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ARTICI.ES FOR SALE. EADIATOBS, Ford, Buick, Hudson, Dodge; second-hand, guaranteed Hup. f Philip -Lewis, Chancery St. 'Phone 45-275. 7 WF3 3 QJEWING Machines, Singers, £2 15/ up, freight paid to country ; all gu. ranteed. ; Thompson's, 8, Strand Arcade. D 1 fcJINGEK, Dropheads, best stock in N.Z., , t *3 from £4 15/; Hand, £2 ; terms.—Globe, Ground Floor, 154, Queen St. ; QJINGER, 66, latest model, as new ; cheap ; , *J drophead ;£9 10/ ; guaranteed.—Terry . and Barker, H.B. Buildings, Newton. 1 .QINGER, New Home Sewing Machines, 7 'C 5 Parts and Needles, oil makes; Repairs, 7/6. —Thompson's, 8, Strand Arcade. D QINGER, Oak, 7 drawers, Drophead Ma£s chine, £8 10/. Wertheim Hand Machine, £ £2 10/, guaranteed.—7s. Eden Terrace. 47 ; .CJINGER, New Home, and White Drop--3 l>3 heads; Repairs a specialty.—Rogers, - Wclleslcy St. W. (above Fuller's). Phone - 45-723. D - (TVENTS, "Anchor Brand," reinforced . J- calico, and duck. Send for price list.— . Mnltzer Bros.. 65, Victoria St. D 1 rpEKTS, with Flys: Musical Instruments, > ■*- every description; Camerae, Bicycles, _ etc. Gigantic Clearance Auction Sale Un- • redeemed Pledgee, at People's Loan Co., '. 81 ~ 83 - Victoria St., December 1 and 2. 5 ""VTERITAS" Violet Ray Machine cures * headache and relieves or cures almost every Known human ailment. A VIOLET Rays cure most human aliments; complete mnehinp, £8 S/. —Fisher's. . 243. Karangahnpp Rd. Free trial. D WASHTUB. Heart of Kauri. 40/ ; Kauri, from 32/o.—Smyth, Mackey St., off Wplli-Elpy St. W. p KAA TENTS, brand new, all sizes; cheop- " O\J\J eS (; i n town. — Waterside Loan " Co.. Quay St.. opp. wharf. 1 JUST LANDED PER CORINTHIC . ** 500 07 K2 ROBERTSON • SEWING MACHINES, more Improved than 1 any other machine. Once you inspect these ; machines you will BUY NO OTHER. PRICES FROM £14 14/. It will cost you nothing to inspect. I J. K. ROBERTSON, | Auctioneers, Queen Street. D [ FLATS TO LET. -AN Meal Unfurnished Flat, the whole I • —3— ground floor of a two-storey residence, : situated ti3, Bassett ltd., Kcuiuern, overlooking harbour. Kent, do/ jtec week.—Apply J Phone 43-47-. _*_ > A X'ARTMENTS, turn., unfurn. Flat, • ■-*■ beautitul harbour view; "phone, c.1., ' caiifont.—l3, Mell'ord St., Three L.amps. ) A PAimM'ENTS, 3 rooms, sell-contained, '. •-*■ private w-ash-house, bath, yard; I unfurn. 25/, furn., 30/.— -411, Morningside. i ' S2 7 (CHELTENHAM— Unfurnished Flat, 2 ! rooms and kitchenette, c.1., Cheltenham . Rd.—Write F. 4667, Stab. rtHELMSFOKD—Exclusive, self-contained, ! V-* unfurnished; overlooking Albert Park; garage optional.—Apply after 2 p.m.; tele- | phone 42-718. ■ 1_ ; T")EVOXPOHT— Flat, unfurn., :i rooms, kit- . -'-' chenette; phone, all modern con vs.; mm. wharf.—3l. Anne St. S_ " "PiEVUXPORT—FIats, unfum, part furn., ! -U seU-contained, convs., gas stoves, c.l. ; I adults; moderate. —30. Church St. D 4 EIP'SOM— Small, nicely-furnished Flat, , ' private home, all convs.; bus passes.— . JKI, The Drive, evenings. TJVLAT, 4 rooms, bath, c.1., convs.; handy ; •*- first section; rent low.—Apply 324, Ponsonby Rd. \ "pLAT, small, adults only, every eonv. and s -*- c.l.—Mrs. Turner, 19, Clarke St., ; Kiugsland. _5 "OLATS.— City—2 Rooms, kitchenette, 20/; j x 3 Rooms, 25/ and 30/.—Kirkcaldy, 100. Queen St. 100 TpLAT, handy to beach, baths, park; ten -*- minutes City; Heme Bay car. — 11, ) Islington St. 22 j furn., also Bed Sitting Room, . •*- every conv.—Sharrow, 70, Parnell Rd. Phone 41-539. q unfurn., self-contained, 4 rooms, bathroom; first section.—6, Churton ' St., Parnell. , 81 "CILAT, new, unfurn.; 2 rooms, kitchen- » -*- ette and convs.; 32/6.- r —s, Oakland II Rd.. Mt. Eden. FLAT,- H -rooms, unlurn.> partly furn.; , own meter and convs.—Apply 42, j Dryden St., Grey Lynn. FLAT, front, furn., 2 rooms, kitchenette, separate range, gas stove, meter; 25/. ' 40. g_y"iee St.. Newton. 75 J TfLAT, furn., 2 rooms, kitchenette, 30/; , -*- Single Room 10/: minute 'beach.—37, Sentinel ltd., Heme Boy. I "pVLAT, unfurn., two rooms and kitchen- -*- • ette, handy bus and tram ; moderate.— ' 17, Orakei Rd., Remnera. [■ "ECLATS, self-contained, furn., unfurn., ■*• lmiu four trams, good locality.—Phone j 25-341, or inquire Stau 446. D 4 " "CILAT, Mt. Eden, furn., own bath, kitchon- ' ■*- ette, c.1., telephone, self-contained; J attractive home.—lnquire Star. 584 ' TpLATS, self-contained, well furn.. c.1., 3 -*- convs.; suitable refined couples; niodorate: car stop.—l7l. Ponsonby Rd. FLAT, self-contained, 2 rooms, kltchen- , ette; partly furn: tramline, second - section: adults.—lol. Mt. Eden Rd. [ nnf.urn., modern, self-contained, 2 } ■*- rooms, kitchpnette. bathroom balcony; - overlooking harbour. —47. ■Sarsfleld St.. PLAT, Furn., 2 rooms, self-contained; own entrance, hall and kitchen; ■ moderate.—l 32. .Tcrvois Rd.. Ponsonhy. ; Ti^LAT. —Bed Sitting Room, double, furn.. -»? kitchenptte. electric light, califont; " nlso Slmrle Bodroom. —ss. Khybpr Pass. > TfiLAT, nice, uufurn., plenty cupboards, 1 - 1 - shelves; gas stove, own meter, sep. entrance, all convs.; child no objection; moderate.—lnquire Star. 565 ;, "CTLAT, 3 front rooms, furn., own kitohen--5 ■*• ette, pas stove, c.1.; widow, no children; - good locality, Dominion Rd.; adults.—T. H. Browne, 355, Dominion Rd. Phone 21-368. 1 _____ 121 - TpURNISHED Self-contained, every cony., • ■*- mm. to tram and beach.—W. Boak, • Hauraki Bd., Takapuna. - (GRAFTON. —Two Rooms, large, self-con-p VJ tamed, private, gas stove, c.1.—11 I- Carlton Gore Rd. 5 (CREAT SOUTH RD. (close Newmarket) - Rooms (2), kitchenette; nice sura roundings: 2.~»/. —Inquire Star. 535 ( ! (GREENWOOD'S CORNER.—Furn. Flat, sep. entrance, car stop; reasonable.— - CGS. Mnnukau Rd.. Epsom. 32 r PJ.REY LYNN.—FIat, unfurnished, i: rooms and kitchen; 17/6.— Tbe Home Finders, SS. Queen St. i^ 5 — Self-contained Flat xi - partly furn.: every possible cony. el* '" gas.—Trnelove. Selwyn Rd. 134 j. "DARNELL, let Section—Two Front Rooms, 3 -*• furn., all convs.; c.1.—14, Scarborough ■ Tprrsre. ° 3 T>ARN£LL.—FIat, 4 rooms, c.1., convs.; x near park, baths; reasonable rent.— 7 Inqnirp S'fAR. 590 .', "DOOMS (2), nice, unfurn., kitchenette, ■*-• convs.: low rent approved m.c.; adults J" 634, Dominion Rd. Terminus. - fTVAKAPUNA—" Castlerock," Earnoch Ay. 2 ■*• under new management; superior Selfy contained Flats of 3 and 4 Rooms; good >. fishing and safe bathing; 1 niiu. to bus i. and bach ; moderate rentals. iei 3, A ROOMS, all convs., smins. from New- !, ■* market; splendid view.—Apply Laurie i. 202. Broadway, Newmarket. 8 99/fi —SELF-CONTAINED Flat, furn., . ■*'-'/ yf» c.1., gas BtoTe. eeparat« entrances business people.—lS9, Great North Rd. • BICYCLES FOR SATE. ! 3 A LWAI'S a good selection of Reliable d J\. Second-hand Cycles at £5, fully ; Newmarket. r TJICYCLES, with coaster hubs, £2 12/G, - J5 £3 5/, £3 15/, £4 10/. £5; inspection 1 invited.— Clarkson. 3S. Ponsonby Rd. 1 TJICVCLE, Gent's, pump, lamps, tools, etc., } l> nrst-class order; £:i 30/. A snip.- ---: Midgle.v. Confectioner, Avondale. 15J_ . ENT'S Bicycle, practically new; English ' vT Raleigh; £6. —liaydock, Concrete House, ' Landscape Rd.. Mt. Eden. ' » "DALEIGH Racing Bicycle, as new; comr XV nicte with lamps; cost..£2o, sell £J2. y 27, Anglesea St.. Ponsonby. I THOROUGHBREDS FOR SALE. B" ROOD Mare Peter Moko. foal at foot: also 4-year-old.—lS, Gordoa Bd., JXorn- > insside.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,072Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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