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PROPERTIES FOE SAKE. ' T>UNGALOW, roughcast, 2min Zoo cars; -»-* 5 rooms, gas, c.l. ; concrete paths. Price iIONJ; deposit £100; 28.. b' weekly prlncipai and interest.—lnquire Stae. bitj. , rWvT] MORTGAGE £725—WILLIAMSON I " AY.—Bungalow, 5 large rooms, scul- • lery. hot water, t'.l., range, gas stove: • large section, concrete pattis: lawns, garden. Price £1200.—SOLDIERS' LAND : HI'REAI.'. llPliaby's Bldss. niIAKTiiX, Best Part.—s Rooms, all eonvs.j motor garage; large section; only £KS5u; terms.—l'arris, Phoenix Chambers. "LTOUSE, 7 rooms, h. and c. water, wash-J-L bouse, large garage, workshop: level allotment : glasshouse : price £ 1500.—52, ■ Prospect Terrace. Mt. Eden. Key next door. ■yriNTTE Pousonby ltd.—7 Rooms, good ; ■*•»■*■ order: level section: £1450, deposit £15". —Normiin. 217, Karangahape Rd. ArOKNINGSIDE, 2 mins. tram, near com- -■*• plption—Modem Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchenette, ail modern convs. ; snip — • Builder. 32. Ethel St.. Morningside. i ip. ALBERT—S Rooms, kitchenette, - >x pore, bath and basin, hot water. — A t .ply Store. Richardson Kd. "\[T EDEN. handy Symonds St.—6 • ■"■*■ Rooms, convs.; mm. car; good section; £1250; deposit £150. — l'arris, Phoenix Chamber.-. VEAK Station—.',-section, 3 large Rooms, -*-~ washhousp, bathroom, £375; owner leaving.—MacLeod. Henderson. YEW House, 4 rooms, kitchenette, pore. -•-' bath, convs.. city drainage: corner section; small deposit: possession.—15, Meolii Rd.. Vt. Chevalier. "V"E\V 5-roomed Bungalow. Komaru St., *•' off Orakei Rd. ; all convs. ; corner section.— For price and terms, apply the I'arkfr I.ninh Timber Co.. Ltd.. Fnn'shHwe St. TJEMUEKA — New Bungalow. 5 rooms and -■-*• kitchenette. every ronv. ; harbour views: £1450; terms. —Write Builder, F. 47.4. Star. ■pjIPARIAN Rights. Heme Bay.—Govt. J-*-' Mort.—tf-Rd. Home: section 50 x 150; motor garage hoatslied. etc. Price £2500.— Tlio.lp. Phoenix Chambers. ttACIUFK'E—Great South ltd.—Fine Villa *J Residence. 7 rooms, electric light, hot iind cold water, and all modern convs. Section 40 X 20nft. Price, £1575 : only £300 deposit.—Apply 151. Great South Rd." 26 niAKAPUNA—Houses. 5-S rooms, vicinity ■*- beach: £1200-£2300; would let. —70, I ..ike ltd.. Tiikapuna. yo" want Farm. House, or Sec- »» tions, have a chat with Mac for values. MacLeod. Henderson.. 3 HOUSES—AppIy 17, Maiiawa Rd., off Victoria Aye.. Remuera. 120 -pXA DEPOSIT.—New Bungalow, 5 rooms, convs. : section, orchard, best soil : balance ±i.">o. —-Rose. Avfiiidale. Open nil day Saturdays. 149 4>"|AO£; OR Offer—Papatoetoe—New lvJ-UwU 1 Bunwlnw, T, room*: garden. I luwu. etc. —Butler's, 30, Great North Kd. (120 I DEPOSIT. Pt. Chevalier— BunsaI S'OViow, 4 rooms, etc ; balance £900.— Butler's. 3ii. Great North Rd. 125 W WEEKLY covers repayments and interest on Govt. mortgage. £800; elevated Bungalow : price £ 1025. —Mayhill, Edendale. D O ~{\ DEPOSIT—TOTAL PRICE £1150— 3JO\J GOVT. MORTGAGE £560—8a1. Very Easy Terms.—Owiipr must definitely soil' his 5-RD. BUNGALOW and 1 ACRE of Choice Fruit Trees, situated Avondale; ■ handy station. TUQUE AXD. CO., 17. Phoenix Chambers. A REAL HONEST BARGAIN.—Modern Bungalow, latest design. splendid appearance: 5 rooms, reception hall. Designed for either 2 or 3 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces. Good papers, leadlights, califont, . p.b. and b., latest stove, china cupboards, etc. Level Section, main road. Bayswater; 15 mins. City. Cheap travelling. £1065; terms. Inquire STAR. WF 575 "V"EW MODERN BUNGALOW, 5 Rooms and washhouse, all under ono roof. Built-in wardrobes, tiled fireplaces and beiim Electric light, h. and c. water. Very Large Section. Good bus pervice passes door. near school. Post Office and store. Terms. No agents.—Ring 2.T Mnssey R.ind. Mnngerc I>EMUERA. 20. MOUNT HOBSON ROAD (Market Rond end). NEW RESIDENCE OF C LARGE ROOMS. Kitchenette. Garage. Close to trams, station and Romuera and St. Cuthberfs Schools. Open for inspection any time. Key in front door. PRICE. £1750. Easy Terms. . OWNER. PHONE 24-023. A_ T) E V O N P O R T. £1200—7 ROOMS, bath, gas stove, J-aere. £1095—5-ROOMED VILLA, corner position, close wharf. £2500—S ROOMS AND BASEMENT, SOft ; frontage to main road. , £700 —LEVEL SECTION, close to wharf, and just off waterfront; 101 x 105. C. R. WILLIAMSON AND CO., 10. Fort Street. pios. "piGS. nwvs. CHEAPEST F.VER OFFERED. , i-t ACRES FREEHOLD, good House. ' "i-*- dairy and separator rooms, concrete floor: man's wb.ire: 13 dairy cows. 4 yearlings i.Jerseysi. 2 bulls. 55 pigs and sows, every implement required, horse, cart, harness. Half-mile from station. Four-bail cowshed, man's whnro. l'I(4 ROUND CJOES WITH THIS. LOOK. ONLY £300 DOWN. Come in and see us. A. J. WIIITTAKER AND CO., Everybody's Agents. . Phoenix Chambers. 41. (jut-en Street. SECOND SECTION. £975 £75 DEPOSIT. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW, containing 4 spacious rooms and kitchenette, together with all appointments, art papers and freizes. plaster ceilings, porcelain bath. electric lisrht, patent drainage. Good level section, only two mins. to trams. And you call walk right in to-day on £75 DEPOSIT. BALANCE EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. ONLY £25 CASH. A REAL COSY LITTLE HOME, just out -*- of builder's hands. Contains 4 large rooms and kitchenette. porcelain bath, electric light, gas stove, plaster ceilings, art papers etc. Fine volcanic section, full of fruit trees in full bearing. Handy trams and trains. AND ONLY £975. WITH £25 DEPOSIT. BALANCE WEEKLY PAYMENTS. WILLIAM aTIFoRNE, ' LTD., "THE LAND MAN." CR. HIGH STBEET AND VULCAN LANE, AUCKLAND. MOUNT EDEN. FOUR ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, electric light, recently papered throughout. Large section: handy to Symouds St. Owner must sell. £50 deposit, balance £&-'5, as reut. PENROSE. £Q,rr DEPOSIT. Balance, £825, as Rent. —"J NEW 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW, every modern convenience. Just out of builder's Jiands. Large level section. OFFICE OPEN TO-NIGHT UNTIL 0 P.M. THE HOUSE~OF BROWN, GAZE'S BUILDINGS. KARANGAHAPE ROAD. NEWTON. A SURE INCOME. ONLY £25 CAPITAL REQUIRED. FOR this modest sum we can put you on the track of a sure income by way of rent prodne'nu property. We sell you one of the NICEST LITTLE BUNGALOWS. brand new. and just out of builder's hands, for A TOTAL PRICE OF £975. The total interest payments come to 25/ weekly, b'nt these homes let readily at 35/ to £2 weekly, showing yon a clear profit of from 10/ to 15/ weekly on a total investment of £25. Now. just work out the rate of interest. It's a real goldmine. Now don't delay. This is your great -opportunity. WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN, \ CR. HIGH STREET AND VULCAX LAKE, AUCKLAND.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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997Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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