JpiIORUJI CARDS, LETTERS OF THANKS, ETC., PHISTKD AT THE "STAR" OFFICE, 'AT SHORTEST NOTICE. frPXERAI, DIRECTORS. Q LITTLE AND SONS, LTD., UnderBnhJ, IF B, Eiubalinurs, " Miirble Arch," foSSI 8t " Au <-'UunU. 'I'houes 43-880, PARK FUNERAL. CO.. 70, runf lons onby Road. Town or Country, motors. 'I'houe iiO-OOS. — Jas. Weir. D ___MO3yPM7SJfTAIi MASONS. JOHN~BOUSKILL, JUN., has pruchased St ?ii A i, tistic Memorial Co., 130, Syuiouda -' ■ I, Classpii Ce-mctprv Work. A _ PUPILS WANTED. A SHLEIGII Coaching College, N.Z. InsurBaekwnr? gs - ~ Publlc Examinations. attenHn? .^Ufntion; BtrlcUy individual ■jtiontion; doiinlte results. A QLASSES.-Costumes, Frocks, Coats, Cut . Mr Home FinishiiiL', j to 5 — inßs,™pp Se T ? VO^ c Houx - Woolworth BuildgSsSMAKlJfG; FTHIni. ilodin n Ctlon - Homo Finishing, from 3/. * Sal ° n, ElUson Cham i car Driving.— Council Certificate ShiiSS 8 m A od<, . r «to. - Thomas Necdham rp A U Motor School, 57, writing offers congenial lenrnt ren V; n ? nitivo las lv OS , st^ oaerttt c terms.-'-X- System, 32 PTATvrn T^rriyTTtrg. SS» BREE, Prof «ilonal Pianist and r one m 4". t |ns OUr confldGnc " e j « Us W; ,1 ,! 11 * t aud Repairing-CertiiT-jl C( 'Y c _ nr Tuner, town or country. —H R vr y> 1. Belinout Ter., Remuera.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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