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PROPERTIJES FOR SATE. - _ I pITL-4 Rooms, kitchenette, conveni 7j - en,;es: fBSO. Cash £450.—'AVrite Owner -,' S. r.Mii.; Star. > i D EPOSIT £loo ' Government mortgage I fi»ilJ. Purchase price, £1250.—A Gnoc i H-Uootued Semi-Bungalow, city drainage. 4 c.1.. every cony.: elevatr-d section- elos. -, trams .2nd section.—ALEXANDER ANT : CO.. .>■>, Queen St. 201 5 pJ.LEN EDEN.— Reinforced Rough-east 5 :I v ' Ro ,mcd Bungalow, just completed. A • 1 loyply bni.»: l-a,-re (or morel; £1230; £20C I il-"'i '-:-.- _______£__. Glen Filen. DO YOU KNOW? . j We have hundreds of Houses for whicli - we have the SOLE RIGHT TO SELL, and -;i.n other agents in this City can show . them to you. Study the undermentioned. The owners of these have reduced the . , iirices to the ridiculous in order to make a certain sale before Xmas. AA'e can show you every House advertised in this paper. J Don't waste time going from agent to agent. We do not employ SALESMEN, our ' men are GUIDES, they do not PERSUADE or PESTER YOU To BUY. Onr Free Cars at Your Service OUR OFFICES WILL BE OPEN MOXDAY ST. AXDRI-TTS DAY. ) I I SLOPES OF MT. ST. JOHN. CASl[ —Absolutely the best Xew ! _-y__-\y.f Bungalow iv Epsom. If you are lookiug for a bargain don't decide before you see this. it's a Gentlemun's Home Glorious views right over the ranges. 350 leet above sea level. The interior is modem perfection, heavy polished beam and plaster • ceilings, electric light, electric hot water service throughout, electric cooking stove: cosy corners: magnificent built-in sideboard: beautifully panelled lounge hall 2 living rooms, connected by folding doors, forming an ideal entertaining room. 1 IT'S THE LOVELIEST HOME IX EPSOM YOU JUST SEE IT! ' BALANCE OXIA" £1625. Xo agents in this city can snow you anything like it at £270t) Handy to Owens Road. Sole Selling Agents IMURRIE SPIERS COY, j £40 DEPOSIT. ?s a l. 5 ,.?5, WX AXD £23 I>; ■'' MOXTHS. ■AB_OLLI_LV IX HEART OF MOUNT Situated Five Minnies to Cars, Xear Balmoral Road. ITF AYe could only persuade you to interest .x- yourself in this PRETTY BUXGALOW. IWe have inspected hundreds of homes, and ; can s«y without doubt that here is your ! opportunity. The interior j s unique'and . well finished, 5 rooms, pore. hath, basin. Heavy beam and plaster ceilings: wash- ; .louse, cupper and tubs, p.w.c, all under ; one rn ~f Magnificent Volcanic Section 6 jfeet- above footpath. A truly grand home. Not a cottage in tliis locality. Balance only £1150. Owners Sole Agents jMURRIE SPIERS'COY., £50 DEPOSIT. NEW BUNGALOW. SLor?:s of mt. albert. Near 3rd tram section and 20 minutes from City. BALANCE OXLY £080, AT LOW REXT. 4 ROOMS and self-contained, sleeping 31 balcony. Electric light and everything extremely modern. You can make £200 on this before Easter. Sole Selling Agents MURRIE SPIERS COY, £30 DEPOSIT. I OR £23 DOWN" AND £25 IX THREE MOXTHS. ; POINT CHEVALIER. GLORIOUS HARBOUR VIEWS. "DUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, heavy beam ■*-* ceilings. Two minutes bus and beach. THREE-QUARTER ACRE, flat, Freehold. Rich market land, in grass, Easily run a cow or poultry farm. BALANCE. £1.i..0, AS REXT. About 30/ AVeek. Owner's Sole Agents— MURRIE SPIERS COY, £50 DEPOSIT. PARNELL. 4 MIXUTES IST TRAM SECTION' 5 MIXUTES CITY. T-ERY PRETTY HOME. just been modernised; 5 rooms, electric light and power points. Healthy position, 200 ft above sea level. BALAXCE, £1100, AS RENT. MURRIE SPIERS COY., HAVE YOU GOT AN OLD LIZZIE FORD ? WE have a BEAUTIFUL XEW AMERICAN BUNGALOAA', MT, EDEN, near tram. .> rooms and sleeping porch, electric cooking machine, hot water service and everything possible. PRICE, £1200. Easily worth £1500. Owner will take a Ford Car or other light make as deposit. Balance at very low rent MURRIE SPIERS " COY, EPSOM. THE BEAUTIFUL. 4?_J_fi CASH—ABSOLUTELY OXE OF J THE best XEAV BUNGALOAVS I IN EPSO..;. If you are looking for a I bargain, don't decide before you see tliis. lt*s a lovely home. Glorious views. 200 ft i above sea level. Five rooms, kitchenette, sleeping balcony, nud 2 verandahs. The interior is modern perfection, spacious cloak room, heavy polished beam and plaster ceilings. Electric light, hot water ser- . vice throughout: very modern cooking stove: cosy corners, magnificent built-in sideboard, bins, etc., etc. BALAXCE, OXLY £1440, AS REXT. SOLE SELLING AGENTS: MURRIE SPIERS COY., 33. FORT STREET. 210 EPSOM SACRIFICE. JUST OFF, XEAR PART OF 1 GILLIES AVENUE. A CHARMIXG BUXGALOAV of 6 rooms . xx and large sleeping porch, replete with all conceivable convs. AH the rooms are airy and spacious, built-in wardrobes in ' each bedroom; tasteful art papers throughout, heavy solid beam and plaster ceilings, quaint fireplaces; p.b. and b.. electric hot , water service: a matrnifieent electric stove. The kitchen is beautifully set out. tip bins md cupboards galore. In fact, the whole 1 nterior is designed in a way that-would ippeal to the most fastidious. j The owner, through urgent reasons, has 1 0 sacrifice for quick sale at the low figure j if I £1850. I TERMS ARRAXGED. J SEE THIS. SEE THIS. r t LAXD DEPARTMENT, F RICHARD ARTHUR, LTD. ? OPP. TOAVX HALL. , _ r £100 DEPOSK. ; BEST PART MOUNT ALBERT. r. GLURIOI S HARBOUR VIEWS. = BIG SECTION, 72 X 220. DJTNGALOW OF J_f T ARGE "OOOM3I " AXD KITCHEXETTE. ; X All Modern Conveniences. I x BALAXCE £ 12r.0 OX EASY TET-MS. Owner leaving for England, aud ii pre- T ar.d to sacrifice. G aICHARD ARTHUR, LTD., \ LAND DEPARTiIENX-
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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891Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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