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I PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 1 : XpPSOM, Cornwall Park Avenue — 6-Roomed House; usual convs.— Apply No. 1, Highwie Avenue, Epsom. MOUNT EDEN. "YEW BUNGALOW OF 6 ROOMS, every -»-' modern convenience, splendidly built. Beautifully designed and finished. VOLCANIC CORNER SECTION, splendid position, near cars. TRICE £ISSO. GOOD TERMS. MOUNT ALBERT. DELIGHTFUL NEW BUNGALOW OF 4 ROOMS and Kitchenette, with every modern cony. THIS IS THE BEST DESIGNED HOME OF ITS CLASS TH\T WE HAVE INSPECTED. The kitchenette is unique. SPLENDID VOLCANIC SECTION. Fine high and handy position. PRICE £ 1300. GOOD TERMS. W. M. B. MOWBRAY, LTD., 30, SHORTLAND STREET. 8 BUSINESSES FOB SALE. A PARTMENT House, 7 rooms, fully •"- furn. ; 3 separate cooking apartments. City. Rent 32/6. £120.—luquire Star. 419 APARTMENT House, City, 7 rooms; -*-*- within Ist sectiou ; long lease; furniture, goodwill £130 ; rental £3 oj. —Write B. 5270, STAB. 160 A PARTMENT House, small, S permanent - c *- Boarders: long lease; splendid paying concern; Symonds St. ; £22.'i. — Inquire Stah. r>o3 ■p.VHGAIN —Confectionery Business. £285; *-* rent £?. 10/, lease; 6 living rooms; nicely stocked ; good stand ; selling ill health Write 11. 43<)'i, Star. (CROCKERY, Stationery, Fancy Goods, best part City, splendid accommodation ; excellent chance for married couple: price £ 250 : stock and fittings valuation.—Write. H. 4435. Star. TViYIRY, Confectionery, etc., splendid J- , stand : rent £3. Living Rooms, long lease. Turnover guaranteed over £40. Will give week's trial. Owner must sacrifice Price £400.—The Business Corporation, lin-pe-rial Bldgs.. Queen St. DRAPERY, Stationery, Fancy Goods; takings, £40 week : £100 j fittings, stock valuation, about £400.—Morrison and Co., Strand Arcade. 142 "CLANCY Goods, Stationery, for quick Sale, -*- good stand.—W. K. Francis, Agent, Papakura. "CMSH. £90; takings £35 weekly; good J- suburb: new shop and dwelling; long lease.—lnquire Star. 522 GOLD Mine.—Fish Shop and 5 Rooms, right nt tram terminus; established 9 years; low rent; bargain.—Phone 21-492. , 104 /7J.ROCERY, Waikato; turnover £125 '-* weekly: long lease; good district.— Full particulars 11. 45G.5, Star. TTOTEL, 50 rooms, lease 4 years, brick, -*-*- 3 storeys; takings £250; rent £17; all books. I'rice, including stock, £(K>O; furniture £1500 : everything £4500.—Whittaker's. Phoenix TF You want to start a Good Business for -*- little money and no opposition in AuckInrul.—Particulars 14. Wellington St. TJOIiK Butcher, Dairy: 5 rooms; large ■*- turnover; profit £200; must sell. — Crig-hton, l>3. Queen St. "PROSPEROUS. Busy Confectionery, Fruit ■*- Business, minimum turnover £35. I , rice £250. Excellent accommodation. —FeatherRtone. Phone 40-375. |C IIESTAUKANT for Sale, well established, * Queen St.—Write 11. 4514, STAR. SEASIDE Goldmine, suit motlicr, daughter, 10 rooms, beautifully furn, including £120 piano.—Particulars, Spain, 103, Symonds St. SMALL Goods Business for Sale; suitable m.c.—loo. Edendale Rd. SMALL Motor Repair Business), centre town. Splendid opportunity first-class I motor mechanic wishing n good start. — j Replies to Motors. P.O. Ttox 1517. QTUDIO. important railway junction. South Auckland: suit sinsle men or new arrival: £50.—S'efton. Fmnkton Junction. TTJATCHMAKERS, repairing jeweller; " ' sound suburban business, no opposition. Stock, plnnt, fittings, everything, £1-50.— Spain. 103. Symonds St. \T7IIO will Buy Lease of Small Going Con- *» cern. Apartment House. £125? Clear profit £3 10/ per week.—Write F. 4651. Star. 4? jn— FKUIT. Greengrocery, 3 llvjns rooms: tram stop: 3 years' ■W week.—lnquire Star. 53G A RARE Opportunity.—Flourishing Confectionery Business. Tea Rooms, S<>da Fountain, ptc.~ Splendid opportunity for development. Thriving Auckland suburb, close to city, on railway. Bus terminusLiving accommodation optional. I.onz lease, I low rental. Guaranteed profits. £10 per week Fullest particulars on application.— Inquire Star. s'Ji FOR EXCHANGE. BUNGALOW, C rooms, Royal Oak. Equity £1400 and cash, for Chclteuham-Deron-port House.—Thode. Phoenix Chambers. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, Avondale, 1 acre, fruit trees. Govt. Mortgage, £500; Equity, £650: House wanted Grey Lynn area.—Thode. Phoenix Chambers. BUNGALOW, unencumbered, £1300. Owner wants 2 to 4 Acres and Small House, South Line.—Alexander and Co., SS. Queen St. 54 ■yrORTGAGE, Section, or Small House ■"-*■ wanted, in Exchange for Good Cruising Boat.—Write Box 1130. C.P.O. NEW Bungalow, St. Helier's; 3 bedrooms; £1200. Accept Motor Car value £150 as deposit.—Phone 40-04(i. 110 QEASIPE Cottage, furn.; mainland ; £SSO ; X- , equity £575 : deposit on City House — Felt's. 12. Palmerston Bldgs. TO Bakers. —Proprietor sound Bakery, Hnwke's Bay, will Exchange for Equity in House Property.—Particulars to Large and Co.. P.O. Box 954. Wellington. OS 5 ROOMS, modern conveniences ; mortgage £1150; price £1500: exchange equity Sections, First Mortgage.—Write F. 46GG, Star. Qf)fl ACRES, Freehold, 200 ploughablo: c -"-' , -' Paeroa 9 miles, railway station 2: ' rich soil- G Rooms: £2000. equity £1300, smaller place.—Write F. 4718. Star. OKH ACRES, good dwelling, practically 'J'jyJ unencumbered, offered for suburban or city Residence.—Write B. 5092. Stab. D JTEW CARS FOR SAZ.ISACAR you should inspect is the "Ansaldo," Italian make. — Grau and Hipkins. Anzac Avenue. D A GOOD Investment.—A Rugby Car pur- ■"- chased from Rushtou's Rugby Motor Sales Garage, Albert St. D ASK a Rugby owner his opinion, then ask Rushton'a to demonstrate the famous Rugby. D TTARRY HOLLIDAY will give you all the - 1 - , - best of attention re Rugby Cars. He has been with them since their inception in New Zealand. See him at Holliday , Motors S. Lome St. 0G OLLIDAY MOTORS, 8, Lome St for Rngbyq. A UGBY the Proved Light- Cor. The Car that has mnde Holliday Motors, 8, Lot-tip St.. so w>ll known. _\ j T>UGBY Sales Room at Holliday Motors. 8. I** Lome St.. open every Friday evening ' ! Just past J.C.L. 0G MOTOR CAR 3 WAA JED. FORD or Otfier Light Car, for cash.— Henley's Garage. Fanshawe St. LIGHT Cr. must be in good order. 3, spassenzer; spot cash. —11, Great North Rd.. Newton. SOUND wanted ; must be reasonable and easy terms.—Write li. 5091, Star ! , p rjiRUCK, 2-Z ton : must be in good order J- throughout.—Write B. 5200, Star. 15" TTTANTEi» urgently. English .'{-waters, » » Rughy, Dodges, late Fords.—Derrick Barratt. 10. Durham lit.. CSrj. T) ■t-SEATER Car. value £130. wanted as '•J Deposit. Remuera Waterside Section. 7(1 x 200 ft: £10 foot.—Barfoot. Newmarket. 2 PAINTERS AND PECORATORS. "\TcGIRR AND WADE, Painters. Paper- -*- 1 - hangers. Glaziers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates free.—ss, Kins Edward St. Phone 20-731. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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980Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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