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S-RCTIOWS gOR-SAIiE.- - A BSOLUTE Gift, urgent sale—Level xx Freehold Section, close 2nd section; realise immediately; £ 115, substantial reduction for cash.—AVrite Owner, S. 4777, Star. A BRAN BAY, AVaiheke —i-Acre, level, right on beach; only one available; third cash.—AA'rite li. 5250,"Star. D 4 A A'OXDALE, handy beach and station, xx splendid locality: easy terms; Motor Cycle considered.—AA'arburton, New Lynn. 17 T3EACHLAXDS.—Fine, Sandy, Beaches ; -*-* Motor Road.—Sections, £50; 50/ dep. Bencluaiiils Olikc. 195. Queen St. D off Beach Rd.—loo x Sift; 20 per cent under Govt, valuation ; 10 per cent cash. —Barfoot. Xewmarkct. 1 "TAEA'ONPORT, Queen St.—Level Section, A J 55 x 1!)2 ; £ 235. deposit £70, balance arranged.—lol, A'ictoria lid., Devonport. "pDEXDALE. on hillside, handy cars.— a- 4 Level Section, 50 x 150. " £2U5. — ______ and Sons. 5. ________ Bldgs. T-PLLEKSLIE, Mania Rd.. Michaels Ay., xx i_ a fc p p.,)— Sections. £100 upwards; deposit £5. —AA'nrreti. City Chambers. "CAPSOM. Kipling Avenue, 2mins. tram. — A-A Quarter Acre Level Sections.—Apply 1"". Queen St. D 4 T^PSOM. —Elevated Section, splendid view; A-a small deposit, balance mortgage.—H. K. Emanuel. Solicitor, (i, High St. 57 — Magnificent Elevated Section, close bus, beach; 2-rd. Bach; £470.—D0n Miller. Brunswick Bldgs. 50 KINGSLAND.— Level Section. Price £9-> cash: good opportnnitv young man own city freehold.—Write S. 5297. STAK. "-.TAXGE'RE. adjoining golf links. King's ■"A. College. Trottiug Park—Choice Building Sections; gas, water.—Lloyd. Otahuhu. D jVf'L ALBERT.—High on mountain side, xX level magnificent panoramic views. .■C..S.)—McGowan. 42. Marsden Ay. ATI". SMART RD.. Te Papapa.—Sections ; A c.L. sewerage : 2 mins. bus.—Caddy, 34. Malvern Rd.. Morningside. 40 "j\/I —'. ALBERT—Choice A'olcanic Section, xX Belmont Rd.: splendid view of upper harbour and ranges.—Apply Ashton, Safe Deposit Bldgs.. High St. Phone 40-050. . LYNN—£SO each, reasonable terms xA arranged.—Arthur Thodc. only address, New Lynn. 1 ("YXEHUNGA —Level A'olcanic Section, 50ft V - J ' x 3()int (nearly); £275; terms, £50 cash.—4R. Church St.. Onehunga. 105 ATAHl'H!'.—Sections from £100. on " £10 Deposit. Good soil: good views. Pearce. \ netioneer. Agent. Otahuhu. 3 "piHA.—Surf, Beach and Bush. Beach x- Frontage Sections. £ 85; £5 deposit.! Kibblev.hj.o. If)., Queen St. D "pOXSoNBY AA'aferfrent—Beautiful, o!o~- i A vated. level Section. .0 x 120.—For price and term . apply Lillls, 19, Phoenix ■ Ch.imlirrs 110 . T. CHEVALIER—Section, near beach. I £4 10/ foot: terms.—Apply Xo. 1,1 Higliwic Avenue. Epsom. TJEMUERA —Sections 12). level, volcanic: ! x*- Benson Rd. : best part of Remuera ; I f__!s —____. _________ Rd. j "DEMUERA—LoveIy Section. 54ft x 249 ft. ! A*- only £350: deposit £15; balance. when building-—Moore-Tones. Fort St. 137 I C<EOTIOX. corner St. Andrew's and St. j Leonards Rd*.: £."vn deposit, balance tw.. years.—lnquire 04. St. Andrew's Rd. SO ! CJECTIOX. One Tree Hill, adioiuing Merri- I »■-' lands. 00 x 150. fenced. c.L. drainage; ■ f3O deposit, balance £330.—:3. Tlnrotiitii Rd. | OEOTION. tine, level. .3 x so, Stanley St.. j for Sale. Reasonable finer considered | Easy terms given.—ll. 0. AYiies, Ltd., 05. - Fort St. 34 EJECTIONS for Sale. Takapuna, near beach ; some with water frontage: j cheap: ensy terms.—AA". J. Napier, A.M.I. Buildings. Qneen St. MHS > CJECTIOX, I'lans and Specifications of j 0-roomed House : every convenience ; I Govt, loan applied for 10 months: near.; station. Xew Lynn. AA'hat offer'.'—AA'rite I S. 4088. Stak. ' SPLEXDID Sections, Hilisboro- Rd. Low | deposit. Easy terms payment —H S. I ..niler-on. _f____i_r__ Rd.. Mt. Roski'll. ' D 4 ! C.URFDALE—LeveI Section, handy boat. I beach. store: £85: small deposit:' Govt, valuation £178;— Write S. 5077. Star. j 'TAAMAKI PARK Extension, backing on to I x Mt. AVellington Domain : full J-neros. rich soil, no stone: £200: £2n dep.—J M. McVeigh, Ltd.. 3. _________ St. 144 ! IV'AITAKERE. Anawhata— Acre Sectiou. I £4<i: heavy hush: near cmst: altitude 1 1..P0. — A____r__n 100. Queen St. . IXTESTMERE ESTATE.- Grey Lvnn. ** Ideal Section, 41 x 714. £275.— ] r,.m Hndfield and Sons. ... Winstone Bldgs. ; 1 -ACRE, level, Cadman's Estate, Avondale. j * Inquire Star. r>22 j 1//--ACRE Elevated Section, Tauranga. j '—• £175 equity; close to beach: lovely! views: will Set or Exchange for Car.— '' Write P.. 5278. STAn. 42 I DEPOSlT—Sections, EUerslie, Point I o***s Chevalier, Onehunga: Govt, loans! granted early ; free inspection.—P.O. Box 210. Auckland. I Ufi X 200, Magnificent Elevated Section, ! ' JXJ no stone ; city drainage ; Epsom ; £575. j i'hone ________ lo n.m., 4 p.m. 123 RIA ACRES, St. Heller's Bay, £1050 : "/__ terms arranged.—Particulars from -.hrlstie and Co., 15, Palmerston Bldgs., Auckland. A'tyrCV— ELEVATED, level, volcanic, no »- ,u stone; 50 x 105; Mt. Albert.— junnc and Lauder. IS. Swanson St. 9:1 _97"^— MT ALBERT, right up on slope' **■'—' ■—' of mountain ; views, volcanic j oil (no stone. ; close to tram and bus ■ ' asy terms.—J. M. McA'eagh, Ltd., 3, ________ St. 144 SECTIONS, 50 x 150, GOOD, LEVEL, 0 .DRY. j
Handy to Trams and School. , j A'olcanic. Good Buying. i WRITE P.. 52X3. STAR. I -j fll/ ACRES, ON THE SLOPES OF AU/l PUKEKOHE HILL. First-class notnfo land, lie.s nieelv to th" sun. .Ml 1 been ploughed, well sheltered. Ten minutes 1 by ear to station, good metalled road; ring fenced. No buildings. P>-tce, £330. 1 MOORK. Agent. _______aga. j r\ R E TV A BEACH. Auckland's Largest and Loveliest. ! 21 Miles Long. ) LEA'EL SECTIONS for ' Sale, on the | bench. Glorious views, delightful bathing. I J6ft Frontage. Easy terms. W. J. XAPIER. i A.M.P. ?uiiding.=. Qupen Street. B ' WESTMERE ESTATE EXTENSION. I: • t i Xp-OR TTOMES. SOME OF THE CHEAPEST AXD 1 BEST SECTIONS OBTAINABLE ; WITHIN THE TRAM AREA DX THE VERY EASIEST OF TERMS. ' GRAY AND COCKRCFT, \'' WINSTONE BUILDINGS. QUEEN STREET. D 4 \ I _ I 3UCKLAND'S BEACH. j BUCKLAND'S BEACH. . i r Q yERY QHOICE gECTIOXS, \ JUST OPENED UP ] I APPLY EARLY, / RAYMOND SHEATH, I 14, 6'CONXELL STREET. C |1
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
913Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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