J AUCTIONS. j ——————————————————————————————— J EONARD pOAKLEY, TTD., ' Favoured with instructions from NURSE FULLERTON-WHITE, will Sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION, * On -ITONDAY VENT, "V"OVEMBER 9 AT -1 9 NOON. ON THE PROPERTY, " TJI7ILLESDEN." " VT/ILLESDEN." " YTT'LLESDEN." j " Vy'LLESDEN." j THE WELL-KNOWN PRIVATE HOSPITAL, situated at QWEXS "r? OAl> ' AfOUNT- "pDEN. f""vWENS T>OAD, -\rOCNT "pDEN. This 'Magnificent Property, which consists | of a Splendid Residence of 12 rooms, with outbuildings, is situated on .level section,, 68ft x 222 ft. with frontages to Owens Rd. j and Oaklands Rd. Electric light throughont, gas stove, range, 2 bathrooms, 2 lavatories, large sun porch, easily convertible into flats. Grounds prettily laid out in ; lawn, flower beds, etc. FURTHER PARTICULARS FROM AUCTIONEERS. To be Followed by rpHE "pURNISHINGS AND A PPOINTMENTS, As Follows :— piHESTERFIELD SUITE of 3 Pieces, in '--'' Shadow Tissue. Gate-leg Table, Axminster Carpet, 12 x 9, Vases, pictures. Palm ; Stands. Oval Rlnm Dining Table, Polished Escritoire. Canadian Chairs, Epergne, Clock. Bookshelf and Books, Linoleums throughout. Oak Hall Rack, 19yds A_minster Carpet Runner. 19yds Hall Linoleum, OJt. Hall Seat, Hall Chairs, Indian Rugs. in SPECIALLY MADE HOSPITAL BEDJ-« STEADS, in White; White Enamel i Chests and Bedroom Furnishings, Rimu' Combination Pair, Polished Double Mirror j Wardrobe, Bedroom Chairs, 6 Combination Chests, Canvas Easy Chairs. Best of Kapok I and Fibre Bedding, Commodes, Screens, 1 Washstands. Enamel Baths, Enamel Buckets, W.E. Dresser, Porcelain Wash Hand Basin (cost £20). 2 Canvas Cots, 6: Wicker Cots, Enamel Bed Pans, ENAMEL HOSPITAL WARE OF ALL KINDS, INFANT WEIGHING MACHINE, Folding Bedsteads, Press, etc., etc. NO RESERVES. TERMS CASH. JOHN JJ QULLIYAN, AUCTIONEER. 'Phones 42-238, 45-201. ' 310 YEW "POTATOES. VEff pOTATOES. pOULTRY. POULTRY. piGS>. piGS. T7GGS. TJUTTER. TfARM pRODUCE. "* FOR BEST RESULTS. PROMPT PAYMENTS. CONSIGN TO J. J- ONKGENERAL AUCTIONEERS, GRAIN, PRODUCE. AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, CITY MARKETS, AUCKLAND. WB HAVE STRONG DEMAND FOR ALL LINES'. POULTRY DEMAND GOOD. RECOMMEND CONSIGNMENTS. J -JDNES. A UCTIONEERS /COMMISSION /CHARGES fpO /^.ROWERS rpO OF ALL PRODUCE LINES—NEW POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. ALL PRODUCE LINES—NEW POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. pOULTRY. pOULTRY. pOULTRY. piGS. piGS. piGS. •pRUIT. "PRUIT. PRUIT. J£GGS. jgUTTER. "C_GGS. An Advertisement appeared in the "Star" Friday, October 30. under a heading, styled Auckland Fruit and Produce Auctioneers' Association, which notifies growers of their Intention to increase the COMMISSION CHARGES COMMISSION CHARGES A FURTHER 2J PER CENT. This does NOT include the firm of J JONES. Our Commission REMAINS as previous. NO INCREASE WHATEVER. J JONES, PRODUCE, POULTRY AND FRUIT AUCTIONEERS. GRAIN AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS ON THE CORNER, CITY MARKETS. 16 "DUILDERS, JTOME-SEEKERS, "VCESSRS. pUTHERFORD, "DOBINSON AND A USTIN, WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. ON "PRIDAY, "VOVEMBER -I q AT NOON. AT THEIR ROOMS. LISTER BUILDINGS VICTORIA STREET EAST. FINE HOME, situated at the eor- -*- ncr of Green Lane and Fawera Rd.. standing on beautiful grounds and replete with every cony. The House, of 8 rooms, with a high stnd. and bui't on a brick foundation, is one of the nicest homes in this popular locality. Magnificent Corner Section, with a frontage of 135 ft to Green Lane, and 224 ft to Fawera Street. Laid ont Jn TENNIS COURT, flower gardens and vegetable gardens. This is a great opportunity to Eecure a home at a sacrifice price, as the owner has booked a passage to England and wishes to sell. Come and discuss this with us, when we will gladly motor you ont to Inspect. CASH. £500. JJUTHERFORD, "ROBINSON AND AUSTIN, AUCTIONEERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. 12 CA - L - tT - rj».R A-V—l ~"V——"C!«W*rT"V A U(^ K ,T- iXD Lu «»se Agency, Store or **■ Deliver Anything, Anywhere. Office Phone 43-281, any time 27-108. Nuf said. B
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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