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PERSONAL. ; TT OME wanted in Christian family for 2 ■ £■*• children, school age.—Write H. 4413, •' T WILL not be responsible for debts eon--1 - 1 - traded without my written authority I i after this dnte.—P. .Sulllvun. Waiwera. •! ,fi PUL) -—Write. We nan Billy will help; I nothing to fear. "1 W JLL Mr - Bar "es, lato of Melbourne nnd . * » Wnnguiuii, cull Ciaa Offlei-, Ucvon- ! port— F.A.X. 14S i* BUSINESS PERSONAL. ADA, sot Pleated .Skirt made to order. 10/ 2yds, 54in material. —"Winsome, , " 1 rincess Theatre Buildings. A A J. I'AliK AND SON, Registered Patent (Est. 18'J5), Campbell's Bldg., \ ulciin Lane, Auckland. l'ateuts, Trade .Marks and Designs. D "OEAUTIFUL Kusemble Suits, large Crino- -*-* line Hats. Sports Costumes O.S. sizes, showing at Miss Dixon's, 32. Victoria St.. 6, Karanyahape Rd. A TENK'S Ventilating Ridging ensures airy !*J homes and improves roof appearance.— . L Jenkinsou, Plumber, 144. Victoria St. D KEN. J. YON STUKMER Designs and Makes to Order the Newest in Knitted Wear.—Third Floor, Imperial Buildings. J Phone 42-770. THF MEN'S Dark Saddletweed Trousers, 13/9; Harvard Working Shirts, 4/11; ' Ties, _/G. —Colllnson, Williams, Symonds . St. " \/fl' HANDS were like Sandpaper; 1 -* 1 used Sydal, and they are like velvet." Chemists, 2/. __ PATENTS — All information Heury Hughes, Ltd.. Bos 376, or Exchange Lane, opp. Fort St.. Auckland. MF-t PLUVOL, the great Liquid Dubbin, can be procured from all Boot Stores. Half-pints, 2/. A RU'SMA Kills Hair. Call for Free Trial Treatment. — Mrs. Hullen, Melvern's Buildings, Karangahape Rd., Auckland. A ■ CJECUKITY Spring Dooroolts. for conveni- I • ence and durability.—For demonstra- | : tion ring 43-783, or write P.O. Box 570. KD I I ____________________________=__=_________=?__= MATRIMONIAL. GIRLS (21, 22), domesticated, cheery, little opportunity meetingg, wish introduction, view marriage, honourable Far- [ mers or Tradesmen.—36, Phoenix Chbrs. LADY, _t>, respectable, domesticated, like correspond good tradesman, teetotaler. , Write B. 5272, Stae. j>o WIDOWS (35 to 56), good housewives" some in poor circumstances, others : own homes, await Introduction, view marriage ; confidence respected.—'Phone 45-504, | 36. Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 117; WANTED TO BUY. i A DVICE that is Sound.—Ring Coakley's, XV 42-238, if you have Furniture to Sell. Straight Methods. D A LL Classes of Furniture Bought; highest ■£*- prices given.—The Ark, 207, Ponsonby IM. C A LOT depends on the firm you get to Buy your Furniture. Try Coakley's. Phone 42-238. ' D ALWAYS A FEW POUNDS MORE when George Walker makes a cash offer for your Furniture. PHONE 43-357. j FOR VALUER TO CALL. D ANSELL AND CO., Auctioneers, give best prices for your Furniture. — Phone 41-01 S. . D APIECE of Sound Advice. —Get Coakley's Price for your Furniture before selling.—Phono 42-238. D A BETTER Price for your -Furniture from Coakley, Ltd. Spot Cash. No. cartage.—Phone 42-238. D_ APPAREL.— ,Mrs. Outtrim. Largest Buyer Ladles', Gents' Left-off Clothing.—9l, Vetoria St. Phone 42-674. A ARTIFICIAL Teeth, any condition, pre- -£*■ war preferred; up to £5 paid.—Pearline Co., ?), Security Bldga. _D AUCKLAND'S Biggest Market for Furniture aDd Pianos, Coakley, Ltd. Top , prices guaranteed.—Phone 42-238. D BOOKS, Magazines, Novels, Chums, wanted. Best prices given.—Ardilaun's, : 406. Queen St.. opp. Myers Park. D pALL OR PHONE 43-357 for GEORGE WALKER to make you a Cash Offer For Your Furniture. SALEROOMS : 38, QUEEN ST. D COAKLEY'S Price for Furniture and Pianos is highest. King Phone 42-238. 1) CHILD'S Sewing Machine, also Dolls' ■Pram; cheap.—Write particulars, Booth, Te Atatu 'Rd., Henderson. 'Jb GET MY PRICE WHEN SELLING your Furniture, and you will not be disappointed. GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38, Queen St. 'Phone 43-357. D I f\KION and Orb Ranges wanted ; any " condition. —Nairn, P. 0., Dominion Rd. POEMS, liy late W. U. Wills, "God's ■*- Splendid Son," "Bunch of Wild Pansles." etc.—'Write W. 4:i3_, Staii. RAGS, Rags, Rags.—ljd lb. Bottles, Sacks, Scrap Metals, Collected.—Phone 46-341, McKie, 48,. Nelson St. RAGS, ljd lb ; Sacks, Scrap Metals ; topmost prices ; called for ; cush paid Write P.O. Box 507, Auckland. ' SAFE, small.—State size, make and price to H. 4422. Star. j SCRAP Lead and Old Compo., any quantity, cash.—G. A. Williams, 101, Sit. Eden Rd. 45 SEWING Machines, drophead preferred. at once; cash- waiting.—Terry and Barker. H.B. Buildings. Newton. i CEWING Machines, any quantity, any ' make, for Christmas Island trade; spot casli. —Write \V. 4244. Star. riTRAPPED Rabbits and Dried Skins, in J- any quantity; highest prices given. Snnford. Limited. Auckland. j^ JPIOO WORTH Furniture wantpcl daily. cw-i-W Large and Small Lots.—"Busy Bee," 165-60, Ponsonby Rd. Phone. 27-100 D QLD TYPE METAL. ANY QUANTITY, WANTED. • Apply MANAGER, "STAR" OFFICE . Si I /""IOAKLEY, LTD., PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. See Them Before You Sell. .PHONE 42-238. D EGGS. EGGS. EGGS. POULTRY FARMERS. For top market prices throughout the season consign your Eggs to us. We return a premium in price for prime quality producers' Egg s , as we have been doing for several years past. When shipping send an advice note advising quantity of hen or duck Eirgs forwarded. NORDEN AND CO., LTD., 65-67, Fort Street, Auckland. A , TUITION WASTED. TUITION wanted in Comic Singing, Character Sketches, etc. — Apply, stating lowest terms, F. 4673, Star. . - r EASE "WANTED. T EASE Wanted Urgently.—Bungalow ; ■" Cheltenham, Belmont, Heme Bay.— Write Pine Ark, Murltai Rd., - Milford. k 35
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
Word Count
844Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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