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ARTICLES FOB tiALE. - "DEKKEL Bacon Cutter, and Avery Coui- - puting Scale, cheap; good as new. — . Apply 199, Symonds St. 157 - 13 LACK Collapsible Go-cart for Sale; • •*-* good order.—Apply 38, St. Leonai , " s Rd., Kpsom. CABINETMAKER'S Tools, good condition; Gas Radiator (new), Wireless Crystal •; Set; Brown's Phones.—Apply week-end, 15, iirowning St., Grey Lynn. - CALIFONT, Fletcher, perfect order; Wai-drobe, mirror front; Gramophone. • Easy Chairs.—2o, Bracken Aye. Phone 20-i»!». - piHEAPEST 3-Piece Moquette Chesterileld l " ' Suites in Auckland, and selling by '" manufacturer.—s, Xorana Ay., Reinuera. - Rimu, dropside, 32/0; Push Chair, " single handled, seagrass, 25/. —32, '■ Albert Kd., Pevonport. -4 - TjiiXTENSION Dining Table, hardly used; 1 J-f extra leaves.—lnquire Star. 570 { T7IURNITURE, 4 rooms and kitchen ; suu---P dries.—Apply 23, The Drive, Epsom. j /~1 AKDEN Roller, good, cheap.—Apply 21, ', VJ Campbell Rd., Grey Lynn. ? (~*l AS Stove, small, with Dixon-Evans hot , water attachment; in good order.— Up j Victoria Are., Remuera. GATE, 4ft x 3ft, by Oin; Posts, 6xo; fittings for bungalow ; little used ; £3 5/. i 12, Coomws Rd., Remuera. . 133 3 pi LASS Counters, Show Cases, oak fln--5 VJT jshed ; suitable high-class confectioner, '• chemist, fancy goods; cheap cash.—Write S. - 3406, Star. - REV Reed Loom Pram, in perfect oon- • fliti"": nlw Canvas Collapsible Cot — • 3, Mt. Eden Rd. 155, ■ TCE Box, cost £10, sell for £6.-243, -*- .Tnrvois Rd.. Heme Bay. ' T ADIES.—Use Broad Elastic Garters J , • XJ - (not sewn), with patent everlasting J fasteners; all wearers praise them; these : last years ; nice present. —Send address and ' 2/ to Tomsey, Agent, 20, Lower Queen St., - Onehiingu. OAK Suite, 3-plece (moquette) ; 1 Oak Bed and Dressing Table, practically new ; , any offer.—os, West End Rd., Heme Bay. [ ("VILED Rimu Oval Table, with club legs, , " and Six Chairs to match with spring • seats; as new.—l 7, Cornwall Park Avenue, I Epsom. 24 j f~)RB Range, 3lt, with boiler and tap; • " good as new; cheap.—Apply F. Hitch- • cock, Takanini. ; 40_ PORTABLE Range, 3ft, witn side boiler; almost new (Atlas), £4.-21, Shaddock 1 St.. Mt. Eden. PRAM, Seagrass, new condition ; £3 15/ or offer.— ST. Wynyard Rd., Mt. Eden. 76 , T>RAM, new condition, nickel-plated handle ; ii- £3 10/.—35, Ardmore Rd., Heme Bay. 89 SEAGRASS .Pram; healthy child; £-4 or offer; cost. £8 10/.—Nasb, Muritui Rd., • Milford. , CJEAGRASS Pram, with seagrass hood, like . new; bargain.—l, Dunedin St., St. I Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. SS . CECOND-HAND Windows, Doors, Gas , Irons, Gas Rings, Canvas Cot, Swing , High Chair, Sundries. — 20, Kenneth Ay., ' Morningsldc. 00 i VX7RITING Desk, with pigeon-holes, also I , » » Cupboard, 3 drawers, all combined.— J 62. Walters Rd.. Kingslnnd. > OPIECE, Dark Polished Bedroom Suite, " *-• also 7-Piece Sitting Room Suite ; fhpnp.—l4, Pnice Avenue. I spring edge Chesterfield Suite, ; ** 'Moquette, largest size, any design from •• maker to you; guaranteed. — Particulars • ring 20-642. - Af\ 4-MINUTE Cj-linder Records, 2/ each ; 1 2 Sapphire Speakers, 10/ each.—2, J Eden St., Newmarket. 131 - A BOUT Powell's Prams and Seagrass ' Furniture; time payments arranged ; . send for cntalogne.—lo. Eden Terrnce. A A BSOLUTELY THE CHEAPEST PLACE i •**• in Town for New Furniture. GEORGE WALKER, ) Salerooms, 38, Queen Street, r "COME RIGHT UPSTAIRS." » D i A LL Shades Coloured Suede Raffia and 1 ■"- Cane for Baskets; N.Z. Souvenirs. — 3 Misß Ayling, Strand Arcade. } A RMSTRONGS, Eden Terrace—Orion 1 •**• Range, with high pressure boiler, £0; • ( Mitre Box and Saw, 40/. ■ A RTISTIC Range of Sunshine Purses, : -"- Ladies' Hand Bags, latest shapes, just s landed.—Thompson's, Symonds St. ' A TTACHE Cases* solid leather, 17/; / -"-Brief Bags, 12/6.—Lediard's, 24 and . 184, Karangahape Bd. 109 BARGAIN.— Riinu Sideboard, Rimu Table, 6 Simu Chairs, £11 15/ the 10t.—20, ■ Ponsonby Rd. ' "DEAUTIFUL Dolls for Xmas, cheaper ■*-* than ever; eyelashes, sleepers; deposits taken.—Thompsons, Symonda St. BEDROOM Suite, complete, Oak, usual 42.10/,..Sale £3S 10/; £32 Suite £27 10/, Sale.—l 4, Ponsonoy Rd. T>EST Indigo Blue Serge Suits, guaranteed -*-* tailor-made, from £7 7/. —Jaffe. opp. G.P.0.. and near Town Hall. D BEST Extension Ladders procurable. Wheelbarrows, 30/ ; Washttfbs, 35/. — Ford, 33-35. St. Paul St. Phone 43-397. D TJETTER VALUE IN NEW FURNITURE - 13 AT GEORGE WALKER'S SALEROOMS, 3S, Queen Street. 1 "COME RIGHT UPSTAIRS." D BLUE- Serge Trousers, good quality, 25/; get in early.—Jaffe, 344 and 15. Queen Street. D "DOON To Mothers —Wonder Nit Combs • -*-» free the hair from nits, 5/9. —Dewar, i Strand Arcade. ' piAMPERS Note—Cheap Beds and Mattresses, Crockery, Saucepans, etc.; ; large range.—3l, Great North Rd. ,- /"""IAMERAS, all sizes, all bargains ; liberal r allowance on exchange; repairs to all makes. —Camera Exchange, Strand I Arcade. • CARPENTERS' Aprons, 2/3, 2/11, 3/11; ■ *■•> Overalls, 6/11, 7/11; Sport Coats, 1 30/.—Bert Marshall, Ltd., Symonds ■ St. D 3 piHEAP Furniture at The Ark, 237, Ponsonby Rd. — Cedar Table, Rimu ■ t Bedsteads, Gas Stoves, etc. f (CHESTERFIELD 3-Piece, in Moquette, 1 v-' well-sprung, £20; Oak Sideboards £10. ' Sale.—l 4, Ponsonby Rd, Suites, moquette, from v-/ £19, genuine factory prices.—Dependable Upholstery Co., under Railway Bridge. , Parnell : minute Queen St. by D I pHKISTOPHER JOHNSON'S Guaranteed Stainless Knives—Deserts 17/6, Tables . 22/6 half doz.; great value.—Oates, Iron- . mongei'. Symonds St. p piOME RIGHT UPSTAIRS and See Our _ \J Beautiful Display of New Furniture. GEORGE WALKER. - The Furnishing Auctioneer, 38. Queen St. D • Concrete Foundai v> , tion Blocks are acknowledged the Stand- _ ard for Quality.—Cowperthwaite Co., Dis--1 raeli St., Mt. Eden. p " T-jINNER, Tea, Coffee Sets, crystal, direct . -L , from works; cheap.—l 3, Express j Sample Rooms, Kitchener St. t Iron, excellent finish, new; J-J cheap, £I.—W. S. Laurie and Co., , 10, Fanshawe St. EXTENSION Ladders, Trestles, Steps, Ladders, Flour nnd Sugar Bins.— ) Smyth, Mackey St., off Wellesley St. W. D 1 "CTREE Booklet on "Veritas" Violet Ray -P Machines on application^—Electric Proj ducts. Ltd.. 313. Queen St., Auckland. A p /~1 ABDEN Tools, good assortment; Spades, ' *JT from 4/6; Kakes, Hoes, Hedge Shears, 5 Forks.—'Prime. Karangahape Bd. A ' Rollers Stwked. Lawn Mowers ijT and Saws collected. sharpened. ' delivered.—Cranston. Eden Terrace. Phone ; 44-375. L HOSE Special — 3-ply Garden Hose, British manufacture. OJd- foot, CO-foot I coils.—Prime's. Karnugnhape Rd. J) ; TNVERTED Gas Globes, 2/; Upright and . 1 InTOrted Mantlee, 7id; 7*a; Electric Lamps, 2/; Electric Globes, 2/6.— Boylo, 41. Victoria St. A LAWNMOWERS — The "Woodyatt." all British, easy running; Sheffield steel blades. —Cranston, .Eden Ter. Phone 44-3 1^ J r\AK Wardrobe, £8 10; Oak Bedstead, £4 ! " 17/G; Settee and Squab, £3 10/: Combination Chest, £2 8/6. —Blackman, 43, Eden Terrace. - . \ pOKSONBT MARKET, 150, Ponsonby x Kd.—Copper Tea Urn, 15/; 3-piece Lin- - dale Suite, upholstered blue and grey - fflpqijette. front and arms sprung, oak - £25 10/; 4ft Iron Beds and Wi>—. i . 10s ,"' JS ll^- Jlac nines, all makes, all prices;-
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,072Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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