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Ipy-TJSSD CARS FOR SATE. .ABSOLUTELY nothing to be spent. Oak-iA.-.Jaud, l'J-4, couuiuou as new; £275. Write F. Hau. •QUICK, 0-seater, owner leaving; take JJ £50; first to inspect buys.—Mayhill'B, c^ Albert St. ■pL'ICK 3-featcr, goud running order, J5 cheap, cash or terms.—29, King George Avenue, Epsom. £100; a real snip; any V trial given ; self-starter, etc. —Inquire Star. , 790 CHEVROLET. 1U24 model, as new; £145. See it at Ilulliday Motors, 8, Lome 6t 123 CHEVROLET Tourer and Roadster, 1925, small deposit, easy terms.—Write s! 1934, Star. CHEVROLET, 2-seater, s.s. and c.1.; good rubber ; running order ; cheap. Inquire Stab. 835 if /CHEVROLET, VJIM. De Luxe, balloon \J tyres, new; deposit £23; balance suit . purchaser. —IM>. Una 1570. DODGE, perfect order, newly painted, brand new rubber. A snip, £175 Write B. 5003, Star. 263 -ryOPGK. 1921. £130; English Standard, XJ £95; Rugby De Luxe, £213; terms.— Perrick and Barralt, nt.t Durham St. -pvODGE BROTHERS' TOURING CAR, XJ 1923, good condition throughout ; repainted black ; £193.—NORTHERN AUTOMOBILES, LTD., IG4-lo»i, Albert Street . IST DORT. 5-seuter, newly painted ; first-class condition throughout ; cheap for cash. Apply '-'7. Market Rd.. Epsom. DUBANT <1p Luxe, perfect condition, balloon tyres, shock absorbers, 8000 miles. gaf'O. — Write B. .TOO 4, Star. 204 ITJIORD, 1920, £55 ; bargain.—Box 10, X. Onehuma. 49 TTIOKD, 5-seater, late model ; c.l. and e.s. ; J £65. —Alf. Anderson. 50. Federal Stl TCTORD, 3 seater, old model, good order, A great puller, cheap lor cash.—lnquire Stab. 770 •piORD. in perfect running order; £75, A terms if required —'Phone 41-733, 144, Symonds St. • "pVJRD, 1910, self-starter model, perfect AT order; £10 deposit; balance £4 monthly. P.O. Bos 1570. TraORD 2-Seater. splendid running order, k£ good tyres; any trial; £-50.—39, Home fit.. Arch Hill. TnORD, Special 1923, £113, £105; Others, J £65, £73; Half-tons, £75.—Derrick, Barratt, 19, Durham St. TCTORD, 1923, Tourer; splendid condiJ- ton; bargain for cash; trial, etc.— 8, St. Luke's Rd.. EdendaTe. ■pOKD One Ton Tip, in good order and T condition, pneumatic tyres; must sell. For further particulars. 8.C., Box 1655. 278 TpORDOK Sedan, hardly been used, and •*• in great order; at £190 a snip. Get in early to Holliday Motors, 8, Lome St. 123 TCTORD. Ton Truck, covered top, engine A... reconditioned, first class order; £75; terms. —R. J. Grainger and Co., 46, Wellesley St. W. 419 TTtJDSON, 7-seater; £100 worth acces-X-*r sories: mechanically as new. Apply personally.—Mclndoe. 63. Queen St. TEWETT, 1923, NEWLY PAINTED. w •• On view at Johnston's Paint Shop, Dominion Road. Send offer to TRUSTEE. „-- ' P.O. Box 1762. Auckland. ■ TITAXWELL, good order, thorough; cheap -"-*- for cash.—2, Shelly Beach Rd., Heme Bay. _ 269 r\LDSMOBILE, 6-cyl., latest model, nearly >*. new, upholstered, side screens, bumper, etc.; expert driven; £293.—Write H.llBO, ' . r\VERLAj>:D, Light 'Four, 1924 . Model; Many* inspection ; £115. FORD, Light Delivery; good order: £55, terms. R. J. GRAINGER AND CO., 1 46. Wellesley Street West. 429 "DEPUBLIC 2-Ton Truck, splendid condi■A* tion, complete, with body; exceptional bargain .£3so.—Goodman. Short's Bldgs. "DUGBY, 1924 model; sold with same ■*-* guarantee as new car: at £185.—At the Rugby Agents, Holliday Motors, 8, Lome St. 123 iC< , P??*&EJB|AKER, 'Big Six. in'■ perfect order, " suitable service, car; terms to good man. 'Winger.' opp. Town Hall. _■ '"' ' : "t7"ELIE Six 3-seater, with dickey seat; » only done 1000 miles; bargain', leaving for England.—Winger's Garage, opp. Town Hall. ;.-■■■ T\ODGE BROTHERS* ROADSTER, 1923. "*-' This car has been thoroughly ire-condi-tioned and re-painted grey; £195. — NORTHERN'AUTOMOBILES, LTD., 154-" 156. Albert Street. 137 "t" ATE Model Chevrolet. 5-seater, excellent A-* .condition; and appearance. Would conEidef terms.-r-Write 8.C.,. Box 1655. 270 T IGHT 5-seater, cheap for cash ; c.l. and •*"" starter, all accessories: in good condition. — Apply Room 3, Queen's Bldgs., Wellesley St. W. ' |TLrOTOR Hoods made and fitted from. £4 •***• 10/ ; repairs neatly executed at 95, , Karangahape Rd. | Every Evening until 10 p.m.— | '-'..Rushton's New and Used Car Garage, 87, Albert St. Inspection invited. Phones 43-050 and 44-707. T> J- GRAINGER AND CO.—St'oT' "• **,• 3rseater, really good order, £05. ternis.. Buick, 5-senter. any trial. £95: Ford takenin part payment. Overland. s»seater, 1924 model. £115.—4fi. Wellesley St.. West. 410 "DURHTON'S. Branch No. 2. Beach Rd , ■ LV (half-way to Parnell Bridge). Call in) ard inspect the best Used Car Values in 1 the Dominion.—TACK BOGGS, Manager. I •Phone 44-707. - C \YTALK through our Commodious Garage '•and inspect the Good Used and Almost New Cars for Sale. We have taken them In as part- payment for now Rugbys, at RTTSHTON-S, 57. Alhort St. B TjODGE, BROTHERS' SPECIAL TOUR- I •*-' ING CAR. 1924 nrorinctlon ; excellent ! condition: £275.—NORTHERN AUTO- , MOBILES, LTD., 154-136, Albert Street. -. «■ ■ 137 g-SEASEER 6-cylinder Car. road ready.'£loo. v Also "Fords, from £40.— Henley's Garage. Fanshawe"' St.' ' ■''" A T T?USHTON'S. ~ -tA-x TVrjSHTON'S. Several almost new Cars at second-hand Prices, Including three nnd five-seaters. If jou are considering purchasing a Car sew*- or second-hand it will pay you to. insnect these bareains. • Optm- Friday evenings and Saturday afterm soons;- . . ' Phones 43-030 and 44-707. I _ 57. ALBERT STREET. ■ TTNIVERSAL motor company, ltd. ; y CHANCERY ST. (Off Shortland St.). TOK. TRUCK, with Wagon Top, .solid tyres (reconditioned). £S5. i-TON VAN. canvas sides, painted green - Treconditloned), £85. i-TON VAN (reconditioned), with new i Body. £100. i-TOX VAN. rpnl good, only wants paint-1 . '%• £50. j I-TON VAN, open wagon top, road ready. £55. TOURING, ."-pnsseneer (reconditioned), _ painted hlack. £95. TWO-PASSENGER (reconditioned), painted _ dark. blue. £95. ' TWq-PASSENGER, first-class order, j 'painted grey. £73. I A Compete Ret of Tools with Each Car. ' Driving Lessons FREE. 1 Remember. w are tho AUCKLAND FORD CAR DEALERS! I 'Phone 45-112. Ask for • j GEORGE CAMPBELL. -D' ;■ '" CARS TO BENT. J CARS Rented, without driver; reasonable rates.—Williams Rental Cars, Ltd.. Garage.; Little Queen St : ' B I.ATE TOT. CLASSIFICATION. TDLASTERINi;. Tiling wanted, contract or ~ '■ labour, by first class tradesman. — Wrlte-S. 2127. Star. QIRPENTEII wanted j. only first class /— man need apply ; concrete work. — (14) wishes Light Week-end Em- | y* ployment. shop, children, messages; trustworthy.—Ormrod, " Star " Agent, Onehunga. 327 TYREAD Car:, : cheap!— Apply 13, Mt. •P-Eden Rd. 478 JERSEY- Cow. near pruiU ; also useful ul. lm Horse; aged.—Pirritt, Bollard Lynn. 470 j
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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994Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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