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-WAJfTED KNOWN. A LL Linen Towels, Tablecloths, Servi-■«-i- ettes, Handkerchiefs, lowest prices.— .letter's Irish Linen Stores, Jcrvoia Kd., ronsonby. A " A KCHOU" Butter Supreuii. , .—Guaranby the nout, snte and sanitary "Anchor" Carton. All Grncera. D A PPLEGAKTH'S Herbal Pills.—The ■A- Family Medicine for headaches, Wliousness, liver troubles, indigestion. All chemists, I/O. 12 A SPECIAL Each Day makes the crowds come our way. —Tutt's, My Hatter, Symonds St. D REST Home for convalescent after operation, etc.—Mrs. Bennett, 12, St. George's Bay Rd., Parnell. 94 TVLUE X-Rny Oil for your ailments.— Jj' Obtainable at Sanford's Pish Shop. opp. G.'P.O., Queen St. A "/"■fIAPILOGEN," Hair Colour Restorer and V_/ Tonic. It works. P.N.. 4/.—Wiles, Chemist, ISO. Parnell Rd., Auckland. A "/CHAMPION" Nickel-plated Gas Stoves, ' liigh efficiency burners, large top; most efficient yet cheapest; price £11 10/. Ask for one. 3 BANISH Seines, Corks, Cottons, Leads, Glass Floats, ex Corinthic; also •Flounder, Mullet and Garfish nets.—Johnston's Net Works, 080, Dominion Rd. Phone 21-140. D DR. HALL'S Famous Capsols, price 12/6 package, post free. To ensure getting jrenuine order direct from Sole Agents, Bridge Drug Store, Chemists, 3, Karangaliape Rd. (at Grafton Bridge), Auckland. D TjTLECTRIC Bicycle Lamps, complete. rEU , with Battery, 12/ C, from Hazard's. Queen St. A T7QSHING Tackle.—Buy Tackle that will J? land the flsh. Full selection, W. H. Hazard, Queen St. A_ ■pOUNTAIN Pen nnd Eversharp Pencil Doctor.-—J. Buchanan, cor. Queen and Fort Sts. Repairs promptly executed. D f~l ET- your Safety Razor Blades RβNJT nharpened and shave in comfort.— Haznrl's, Queen St. A HEMSTITCHING, Buttons, Pleating, Skirts Made Up. Drossmaking, Evening Gowns; charges moderate.—l 2, Victoria St. W. D "TNECTO" Hair Dye, procurable in all -*• shades from Miss Borgolte, Toilet Specialist, City Chambers, Auckland. D MADAME nYLAND, Phrenologist, Character Reader. —17, Belgium St., first hQUge on right off Knrangahnpe Rd. D ADAME MARIE will give Advice, 10 to 9 p.m.—7, St., off Lincoln St.. Ponsonhy ""VTAPTHALINE."—Death to Moths and '■m Silverflsb; nil Stores or Domestic Vacuum Cleaning Co.. 12, Strand Arcade. D "VfEW Model, No. 99, Spotlight Pocket >•*•» Electric Torch, just landed, 12/0, from Hazard's. Queen St. A^ "VTORMYL Treatment for . Drink and i-M Drug Ila'bits.-r-Full particulars Dewar, Strand Arcade. A "VTOW Ladles, how about a Week-end - 1 -' at Rptorua? Tenuis and croquet. Cheap Excursions, Alternate Saturdays. ORANGE Lily is the Best Women's Tonic on the market.—Full particulars, Dewar, Strand Arcade. D ROLFE's Wax is, after all, the best and most economical Floor Polish. Sold everywhere. D QA/Jf "Anchor" and be satisfied. In Car X? tons. " Anchor" is the World's best butter. All Grocers. D SINGER Hand Machines, £3 10/; 12 Oak. dropheads, £6 10/; needles, lid doz.— Globe, 154. Queen St. D SINGER,- latest Oβ Machines, sacrifice, new, automatic, oak,, dropheads; cash or Short's Bldt?s. D QTAR Chip Heaters. Safer than gas. No ►J bills; bath in 10 minutes.—Keesing, 29, Wellesley St. A CJUITS direct from manufacturer to Kj wearer, 84/; includes a fit-on, with hand-finished edges.-—3a, Gt. North Rd., Newton. , D rnHE " Golden Cow " Carton is tbe sign of -L "Anchor" Butter Supreme. All Grocers. P_ fpORALINE clears the Tubes and saves -L the Lungs. Chemists and Stores. 1/6 and 2/0. ; A WALLETS, Hair Brushes, Music Cases, Racquets, Bats; keenest prices.—Lediard's, 24, and IS4, .Karangahape Rd. 110 •«X7ir,L the Public of Auckjan.d, f|ee 'JJutt's »» Dally Specials in our Special "Window, Symonda St.7 : "' ; " D YOU will never regret a Trip to Kotorua. Do it now. Cheap Eailway Excursions.' YOUR Own Home in 12 months in beautiful Pt. Chevalier; £5 deposit.— Homes. P.O. Box 210. Auckland. .... Ty ANTED KNOWN T HAT OKUICKSHANK, MILLAR AND CO., LTD. (In Liquidation), Are Sacrificing the Remainder of their Great Stock of Ironmongery and Sports Goods at their Shop in Queen Street, opposite Smith and Caughey'e. A "you TTS pOB £]_9 If you could make as much as £1 in only two and a half hours of one evening would you be willing td sell us that time? YOU can do both; sell us the time, and make an even £1 between 7 o'clock and 9.30 of a single evening. -EXTRA POUNDS FOR EXTRA PLEASURES Xou may not feel the need to prepare for a "rainy day ,, ; lucky for you if you're right! But you can surely use extra money, whether it is for necessities or pleasures. And you can eajn It, too just like hundreds of others are doing in their spare time day or evenine b? making NATIONAL CONFECTIONS for us. Motor trips are great fun. Hunting a six-letter word meaning cat is diverting. A good movie is worth the price of admission. But motor rides, movies, even crossword books cost money. So do ■ vacations. So do countless other things pleasant to have. i To earn that money—easily, pleasantly, without experience^—for these or any other.wants —there's no better offer than . the one that will come to you if you just MAIL THE OOUPON. NATIONAL CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY. 77, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. I would like more money. Please tell me—without obligating of course—how I can earn it. Name Street. TownS . F . PIANOS TOR SALE. AGODDARD Piano for Best Value; £1 Deposit secures any Piano.—Sly's, 144, Symonds St. D A DOISON Pianos, low, prices, beautiful ■"- models; just unpacked; inspect. — Moore's, next Waverley, Customs St. E. ALLISON, suit beginner; do borer; 25 ■ guineas ; 7/6 weekly.—No Deposit Piano" C 0.,-28, High S*. A RTHUR BREE, Professional Pianist, ■«- sells Pianos for casn or easy terms. — 464. Upper Quepn St. 130 A RTHUR ALLISON Upright Grand, £49 •**• 10/, worth double; extended iron frame ; splendid tone. —140. Symonds St. BETTER Piano Values obtainable at the National Piano Co.. Ltd., corner Wellesley and Albert Sts. £ ORAMER Pianos for excellence of tone and touch; terms arranged.—Auckland ?iano..Agency. 372. Queen St. . . little Piano, good order; only £1 . - oeposlt, £1 monthly.—Auckland TPiano Agency, opp. Town Hnll ' Overstrung, Upright Grand, £49 H s f^ S g r 7Efaon), returned from C -2^28 : y -~~ No Deposit Piano
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
981Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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