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PROPERTIES FOB SAW. ,T_UILDER'S (.•lia_.-_-S-.-uon. Hale, A owen Ay.. Edendale terminus; £300. aiarbjjj __________ 'J''' : """' s - ± rrrrrg furnished, surfdaleB elevated |.0.-i;U,u: ajar.™ to.-».. ki incite, Corn me_r-,.i: \±±± W_!__u_£_Trei_ f •fvFiGH'>i" s ' r - f:ontiiHititiou (jtnen St.B Freehold IT r;y. few doors Ear ,l^^T^' : ■ | - xv '^ i: - •''-■'-■ Sl t >li - 4 y; O'Temslot'.-V. Rackllam loTwyii.^. 4 Rooms. cl.A.'iieil. iii gold orde C £455: tern,.- :.rraug-d.-F. Rackhai: j (j, Wynilliam S; -• Rd- Mt. Edel JS off Domini"; ltd ' R"'"»; k ' f ''"'.' rtte, sleeping ponh. '•'."«»''"'_ in g_. 3 nrephi'... civs., gard-n, v fc'Mbli lflWIiS. Cllicrete I'll' 'l~ , jjKPOiSIT —I -RD. A ILEA and kll JS cbenette: within 2nd section; lars. lerc l section. l'rb-e £!•'"). paid as rem -ti/ per week. Further .inrti.-nlnrs fro. fit HniiM of Bruwn, Gaze's Buildit.gKarangahape It';. TiOIN'T CHEVALIER -~> Rooms, kitchen T »tte c.1.. g:i- stove, ail convs: £0,: deposit £100. Possession. -Inquire Stak fJbvSONBY. handy -ar.-Vacant Hunga X loiv, 4 roonis. kit, li.-uette. bnUii-ooin modern ecu-... »a-hiiouse. ■-. and t.; nbi sei-tion. Fri.fe. ill"'. Owner will neeep small deposit to suitable pun-baser.-SliPr?' Lund Pure-Hi. H__b_bv__ Bldjis. RESIDENCE. 0-roomed, Islington Si Cash about £1250; bargain. Who propositions?— Write S. __27__ Star. rKAPUXA —Five-roomed House, convs Section 75 x 115. Good garden. £SSO 14. g_t_r_v ___: ___________; f ROOMS, top Symonds St.: c.L. mm 0 tram: £50 deposit ; £SSO. —Norman, 217 Knrnn-tilianc Rd. Q"C\ DEPOSIT. Balance as Rent.—: £.01/ Rooms, el., etc. gOOO.—Butler 3fi. Great North Rd. 2!___ /jQX DEPOSIT —Eden Terrneo —1 Rooms SJoO kitchenette, e'c. Balance £SoO— Bntler. 31. Great North Rd. _T_ ~pyfx DEPOSIT—Price £I.'i-_'s—Xe-A amid-lO Bungalow. 4 rooms, cn-ner bays. rockeries, latest convs.: 3rd section.. Mr. Albert. Offer wanted. —Inqnire Stah. 66; •P XflO -BKO UK 8 BAY—Xew P.tlligac~o\J\' low. furnished, 4 rooms, balcony; near beach. Easy terms. — Hobson. ilhatiy. £(i(\ DEPOSIT —ONEHUNGA, Top End cwOU Cosy New Bungalow, 4 rooms and kitchenette, ull convs., i-.i. 11, repayuoln iM 30/ per week us rent.—fowler, ureenTvuud's Corner, Epsom. Phono __--:_. .5. 7u 0-\X DEPOSIT.—New 5-roomed BungiT ewAtl i ow> 3miu suburban siatiou, weekly ticket 2/ti. —\S rit.- S. .i-i-i.s, stah. OI7K DEPOSIT.—New 7-roomed BuugaBJIO low, old train section.—Write S X: m J, Star. jC'I f)(\— EDEN TERRACE—6 Rooms, 3 e -'- LA -/" fireplaces. coiivs. ; coucrote paths, "Balance i!,U". —Inquire Stah. 002 _P1 OXA—FARMLET ;Buugalow, modern WXiJt;u cony.-.; elevated, outbuildings, sheltered. Deposit, £200. Easy terms.— AY. Hobeun. Albany. ■f'l Of. DEPOSIT. — "ayswater-Takapuu:.. cWXUI/ vacant.—Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchenette, washhouse, c. and t.; suction 64 3; ISO, approx. I'ri c £!i5.). terms arranged. Owner'left and must be sold quickly.—Sjldiers' Land Bureau. Hellaby's Bldis. "jIIOL-NT ALBERT—NEW BUNGALOAV. a i arse ro oms, kitchenette, sleeping I-rdi; gas cooker, califont. c.L, p b anil D.; wardrobes, linen prpiv, cupb.iards- -Mod vegetable garden: also lawn, flower garden A'olcaaie soil.—For particulars write S 5322, Star. ■CJPSOM.— MAIN RD., OPP. EPSOM AY. aa New Modern Bungalow, 7 large rooms, unique design, every eonv. Freehold Section, in lawns and garden. £-2:mii easy terius. AVUi sell lully furnished if required Pu-session any time. Now Xew Bungalow with every cony., adjoining above property, v •?.' te ., mS " rril "fc'<-'d.— iVYXX SHEATH, Ivenue. Manuka « JW-. Epsom, opp. Epsom •REMUERA—My well-appointed House of . "seven, rooms, now unoccupied, situated in Kangitoto Avenue, off Orakei Roan, containing an. conveniences, electric light, hot water service, califont, built-in wardrobes en-.; also, splendid young bearing orchard' tannin, t-ulslied. all en"roomy section h for_Dr S eni Sale. This property is worm aISO, but can be bought for £1450 Ju terms Iv suit.—Ring 511 dunug day hnd 24-183 ■g'" lhU prol ' ert - v is a bar«ata. Xo (JOOI) .-ROOMED SEMI-BUNGALOW bathroom, hot and cold water, c.1., city Uralnage; beautiful elevated Section, close trams and buses, 2nd section. Price re~dnced from £1450 to £I_!s<i. Govt, rnort-a- . m ; -o U . posit "W.—ALEXANDER AND to., 08, Queen St. oq;; •f'fJOO CASH—MT EDEX—J Mm. Cars. __.f . , All IIe:lrt K;luri Residence, in Perfect order: !> large rooms, washhouse copper and tubs, porcelain bath and basin' hot and cold water, also gas stove, electric "B-t, patent w.c. Suitable Apartment te„ £1 - , no Balance: 0* per cmt~~ ItOBERT KAY. B__. Qu'ee,. sfreet. R, E M -U E RA AA" ATER"S ID E. h 5 rooms, pantry, "• and c. water, pore, bath and basin : detached washhouse. Lkrge Elevated Section, nearlyj-acre, fruit trees, ptingas and garBoa',l. -,??", v » Ci,nt - Situated off Arnev Price' £1050 St ° P fr ° m Kewn » r ! £rt ' r . __ _ MeARTHUR. _lon Buildings. Customs Street East. 200 Q.OVEBXMEXT .MORTGAGE £570. kitSH COTE ~ S^^ un^low ' 3 rooms. 1 Kitchenette: gas stove, pore. b. and h fa ~?a *""*' aU " Ilflpr one roof S_L b ?|, »«t class order. Tota 1Le ' *moO; balance arranged. Apply Owner, R. G. HOLLAND, . 107 a. Queen Street. S T ' HELIER'S. ATTRACTIVE BUXGALOW. Modern Conveniences. Wonderful Views. Half-Acre, Lawn, Fruit Trees, Fowlrun. Unrivalled Situation. Bargain. __ Inquire STAR. * _40 ;YOC gfIOULD gEE rjAUESE. SOMETHING VERY CHOICE. WONDERFUL VALUE. X EASY TERMS. 5 AnS Sf 'r 6 "' L ' oUVCnienee -: S^ Gre/ifyiii. ipsom ' or " c Don't Miss These. I E FF ICIENT £i7 D gexts . ; XEWTON 2H ! £50 D 5 Ep Eden-Bungalow. : , ba th and I' - T*, "l lh kitchenette, pore. ? r "-e £<JUO •>- ,■ ' h " '-'' ni " l f - Total; interest. "'' VPr week . principal and! Jls0 I W?Tr-Prince« St.. Dominion I Jafhroom L im,il ~ jm * al " 1 kitchenette.! V l,U »tin ll,en nr ™ n C and £InAJ)EPOKIT f" K r '"" ••'"•br.nrd*. etc. I x. 1. ~ M *' rnln t.'si«ie, Main Rd. I 'iioaette, „T ./'""f 11 ""'-, s r "°nis and kit-! F«*. !>£.-.. '""' , hot w;ir " r ' -n, ','. J ' '' :llirl ; - builtSI6 3Q- Babi. • '"I ,h ."ards. Total price •f'Onn DE i-""?' 31 ilml in t p rest. r,," s r ~l"i St. Mr. Erten.— sleepin ""I,;;'ll'"'' f r "" ill ~' : ""' kitchenP-- nud b Tri.i, 1" ■' ls srovr - califont. -« c ;r _-! i rs!."' ! %™ik\ NIHOT-PU. WAITAKERE RANGES Lawns. Tni " I:l Sii and GRASS' • B IG PANORAMIC VIEW «ELL SHELTERED FROM COLD " T....s £12n0 " Term's ARRAXGED. ' •Wag. one "i Hf? 1 sir »"fi"n. the property "Cishbourhoo-l. Xo agents '" irab!e in th c - Particulars from B. 5295, STAR. 31s
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
983Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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