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I BIRTHS. * M T r B fu7Ar I r a oc i o^ r ». at Helens, to _weU. B " A " Noyer ' a daughter. Both AUCTIONS. J£AIWAKA gALEYARDS. JMPORTANT ATOTICE. be^S A ft E tK E i the Sale Advertised tc St.x- the Kaiw aka Saleyards on MonCALLED 0 ; 6 " 1 "" "' HAS BEEN C^ TT7AIHEKE TSLAND. (MAN-O'-WAR BAY). rpUESDAY, "JTOVEMBER -J f\ AT 12 NOON. The Next Sale in the Waiheke Co-operative baleyards Company's Yard will be held as above, when they yard upward of 150 HEAD CATTLE. t The v. La unch LANCIA will leave the Launch Steps, Albert Street, at 8.30 a.m. on Morning of Sale. q [ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LTD. jN.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY j COMPANY. LTD. 58 J3UCKLAND & OONS, T TD. /COUNTRY GALES. ! RAMARAMA—SaIe of Mr. Geo. Ingram— MONDAY, November 2. KUMEU—MONDAY, November 2. ' ' '' MAUNGATUROTO—TUESDAY, November 3. WELLSFORD—THURSDAY. November 5 • WAIUKU—PRIDAY, November 6. HELENSVILLE—MONDAY, November 9. TUAKAU —MONDAY, November 0. WAIHEKE ISLAND—TUESDAY, November 10. PUKEKOHE—THURSDAY, November 12. TURUA —FRIDAY, November 13. POKENO—MONDAY, November 16. RUNCIMAN—TUESDAY, November IT TUAKAU—SPECIAL SHEEP FAIRTUESDAY, November 17. PUKEKOHE—DAIRY SALE—THURSDAY, November 19. PUKEKOHE—TUESDAY. November 24 HELENSVILLE—WEDNESDAY, November 25. PUKEKOHE HORSE SALE—THURSDAY, November 26. WAITAKARURU—FRIDAY, November 27. WEEKLY-. SALES. THE HAYMARKET—TUESDAYS, FORTNIGHTLY: Hides, Skins, Wool, Tallow, etc. WESTFIELD YARDS — WEDNESDAYS: Fat Cattle, Sheep, Calves, Pigs, etc. WESTFIELD YARDS — THURSDAYS: Dairy and Store Cattle. THE HAYMARKET—FRIDAYS: Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Hay, Straw, and Grain, etc. BUYERS FOR MESSRS. THOS. BOKTHWICK AND SONS (AUSTRALASIA), LTD., FROZEN MEAT EXPORTERS. hjTC. A LFRED -pUCKLAND & QONS, TTD., TOST AND FOUND. T OST, Purse, containing notes and key.— -" Substantial reward on returning to , "Glenalvon," Waterloo Quadrant. T OST, Baby's Silver Rattle, Dominion Rd.; ■ reward.—2, Tennyson St., Dominion Rd. I T OST, Federated Seamen's Union Book, A-i between Customs and Northern Wharf. j Return Seamen's Union Office, Quay St. LOST, to-day, First Class Rail Ticket, Dunedin.—Finder rewarded leavingBooking Office, Railway. 521 T OST, fl, between Queen's wharf and -" Queen St.,' by poor working lad. Reward.—l 7, Cook St., City. | TEASE OFFERED. - TE FAPAPA—2 Acres, suitable fellmongery or factory; best drainage.— ; Apply Ormrod, "Star" Agent, Onehunga. 1 "" . ';' B " jj MOTOR CYCLES FOR SAUL | 74TATCHLESS, 3i, running order; electric i -"■*- light, fixed wheel, new tyres ; £ 20.— 31. Hackett St.. Ponsonby. OTOR < Bicycle, Harley-Davldson, 7-0, solo;' good condition; urgent sale; owner leaving Dominion.—lnquire Star. 7-12 CJEVERAL Very Reliable Machines at reasonable prices.—W. Oliver, Motor Cycle Repair Specialist, '17, Wakefield St. ; 248 j " CJUN," Britain U wonderful lightweight, *J £48 10/. Finest value in motor cycle 1 world. Free demonstration.—Pioneer Cycle Works, Newmarket. TRIUMPH, 41; fast roadster, brand new; £9? 10/ for quick sale.—ll, Customs l St. E. .. . 4 H.P. Triumph, clutch, new rubber: guaranteed mechanically sound throughout; £18.—13, Volcanic St., Dominion Rd. ■ 16 7-© TWIN, with Side-car; needs slight repair: flO: Also 4-Cvl. Maeneto, good order. £3.—18. Middleton Rd.. Remuera. 381 AT CJ —NEW PRICES. Latest Models: .U .10. i„gt arrived. £70; 2$ Sports Model. • A TSS —£80. O.H.V. Model; guaranX\ .kd. t ee( j 6peed, 70 miles per hour. A TCJ— £90. 31 NEW 0.H.V.; ur\-.tJ ,vj. guaranteed speed, 80 miles. Arrange for Demonstration. Write for Catalogue. Easy Terms. A UCKLAND f?IYCLE AND "lITOTOR "riEPOT, OPPOSITE NEWTON P.O. S -jiTOTOR "DEPLACEMENTS, T TD. A Few Bargains from our Large Stock of Used Motor Cycles:— HARLEY, Electric, 1921 Model, Just been thoroughly overhauled and enamelled. Condition and appearance as new. £20 deposit and £1 weekly secures it. 1 Q9Q INDIAN CHIEF, Electric, just been J-tJLiiO thoroughly" overhauled and enamelled. Condition and appearance as new. Price, £73. Terms, £io deposit and £o monthly. BIG X, 1917 Model, Just been thoroughly overhauled. Price, £30. Terms, ' £10 down and £3 monthly. BIG X, 1919 Model, just been thoroughly overhauled and enamelled, condition aud appearance like new. £13 deposit.- £Iweekly secures. ' 1 QOA INDIAN, 7-9, just been thoroughly x.\j£\) overhauled and enamelled. Condition and appearance like hew. Price. £43. Terms, £13 deposit, £4 monthly. INDIAN, 7-9 h.p., in good order mechanically. Good paint and rubber. Price, £23. Terms. £10 deposit and £2 10/ monthly. INDIAN SCOUT. 1923 Model, electric, in new condition. £25 deposit ■ and £4 monthly. DOUGLAS. 3-speed . model, just been thoroughly overhauled and enamelled. Price. £SS. Terms. £Vi 13/ deposit and £3 monthly. HARLEY - DAVIDSQN, 1921 Standard. Model, In firat-r ?ss order.. Price, £50. Terms, £17 deposit and £4 monthly. HARLEY - DAVIDSON, 1925 Model, 10-12 h.p., and Special Side car, all in new. condition. Reasonable price and easy terms. ' If you have p Motor Cycle for Sale- bring it along to us. We are Specialists In the selline of Used Motors. We will either buy outritrht or sell on a commission basis. We will take your present Motor Cycle'in part Payment for any other Motor Cycle or Car, either new or used. » TtTOTOR'' -DEPLACEMENTS, T, T^GITTOS STREET' (Near Parnell Railway. Bridge). 'PHONE 45-336. RD MOTOR CYCLES WANTED. MOTOR Cycles aud Side Cars wanted; any sort or condition; spot cash.— Astley, 5, Belgium St.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
Word Count
818Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.