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APARTMENTS VACANT. ABOUT Flats, Booms, Houses; reason- - able rentals. — Call at Kipley's, 12, . Winatone Bldgs., Queen St. D ; A BSOLUTELY best Furn. Rooms, single, •**■ double; Flats, each separate cooking, califont.—Cambridge, Lower Vincent St. ABSOLUTELY Central.—Pleasant Front • FJnt, private entrance, kitchenette, elec- . trie light, califont.—Cambridge, Lower Yin- • cent St. . A BSOLUTELY Best Furnished Rooms, Flats, separate entrances, cooking arrangements, electric light.—"Cambridge," Lower Vincent St. A CCOMMODATION, Balcony Room, -cX- single, furn., with breakfast.—Waimarie, 20. Lower Symonds St. 12S A CCOMMODATION, Single, Double Ilooms, breakfast if required ; also Bach, self-contained. —"Lismore," 45, Belgium St. MFS APARTMENTS, furn., 2 front rooms, i 'bed sitting room, own stoves, meters. 71, France St.. Newton. 66 "DACH Room, own gas stove, all convs.— ■*-*' 2, Arawa St., Khyber Pass, nest dairy. 83 "OALCONY Rooms (2), large, own meters; ■*-* also 2 Single-bedded Room; breakfast optional; central.—Arawa Apartments, next King's Theatre. OBDROOM, suit single men; Newmarket; •*-* breakfast if required.—lnquire ■ Stau. 53_ TJEDROOM, double, furn., with kltchen- •*-* ette, near University.—lnquire Stvak. 563 • "DEDROOM, nice, furn., 2 beds; suit 2 •*-* working men.—l 4, "Wakeflcld 'St., near car. 64 BEDROOM, front, furn., single, 10/; or 2 'beds, 15/.—13, Cobden St., Near Newton P.O. 67 ■ BEDROOM, front; Single Furn. Rooms: electric light, 'bath etc.—No. 30, Union St.. City. ' , BEDROOM, furn., gaa ring, electric light, suit two mates.—3, Hopctoun St., near Reservoir. ' T>EDROOM, single, furnished; homely; -*-* business people; man preferred.— Inquire Star. 578 "DEDROOM, single, c.1., bath, shower; pri- -*-* vate; business man preferred; Pitt St. stvHon.—ls, St. James St. 129 "DEDROOM, single, sunny, furn., c.1.. call- ■*-* font, gas ring; moderate.: everything provided.—l.l. Wynrard St., City: . "DEDROOM, Sitting Room, front, furn.; -*-* share kitchen, own entrance, stove, meter, p.l. ; two adults.—lnquire Star. SSI BEDS, single room and share, suit working men; 9/ and 7/ weekly.—oß, St.. City. BED Sitting Room, large, furn.—Apply 5, , Owen's Rd.. Epsom. [j_ BED Sitting Room, furn.. all convs.; 22/6 week.—C. Beresford St., City. 65 . BED Sitting Boom, double, front, use of convs.; suit married couple.—ls, Arawa St.. Grafton. ■ BED Sitting Balcony Room, furn., kitchenette.—l 72, Parnell Rd. (Ist bouse past St. Stephen's Aye.) ' BE© Sitting Room, exceptionally large, furn.; kitchenette, stove, meter, gas copper, c.1.—0, Park Ay. BED Sitting Room, double or single; brpnkfast optional: ennvs.; private. —44, Wynyard -St.. pear St. Paul's. BED Sitting Room, furn., gas ring, fireplace, or would Board working couple. 28. St. Mary's Rd., Poneonby. 103 BED Sitting Room, double, furnished, kitchenette; c.1., telephone, all conTe. — 77, Cnrlton Gcra Rd.. Grafton. D 4 BED Sitting Room, large, furn., fireplace, kitchenette; own inetcr ; suitable m.c.— . 3. ?lopetoiiu St., near Reservoir, BED Sitting Room, double, c.1., gag cooker; room 2 single beds, gas ring; suit 2 friends; 15/. —17, South St., Newton. I "/CHATSWORTH" (late "Braemar"), 54, « Wynyard St.—Furn. Sitting Rooms, . Bedrooms, Kitchenettes; balconies, over- j looking Park ; rensonahle. /COMFORTABLE Kooms, furn., quiet home; terms low ; near Grafton Bridge. 13. Seafleld View Rd. OMINION RD.—Kooms (2), large, unfurn.; sep. cooker, entrance; 2 wins. trams.—27. William St. OMINION KD.T-Double Furn. Room, convs.; quiet home, handy trams; adults ; moderate. —17. King Edward St. DOUBLE Bedroom, fireplace, kitchenette, . c.1.; quiet, central; adults.—73, West St.. near Symonds St. ; 122 GRAFTON RD., No. 0, University end— Double and Single Booms; moderate tariff; new management. 85 GRAFTON, Park Rd—Two nice Single Rooms, furn.; own entrance; no meals : 14/. —King 41-313. GRAFTON.— Single Bed Sitting Boom, nice, furn.. cnntrnl; miit business girl; all convs.—2. Boyle Crescent. ] GRAFTON— Furnished Large Bed Sitting Room and kitchenette: c.1.; 32/0; , refs.—lo2. Park Rd. 'Phone 45-670. 41 , GRAFTON —Comfortable Furn. Bedroom, dining room, use kitchen ; Furn. -Single Bedroom; reasonnblp.—ls.'Glasgow Ter. GRAFTON —Rooms (2) furn., to Let. together or ppparately : couvs., califont. Phone 43-304. — 101, Grafton Rd., mornings, evpnines. 53 MILFORD —Kooms, vacant until Dec. 23; ehlldten not oDjccted to. — " SnnrkPnHQp." Ocil Rd. • PARNELL —Large Double Room, unfurn.. c.1., convs.; park, baths; low rent.— Inquire Star. SSO PAKNELL. —Bedroom, Breakfast Room, furn., harbour view; sepnrnte stove, meter; no linen, cutlery; rrfined couple; nonr Ciry : 30/. —'Phono 41-451. REMUERA —2 Front Rooms, furnished, kitchen, convs.; adults; refs.—2s, Grppn Lane Rd.. afternoons. KOOMS (2 or 3), furn. or unfurn.^—7s. ' Richmond Rd. 121 ROOM, single, furn:, gas ring, convs.—l, Cobden St.. Newton. ROOMS (2), gas stove, c.1., phone.—lo, Kelly Rd.. Mt. Eden. ROOM, front, suitable one or two business girls.—lß, City Rd., City. ROOM, large, unfurnished or partly furnished.—2s. St. Paul St., City. . ROOM, single, furn., suit sober working man.—l 92, Victoria St. West. ROOM, slugle, all convs.; Snilns. from Quepn St.—so. Wellesley St. K. ROOM, furn., to Let; gas ring; rent \ 10/. —IS, Servia St.. Newton. 132 "DOOM, double, nicely furn., c.1., bath. h.c. ■*-* water: handy city.—lss. Nelson fit. KOOMS (2), furn., waterfront, or Board ' 2 persons.—lß, Hackett St., Ponsonby. ■ 'Jl "DOOMS (2), large, and kitchen, gas ' •i-* , stove, fireplace.—l 79, Ponsonby Bd. i 87 ROOM, furn.; respectable young man- I all convs.; lOmins. G.P.0.—46. Union < — — Jl i TJOOMS, furn., to Let, Cheltenham beach ! ■*-*' Particulars SO, Vauxhall Rd., Devonport. "DOOM, large, in city; suit dressmaker; can • ■*-*> have use sewing machine.—lnquire - Star. * 5.50 rjOOMS (2), furn., and kitchenette, all ' -*-* 1 convs.; car stop at gate.—s4, Mt. Eden S d j 74 "DOOM, large, unfurn.; fireplace; see ■*-* convs.; 1 mm. Valley Rd.—s, WaIUM "i o_ "DOOMS (3) and cellar, range, g.-is stove- ', -*■*' sep. meter.—Bs. Summer St., Pon s ° n °r- 100 "DOOMS, furn.. single or double, pore I ■*-*> bath, all convs.; Symonds St.—lnquire Star - . (!0_ "DOOMS (2), large, front, unfurn., all -»-fc convs.—Apply after 5, 60, Burnley Terrace. - y^ ROOM, front, double, furn.; use phone and all convs.—s, Selwyn Terrace Parnell. ' ROOMS, 1 single, 1 share: c.1., clean, comfortable.—s4, Cook St. Under new man ngement. \ ■ - ROOM, suit 2 friends; central; c.1., soft ■washing, mending.—7, Osborne St Newmarket. j 3 g ROOMS (2), large, unfurn.. c.1., own stove; rent cheap ;no children.—l°7 ' Efl»n Terrace. . sg ! "DOOM, single, to Let: private entrance; •*-* breakfast optional-—The Wjllow?, 33, Symonds St. . . •', EOOM, furn.: respectable working girl lor man: neat St. Jame«' Church Inquire >Sj___. ■ 554
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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985Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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