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TO-NIGHT'S EDITION. TROTS AND RACES. THE BOWLING SEASON. The Sports Edition of the "Auckland - Star" will be published as usual this evening, and though thia is the interregnum between summer and winter sports,' the issue will be an interesting and attractive one. It will contain a full account of the Te Aroha Trotting Club's Spring Meeting, and the results Tsf the Timaru Trotting and Poverty Bay Turf Clubs' races. Bowling and other sports will be reported, and the issue will contain a lively series of articles «/d stories possessing a sporting flavour, including our weekly budget from London. A feature will }be a review of the local hockey season, and there will also be the world's latest cable news.. The issue may be obtained from the f pllawing:— OlTY —Boys on Corners or Queen Street, Ferry Bookstall, and Railway Bookstall, Top or Wellesley Street, Trades Hall, Picture Shows and Theatres; Martin, corner Hepburn and Welllngton Streets; Miss Baxter, 73. Symonds Street; Jenner, Candy Shop, Grafton Bridge; Mr. Martin, corner Hepburn and Wellington Streets; Mrs. Martin, Confectioner, corner "Welling-ton and Hepburn Streets. ARCH HlLL —News Vendor, Reservoir; Roth, Stationer, opp. School, Great North Boad; Hart, News Agent, corner Elgin Street. AVONDALE —L. Tierney, Billiard Saloon; P. Wood. BIRKENHEAD —W. J. Hawkins' Billiard Saloon; Harding, Confectioner, Wharf. BUCKLAND'S BEACH —Mrs. Laird. COX'S CREEK —West End Estate Store. DEVONPORT —CosteIIo, Confectioner, Victoria Road; Bon Bon, Victoria Road; Hug-hes, Calliope Road; Cameron, King Edward Parade; Pickering, Cheltenham Beach; Tipper, Fruiterer, Vauxhall; H. Mouatt, Fruiterer, Lake Road; and Victoria Pictures. DOMINION ROAD —J. Wilson, Fruiterer, Dominion Road Terminus; Boy on corner. Valley Road-, Empire Theatre, Dominion Road; A. Fellowes, Confectioner, 260, Dominion Road; D. Brldon, Fruiterer, Near view Road; C. F. Cleary, 678, Dominion Road, near Kensington Street. . EDENDALE —Mrs. Cooper, Fancy Goods Shop, Edendale Road, near BurnleyTerrace; J. H. Ferrir, Carrie's Buildings, Edendale Road; Mrs. H. Ward, 242, Balmoral Road;. J. W. Eccles, Edendale Road, Cr. Balmoral Road. ! EDEN TERRACE— W. J. Hilder, Fruiterer, 105, Eden Terrace; Mrs. McNaughton, Confectioner, opp. Dominion Road. ELLERSLIE —Picture Show; Mrs. Kirk, near Harp of Erin. EPSOM —rßoberts, Tobacconist, Manukau Road; Huston. Fruiterer, corner Owen 3 and Manukau Roads; Mrs. Impey, Stationer, Greenwood's Corner; J. King, opp. Hellaby's; Clapham and Co., fruiterer, Ranrurly Road'; News Vendor at Picture Theatre. FREEMAN'S BAY— Tylecoat, Hairdresser, 4, Patteson Street. GLEN EDEN —Mrs. Mellor, Confectioner. GRAFTON —The ' Premier Confectionery Shop, opp. Public Hospital Gates. GREY LYNN —Shearer, Fruiterer, Second Section, Great North Road;- -Donald, ; Conrectloner, 'Richmond Terminus; Churchill, Tobacconist,, Second Section, Great North Road; Riley, Fruiterer, Elgin Street tram stop; P. Eaton. Fruiterer, Elgin Street; Miss C. Hazan, Barley Mow Tea Rooms, Zoo Terminus. GREEN. LANE— Picture Show; Mrs. G. Welch," Stationer; 219, Great South Road. GREENWOOD'S CORNER —J. King, opp. Hellaby's; Mrs. Impey, Stationer. HENDERSON — V. Kay, Confectioner, Henderson. HERNE BAY —Walker, Tram Terminus. -HOBSON STREET —Jones, Stationer, Hobson Street, corner Wellington Street. HOWICK —W. D. Hughes, Baker. JERVOIS ROAD —C. J. Wilson, Conrec- ; tioner, 30. Jervois Road; Mrs. Alexander, Stationer, etc.; Miss Fisher, Fruiterer, near Barn; Naylor, Confectioner, Jervois Road; A. Homer. 203, Jervois "Road. KARANGAHAPE ROAD —Boys on Corner. Newton Road and Great North Road; Tivoli Theatre; Boys at Pitt St.-eet; Runners- on Street; Mrs. Makln, Confectioner, near Grarron Bridge; R. Finlay, Tobacconist, Pitt Street, next to Naval and Family Hotel. KHYBER PASS ROAD — Harrison. Stationer; Mr. Dixon, Confectioner. Top; 0. Causby, Corner Khyber Pass and Sealleld view Road. ' KINGSLAND — Williams, Conrectloner, Kingsland; Miss Phillips, Confectioner", Kingsland Section; W. A. Roach, Fruiterer, Kingsland Section. KOHIMARAMA— W. G. Mulholland. MORNINGSIDE —J. Oreenhaigh; near Railway Bridge. MT. ALBERT —Mrs. Edwards, Fruiterer, Jones, Fruiterer, Mt. Albert Terminus; Mrs. Jones, Fruiterer, Terminus; Miss Jackson, Fruiterer, corner Mountain and New North Roads. MT. EDEN —Mr. McKinstry, Fruiterer, Mr. Cantell, Fruiterer, Mt. Eden Road; Mr. B. Ekman, Hairdresser, Mt. Eden Road; Miss Hurley, corner Shackieton and Mt. Eden Roads; R. T. Munro, Fruiterer. 1. Mt. Eden Road; Dixon, Conrectloner, 73, Mt. Eden Road, opp. Boston Road; Mrs. Robinson, Mt. Eden Road, opp. Boston Road. NEWMARKET— Boy at Picture Show, opp. railway entrance: C. R. Wilson, News Agent, Broadway, Newmarket";. c. E, Dagger, Confectioner, Junction Great South Road, Newmarket. NEW LYNN — Baddiley's Hairdresslng Saloon. i ' NORTHCOTE— F. G. Beaton, Fruiterer. Queen Street. OTAHUHU —Means. "Star" Agent. ONEHUNGA —Ormrod, News Agent. Q»een Street; Mrs. Horscropt, Beatf's Corner; Farrell. Confectioner, next Foresters' Pictures. PANMURE —Mrs. Turton. - PAPAKURA —W. J. Wilson. PAPATOETOE —C. G. Hulett, Shirley Road PARNELL —Auger, Manukau Road; Parnell Picture Theatre: Mrs. Jervls, Confectioner, St. Stephen's Avenue. PENROSE —Store. PT. CHEVALIER —W. Wilson, Conrectloner, corner Great North Road; Boag, Point Chevalier Road. PONSONBY —Miss Middleton, Stationer, corner Franklin Road r.nd Ponsonby Road; French, Tobaccon'.st; Mrs. Dickinson. Confectioner, IR9, ponsonby Road; A. G. Rowlart, 231, ponsonby Road; w. »,. Rushton, " Star " Agency, near Three Lamps; L. L-incoin, Fruiterer, B*, Cr. Williamson Avenue; Boy at West End Theatre. REMUERA— J. O. Welghtman, Conrectloner, Remuera Road. opp. Victoria AvenueT. R. Gager, Terminus; Mrs. Douglas, Fruiterer, Corner -Market and Great South Roads. ROYAL OAK— Edklns. Fruiterer. Royal Oak. ST. HELIER'S —AIex. Black, Strand Billiard Saloon. SURFDALE —Mrs. Atkinson's Store. SYMONDS STREET —Genner. 101. Symonds Street, opp. Grarton Bridge: Miss Baxter. 73, Symonds Street, next City Rnad:Boy on corner aymonds Street and Newton Road. TAKAPUNA—Duckworth, Storekeeper, Milford: A. Robin, Hairdresser, Hurstmere Road; G. Marshall, Storekeeper, Hurstmere Road; Simpson, Fruiterer' Haurakl Road; A. Brown. Brtdgeway Theatre, MUTord; W. Taylor, Hill's Corner. TE PAPAPA—N. Bouzald. VICTORIA and Jones Hairdressers, Victoria Street; Mrs. p' Mcrntyre. Conrectloner, 99. Victoria' Street. Under .the will of the late John Bandeen, of Hampden, Otago, the following charitable "bequests are made: Dr. Barnardo's Homes, London, £500; Presbyterian Social Service Association, for the benefit of orphanages under its control in Duhedin, £200; Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, £200; Salvation Army, Wellington, £200. The residue of the estate, amounting to approximated £2700, is left to the Foreign Mission's Committee of the Presbyterian Church of New- Zealand. The Public Trustee is executor and trustee of the wilL :
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
Word Count
996"STAR" SPORTS SPECIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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"STAR" SPORTS SPECIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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