage is the finest we have < ever inspected.- l ; vaughanTtalliss, ST. KEVIN'S ARC..DE, NEWTON. | NOTE.-£IOOO SAVED IS £1000 MADE !" MAKE IT TO-DAY. 173 ' j |. A UNIQUE CHANCE. |j £275 CASH. i- \\ \X7E nave been instructed by the Owner, | who has been transferred, to Sell his ! • XEW HOME AT BELOW COST. .- Situated near beach on AVestmerc Estate, jFive rooms with every modern I j convenience. | . PRICE, £1475. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE, £1200 ! I Apply, j i CARLAW & MOWBRAY, i( 30, SHORTLAND STREET j '. ======= »'< ( ?OS SXCHAHC-E. j -. "DUXGALOAY, 5 ruyms, Avondale, 1 acre " -AA fruit trees. Govt;. Mortgage, SOOU ' . Equity, £650; House wanted urey Lynn c area.—Thode. Phoenix Chambers. j "DUNGALOW, unencumbered, £1300. c ff Owner wants 2 to 4 Acres and Smal" F House, South Line.—Alexander and Co" ° OS. Queen St. 5 _ S riAR, 5-seater, wanted in exchange for i y good 30ft launch ; £250.—Ring 4" lakapuna. "' j 3-seater, new, high grade, for Build,V. MSm S Sections or First Mortgage AArite S. 524,-_, Stak. r_J.LEX EDEX SXlP.—Farmlet. 4 acres-' ] suit builder ; 2 acres apples, lemons in , ....I- 0 ,. 1 "' House. 5 rooms, convs. Only , £1100; Govt, mortgage. Exchange for House or Mortgage.—AY. BALLARD, 14, I Exchange Lane. I' TTOME, pleasant surroundings, large sec- I f-f- tion good order, bus, trams, for Farm- " let : would sell.—AVrite S 41)25. Stae. / TTOUSE (Bungalow), 5 rooms, all convs., ' vF 4 f ?I Sec tton in good locality.—Write S. j A.jTLFORD House Property, for Country - xX Business: store preferred.—R. Taylor . Cecil Rd.. Milford. " ' •" AjORTGAGE, Section, or Small House i.. **$?*&• iS Ex change for Good Crui-dng Boat.—AA rite Bos 1130. ("'.P.O. I - "YTEJV Bungalow, St. Helier's: 3 bedrooms: ! x. £1200. Accept Motor Car value £150 as ! depo-it.—PlioTie 40-0-10. lv) _ rYW.VER splendid level Section within ' . ms n. Takapuna Bench, unencumbered equity £6.»0, wonts builder to take as part ; payment for erectir.n of £000 House innlv'i A-AUGHAX. TALLISS, Arcade, opp. Rendells. Xewton. 174-! CJEASIDE Cottage, furn. ; mainland : £830 ; k -' equity £57... deposit tin City House—; Felt's. 12. Palmerston Bldgs. I CJHARES (4). Group 4. Xorthern Co-opera- C f-> tive Building Society. £23 12/ paid up, for rood Second-hand Motor Cycle—Replies n. S. 4i)i)7. Star. STOCK, fancy eeds, toys, stationery, etc.. * J offered for house property, section, or ____________ r,\r,-2. Star. | X ROOMS, modern conveniences; mortgage <s £-151"): price £1 r,OO : exchange eonitv ■ Sections, First Mortgage.—AVrite F. 460(i, ! Star. ' tT-KEATER. good condition, for narrow is i,--,--f r.r or other proposition.—Write "F S. 51 _7. S-AH. " *- ArRES - Erephold. 200 plougbabie: _£ tt\j\j Prerrin « milw r.ilwnv stat'n. 2: . v.;, coil • G Rqotis : eouitv £1,.00 > :r___Vr __q________--__V_ri_p p. 47TS. Star. o"rv ACr.F*. good m.H.i"7 r ._ ~:■- T.„.,.y,-. Tr„:.„ - --oo !---R.'d 1 .DOGS FOR SALE. A . Ri-DALESv 4 pups, 7 weeks old ; cheap xx ~.!■ ta...—Write Kissling. it::.. .X... Ot.ih-.u-i. OQM-3RANIAN, miniature, puppies, by VS. Silver Cloud.—Hawkes, 21, AVilton St., ic*y Lynn. !_&Ut\ 3 mouths old, ready for training; _ 5/.—-Inquire Star. 014 \X7lltE-haired Terriers, male and female, I ' ' good ratters, young, well bred. —H. Knigge, Beach Rd. r Pt. Chevalier. '
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
949Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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