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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. I —£50 Deposit, balance £525—i! Rooms, electric light, washhouse, etc. Thomas, Bon Marehe. REMUERA. GOVT. MORTGAGE, £925. TTIGHLY ELEVATED MODERN BUNGA- --*- 1 LOW, of 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. Bathroom p.b. and b. built-in buffet and wardrobes, electric light and all modern conveniences. Everything in firstclass order. SECTION IN LAWNS, back and front, concrete paths and fowlrun. Glorious landscape views. TOTAL COST, including Principal and Interest on Government Mortgage, is only £5 3/ Per Month. i TRICE REDUCED TO £1550 FOR QUICK SALE. GOOD TERMS TO APPROVED BUYER. SOLE AGENTS, H. BALL AND CO., ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS (Ground Floor). 'Phone 44-544. FARMLETS. SOUTH SUBURBAN TRAIN SERVICE. O(\ TRAINS daily pass through all OU suburbs between Auckland and Papakura SEE THE NEW RAILWAY TIMETABLE. "VTOW, we have some exceptionally nice Fannlets (for Sale or Exchange), FROM 4 ACRES UP TO 10 ACRES, with first-class Residences, replete with modern convs., a few are GOING CONCERNS, all close to the Railway, and on real easy terms to suit any .and every Purchaser. THREE XMAS GIFTS. NO. 1, £75 DEPOSIT. A l/ ACRES of first-class Market Garden ■± /2 Laud, all in English grasses, 4 chains road frontage, ruuning back to an ideal sea water frontage, well fenced, and a very nice Bungalow. A REAL HOLIDAY SPOT. FIRST-CLASS FISHING. TOTAL PRICE, £1150. REAL ESTATE SPELLS INDEPENDENCE. City Men! Buy this and. put it in the boys* name, enjoy your week-ends and holidays with the wife and kiddies in the open spaces. Later you may cut your 10 to 12 tons of hay (£5 per ton), and e,very year the land value is increasing, for remember your 4i acres is in an Auckland Suburb. NO. 2. GOING CONCERN. ONLY £1850. REASONABLE DEPOSIT. X ACRES of well-sheltered land ivery tall <-' macrocarpa and pine trees), - acres of good clover pasture, 1 acre in orchard, 120 clean, young trees, just hearing—nectarines, apples, tigs, pears, lemons, oranges, anil plums ; also growing tomatoes, potatoes, and all kitchen garden stuff. BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS and porches, wash-house, copper and tubs, drainage, hot and cold water service; large wood and tool shed; cartshed and cow bail; large feed room; 3 fowlhouses, and breeding pens. ALL STOCK AND PLANT INCLUDED IN PRICE. Two good cows in full milk, 1 horse, trap, and harness, 150 young 8.0. fowls, 500 young birds, 1 to 3 months old : 50 ducks, separator, cream cans, churn, 2 incubators, 2 brooders, plenty coops, trough, etc.; 1 grit mill, clover cutter, land cultivator, etc., etc. The whole subdivided, woll watered, and well fenced, facing good metalled road. TOTAL PRICE, £1850. If this is not a REAL GIFT FROM SANTA CLAL'.S, well, there never will be one. The first to inspect will get the SURPRISE of their life. But the owner must sell. NO. 3, ONLY £950. pT ACRES OF LOVELY SOIL, subdivided, " live hedges, plenty of firewood ; would make an ideal Poultry Farm, containing a SPLENDID BUNGALOW OF 4 ROOMS and CONVS. This is a Property discovered by our own inspectors, that we can safely advise anyone to buy, and we will deem it a pleasure and a delight to once more inspect it in the company of a prospective purchaser. Let us motor, you out. TOTAL PRICE, £950. SMALL DEPOSIT. ROBERTSON BROS.. (AUCKLAND), LTD., HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, GENERAL MERCHANTS. S, QUAY STREET, AUCKLAND. S4 -BUY NOW ! GET POSSESSION BEFORE XMAS. £150 DEPOSIT. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW HOME, just out of builder's hands, of 4 rooms and kitchenette, complete with every latest appointment and design. Mirrored wurdroues, porcelain bath and basin, gas stove. Section. 30ft x 140 ft. Only 1 minute to Kdendale cars. A rare opening for a thrifty buyer. PRICE. £1250. AND ONLY £130 DEPOSIT. A REAL BARGAIN. BRICK BUNGALOW. VAhUE £1250. PRICE, £970. £50 DEPOSIT. "\7"OU must know the cost of upkeep anH J- insurance charges of a Brick Bungalow are practically nil. Also the cost ot bnildingtfs about one-third more than a wooden home. Now! Just figure this out, and you will see only exceptional circumstances permit us to offer this snip. Comprises 4-roomed, cavity wall. Brick Bungalow, and built, remember, of specially selected bricks, with all usual appointments, electric light, porcelain bath, washhouse, copper and tubs, and a nice i-acre Section, handy to railway station ana buses. "When we say it's worth £1250 we mean it, but the price TO YOU IS £970, AND £50 DEPOSIT. REMUERA BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS. PRICE, £S<TO. £225 CASH. JUST Fancy!— Five Rooms and conveniences, on tie waterfront of Remuera, for £SOf>. It seems too good to be true, but it's a forced sale, and the price is absolutely below mnrket value. POSSESSION TO-PAT. PRICE; £SOO, AXD £225 CASH. WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 9 P.M., ! " FRIDAYS. .VOTE OUR NEW ADDRFSS • WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., '• THE LAND MAN," New Address : CORNER HIGH STREET AND VULCAN LANE. AUCKLAND. a A BEAUTIFUL HOME. VALUE £2500. PRICE £1050. £ 250 DEPOSIT KING GEORGE AVENUE. 2PSOM. BEAUTIFUL HOME OF C ROOMS, with | every latest appointment and laboursavins device installed. On Fine Section, 66ft x 132 ft : only 1 minute trams. Freehold. Land Transfer Title. House is insured for £1700. Section easily worth' £ 750. So you will see rhat this "tine pro- j pcrty is easily worth £2SOO. For on" week our instructions are to sell at £1950, and only £250 Deposit. We have the largest selection of homes in Auckland. WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., " THE LA>"D MAX." (New address), Cor. HIGH ST. AND yULCAN" LANE,; AUCKLAND. A
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
Word Count
914Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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