ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SHOULD BE IX OUR OFFICE NOT LATER THAN ONE P.M. DAILY. j ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED AFTER THIS UOUR WILL BE INSERTED Ul* TILL 2.45 P.M. IN LATE NEWS PAGE. FARM HANDS. fIOUPLES, 60/, stations; Cowboy, Station Hand, Farm Hands, Youths, Milkers. Handy Boy.—Bell's Registry, Winstoue Buildings. Queen St. SHEARERS, S.labby Yardman wnntrd.— Apply Kuapohu House, Kangatuua. , 'I'hone Iβ. YOUTH wanted, used to farm nurk; wages, 30/ and found.—Apply J. M. . I Bulger, Rowan Rd., Kaponga. I HOXiH>AY ACCOMMODATION. -1 ■ i AItUUMODATKIN, Seaside; few ,[ A vacancies left,—Write or wire .! Cheltenham Beach House. I'hnno 41. 34 M TJEACIILANUS.— 2 Furnished Cottages, '; -D n'u beacli, from noiv to Ulth December; ciu'up. — l'hoiiK (4 rIUKK). HOLIDAY to Auckland.' —Fxirn. Flats to let '' weeks C'hrletiuas; piano, tennis [\ ~,.,,T . t _ Write F. IXl*. Star. ' i TT7AITAKEHE RANGES. —Summer Fiini. •I V\ Cottages, tenuis court, parade.—Pnrj St. 'Phone 44-100. 11 tn ideal place to ?° for tbe Xmas Holidays. •I An "SYLVAX GLADE," I AHKLE'S BAY. situated, near natlrp basli. Safe;'lr.2. boatin?. nshing. Dancing i'avilion and Tennis Court, T»rms. £3 3/ per week. Sp**'-!-- term" 'or '•.,«"■ ■, For partlrulars, apply to MRS. M. C. ! SITKI'KIKi.D. ■■■wi- ■ , ( ! WINES FOR SAI-E. BRAY'S WlNES—Special Choice Assorted Case Our Famous Wines, 50/; freight Ipai.l nearest railway.—Bray's Vineries, Ltd., ] Auckland. l^ KAY'S WINKS. — Health redeeming, robust feeliujr. No. 1 Port. 35/ Freight paid nearest station.—Bray's I Vineries, Auckland. r) I riROW.V Wines, 227, Karanprahape Rd __ V/ No. 1 Tort, 42/ case; (Jolden Sherry '■ 5.2 S/: R'*yal I'rfscrvo Tort. £3. "jj ryiNES. a'liilit.v. 30,' case; mtlMfncti-m' T ' Rt'nrantePd or money refunded; frPlslit paid.—F. Sherwood. Severn Bank Vineries, south Rd.. Henderson. mAKE 'M'OTICE. " THE AUCKLAND STAR " OFFICE IS OPEN UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK TO-NIGHT TO RECEIVE YOUE ANNOUNCEMENTS.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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