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liQST AND gQTTNP. J 1 >SX, Fawn Feather Boa, Karangahape Kil. ; reward.—ll>2. Jervois KU. Ix 2 I U«T, Delivery Book for Firestone Tyre ■*-* Co., Kliyber Pass; reward.—'Phone 4u-4UU. •J^ I" OST, Ford Rim and Tyre; Manukau Kd. or Mangtrc; reward.—King I OST, 12ft Dinghy, painted yellow, Sunday, __:_,_, ott Little Omaha; reward. A. Joass, unuralii. xi 3 T OST, Gold Expanding Wristlet Watch, ■" Cheltenham iieneh, Sunday; reward.— W rite U. o_r._, stab. _____ -itf T OST, Earring, silver, with blue drops, ■y between Queen St. and lipsuin; reward. -i, Kangiaiea Hd., SU T OST, Browu Carved Earring; (gold screw), attached gold chain; reward.— Olncu, .--niectous, Limited, Queen St. T OST, Cheque, drawn on McCoy, in favour C. Prnngley, between ilangere and .Newmarket. Payment stopped. WH T OST, String of Pearls, between WaUeflela St. and Brunswick Bldgs.—Reward on returning to 00, Brunswick Bldgs. T OST, Fancy Patchwork Dress between ~* Customs St. and Railway Station.— I' inder please return Union Company. T OST, Sum of Money, between Hillside Crescent, Mt. Eden, and Symonds St., \\ eduesday night; reward.—lnquire Stab. 567 T OST—Gentleman who received Watch, J - J ParneU Baths, Saturday, return immediately, save further trouble. Identity known. TOST, Lady's Gold Wristlet Watch, ■ XJ initials engraved, vicinity Library, 'Grey Lynn; reward.—SO, Crummer Rd., Grpy Lynn. T OST, Long Suede Purse, with money, on Thursday night in the Town Hall.—Wil! finder please ring 26-052, or communicate with 7. Elgin St.. Grey Lynn? T OST, Dinghy, 14ft, from Wairakaka ■*-' Cemetery, painted slnte and red outSide, red in, with mast and anchor: reward. Anniv Townlpy. Victoria St.. Onphnngn. T OST, Hamper, containing clothes, OneJ - i hunga bus, evoninp, NovembPr 11 : liberal reward.—"Chestnuts." Inkerman St.. Rornl Onk. or Bur Co.. Onehunca. 107 TCTOUND, Roll Linoleum. Taylor St., Avon- -*- dale ; owner can have same by paying expenses.—lnquire Star. 582 Tj^OUND.—Elderly Gentleman who lost ■*- Crucifix on 11th iust.. call 1. Invernosa Bldgs.. Karnngahapp Rd. 81 'pOUND, Black Spaniel Doe, collar x marked S. Paul; owner can have same by paying expenses.—l 6, Karangahape Rd. 151 STRAYED AND IMPOUNDS STRAYED, Bulldog, bitch, fawn, answere name Jean; reward.—2s, Graham St., C|TRAYED from Remuora, 2 Black and White English Setters; reward.—Clu'yton. 0, Hustings ltd., Remuera. jgTRAYED, Small Black Dog, long body, short legs and tan paws, answers to Waggles : City ; child's pet; reward.— communicate McCann, 48, Fourth Ay., Kimjsland. 122 IyrOUNT EDEN PUBLIC FOUND.—Im■U-*- pounded from Carmen Avenue. Mount Eden, Bay Pony Gelding, branded A on off shoulder, and wire mark on off forefoot ; sore on back, short rope on neck. If not claimed and expenses paid, will be sold on WEDNESDAY, December 2, at 12 o'clock Noon. J. C. MACREDIE, • - Poundkeeper. HOUSES AND LAND WANTED. " A BILITY to Sell.'" "Ability to Sell I" -"- Appoint a "Salesman" to handle your real estate.—Charles Coward, 1, Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 'Phone 43-131. D \ BOUT 5 Rooms, Royal Oak-Epsom ; £200 deposit; Govt. Mort. preferred; to .£llso.—Thode, Phoenix Chambers. A LL , Cash for Villa, 5 rooms, good grounds and locality; elevated. — Abbott Elmaly, 05, Queen St. ALWAYS Busy.—Moore, Estate Agent, Onehunga. d A TTENTION.' Soldiers' Land Bureau, Hellany's Bldgs., urgently requires Houses, Farms, Farmlets, with Soldiers' Mortgages ; buyers waiting. D "DARFOOT, Newmarket, Tor Remuera, -*-• Epsom and Green Lane Properties. Coloured Map of district supplied free. THF BRING Your Property to Me. Inspection arranged immediately.—J. E. Calwell, 205. N.Z. Insurance Bldga. D "OUILDING SITE wanted, within 3rd sec- ■*-> tion.—Apply H. W. Laing, 8, Garnet ltd., Grey Lynn. 26 "DUILDING Section or medium-sized -*-* House Property for cash, handy car and city.—Write F. 4018, Star. "TjOaiINIOX RD. Terminus.—Bungalow; x -' limit £1100, Govt. mortgnee essential: jroorl deposit: urgent.—Write W. 4331. Star "CXOUSE. 5 or 6 rooms, wanted ; good J-L location ; deposit £50 ; urgent.—Write F. 4652. Star. TTOUSE, 4 or 5 rooms, convs., wanted; ■"- from owner only; Kllerslie or Green Lnno prefprrnd.—State all particulars and denoslt required to W. 4164. Stak. T AND Agents and Property Owners.— -*-• Wanted, Volcanic Section imniPclintPly, elate price.—Full particulars to T. 3871. Star. ■ OWNER of Big 6 7-seater Chandler Motor, suitable for a taxi, is prepared to Exchange same as deposit on Modern Home within handy reach Newmarket.—Apply 151, Groat South Rd. • 27 SUITABLE for small ■ factory, Parnell, Newmarket, or Eden Terrace. Reason-able.-Madill, SO2, N.Z. Ins. Bldg. Phone 45-0.T.1. _^__ YOUR Property for Sale? We want It. Immediate inspection. — Griffiths and Co.. Ltd.. 6. Palmerston Bldgs. r> f) TO 3 Acres, small House, reasonable ~J price and terms.—W. K. Francis, Agent, Papakura. Pr ROOMS, MOUNT EDEN, EPSOM OR tJ , PONSONBY, HANDY TRAMS. Government Mortgage £1000 to £1400. Particulars to G.P.O. BOX RIG. 128 WAJTTED TO RENT. BACH, small, wanted, 3 weeks, New Year. Kohi or St. Heller's.—/ Write H. 4432, Star. BACH, furn., for Month, from Jan. 1; near beach; 10ca1.—24, Home St., Arch Hill, City. BUNGALOW, β-roomed, new, wanted to rent for one year or longer; Kemuera or Epsom.—Write W. 4279, Stah. piOTTAGE, on Waitakeres, for fortnight, yj from Dec. 26; adult family.—Write W. 4345, Star. DEVONPORT —3 or 4 Rooms, unfurn. ; sep. convs.; handy wharf; moderate. Caton, 10, Derby St. EMPTY Shop, with Dwelling, wanted ; rent or lease. —Write 11. 4605. Star. FRUIT Shop wanted, anywhere if payable. Write H. 4606. L'tar. HOUSE, unfurn., must be elevated and good locality ; garage.—Write F. 4850, Star. ; HOUSE, small, by respectable, careful j tenant, vicinity Kliyber Pass preferred : rent quarterly in advance.—Write W. 4339. Star. SEASIDE Cottage, Murray or Brown's Bay; must .be near beach.—G, Bond St. Phone 26-772. ' 20 LEASE OFFERED. /"COTTAGE, 3-roomed, in Wairoa Aye., \J Birkenhead, for Lease; 22/6 per week. Inquire Star. 504 9AO(1 FT Floor Space. 300 ft yard, inde__WVJ pendent cart entrance; " warehouse, factory;■ Rutland St.—Apply D. and J. Miller, 171, Albert St., Phone 40-432. 8a
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
Word Count
942Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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