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.]_ AUCTIONS. ' i : " ■*: . \jy E V 0 N P 0 R _, VICTORIA ROAD AND CAMERON" STREET. TTOUSE, 7 rooms and appointments, A- 1 - built-in wardrobes, mantel, linen press, gas stove, gas fires, porcelain bath and basin, califont, p.w.c. borough water, etc., wash-house, large shed. Section 50 x 197 approximately, in fruit trees, etc. Frontage to Cameron Street. House now vacant. Also pMNE J3UILDING gECTION. ADJOINING ABOVE. 50 I 150. A LSO another fine Site, having a ■-*- frontage of 10 feet to Victoria Road, :by a depth of 150 x 100 approximately. i The above are first-class propositions for : builders or section or home seekers, auction ! prices being absolutely bedrock. Only 7 ! minutes walk boats. TERMS CAN BE ,ARRANGED. !BY AUCTION. AT OUR AUCTION HALL. i HIGH STREET, I "pRIDAY", ~V"OVEMBER (* 1923, j AT -I P.M. i ; PROPERTY FLAGGED. i — j' -rfrILLIAM TTORNE, T TD., I "THE LAND MAN.'' REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE. 19. SHORTLAND ST.. AUCKLAND. 5 "D V A. U C T I 0 N. ON BEHALF OF OWNER, WHO IS LEAVING FOR ABROAD. WE WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT OUR AUCTION HALL, HIGH STREET, "PRIDAY, "V"OVEMBER f)fl 1925, AT "j P.M. 1_» KIPLING AVENUE. EPSOM ' » WITHIN 3RD SECTION.—Fine j House, subdivided into two self-contained .Flats, as follows": —One of 5 rooms, enj trance hall, bathroom, sleeping verandah, gas stove, electric light, etc., let at £2 '10/: one of 2 rooms and kitchenette, bath.- ---| room, p.w.c, gas stove, etc., let at 37/6. New Garage also, let at 7/6 weekly, built of concrete, rough cast. Insurance £ 1000 i Section 75 x 175. Only £8 10/ yearly | ground rental. 42 years to run. This is I a splendid home, and ideal letting or investment proposition. Also, "VT"O. 5, KIPLING AVENUE.—Kauri House -—' of 5 rooms, sleeping verandah, . entrance hall, large kitchen and kitchenette, some cupboards. open fireplaces. 2 gaa stoves, electric light, large shed. Insurance £900. Splendid Section. 65 x 175. Hoipital Board lease at £8 10/ per annum. ■42 years to run. This is another splomdid home, in fine locality. Also. - " QECTION, ESMOND ROAD, TAKAPUNA. Beine Lot 104. Napier Estate. 109: links x 365 links. An ideal building section. . AS OWNER IS LEAVING AUCKLAND THE ABOVE MUST BE SOLD. PROPERTIES FLAGGED. ' , TTfILLIAM A TTORNE, T TD^, - THE LAND MAN." *.•_". REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE, 19, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. rjECEASED "pSTATB. Under instructions from the Public Trustee, Administrator of the Estate of CHARLES FORDYCE (Deceased). Three Minutes from Swimming Baths and Point Erin Park. - CAMERON STREET. OFF SH__CB£i BEACH ROAD, HERNE BAY. HERNE BAY^ "DOBERTS AND pO., Will Sell, at their Rooms. JELLICOK CHAMBERS, Corner of Queen and Wynd- " " ham Streets, "PRIDAY, "_0"OV. lO AT O PJL ' THE RESIDENCE of the above late'gentleman, situated at No. S. CAMERON STREET, first on right off Shelly Beach Road. __ FINE HOME OF S ROOMS, bnilt of,-, -V kauri, and built to last. Every room \ commodious, and the house contains every •modern convenience. Electric light, gai stove, plenty of cupboards, large pantry. I store room, linen press, built-in bookcase in breakfast room. The house stands in beani tiful grounds, on an elevated site. ComI manding an uninterrupted view of the harbour. and Is surrounded by beautiful homes. !The Section is 66 x 170. Homes in this I locality seldom come on the market, so we advise the real home-seekers to ask for an I inspection. Particulars from Public Tnwjtee or the Auctioneers. Property Flagged. 4. j "VOVEMBER 1Q "JTOVEMBER "J^ j 2 P.M. 2 P.M. ! DECEASED ESTATE. •" > ■ ! • -. piTT pROPERTY. THREE TWO-STORIED BRICK SHOPi AND LIVING ROOMS : 6 and S rooms respectively. 43. 45, 47. NEW NORTH ROAD, EDEN TERRACE. - » TWO WOODEN HOUSES AND LARGS FREEHOLD SECTION, 3S 1-10 Perches. "DOBERTS AND QO., JELLICOE CHAMBERS. Corner of Qnee» and Wyndham Streets, will Sell, undtf instructions from the Administrators » the Estate of MARY BEDELL (Deceased). "PRIDAY, ~V"OY. -tO AT O PAL, A LL THAT BLOCK OF LAND, with * ■"■ Brie): Shops and Living Accommodation and two old Wooden Houses thereon, on a Freehold Section, nt the Corner of Eden Terrace and Exmouth Street. Area to Ne» North Road 93.2 links. Exmouth Street 1306.4 links. Back of section 179.4 links. JA FINE WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE. Shops all let to good tenants. A Great Opportunity to Buyers of CU? Property. Also, 010 ACRES. SITUATED AT MONGO* -.-L-. njjl. Part of Block S, ORUBU. with access to Paranui Road. TTRGENT OTORT g-- LBj ' T>RETTY K-RD. T>UNGALOW, ' 34, KING STREET. ARCH HILL, | OFF GREAT NORTH ROAD. ' ; "pRIDAY, VOVEMBEK -J Q P ' 3f ' • ■ DORKRTS AND CO.. in conjunction ! -t\ with NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS -; CO-OP.. LTD.. will sell by Auction at their .' Rooms. .lelllcoe Chambers. Or. Queen and > j Wyndham Sts. ;'! A SUBSTANTIALLY - BUILT 5-RP. i J$- BUNGALOW. Every mom has modr crn papers and all in good order. Electric i light throucbout. Hot points. Kitcnen 1 j with plenty of cupboards and gas stoje- » Porcelain bath. en-., etc. Good Freenoio i Section, laid out in garden, with concrete , : paths. This house was built when goon , timber was available. A low price has been , fixed to wind up an estate. ! INSURANCE COMPAN-Eg. __,- ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO.. HP>* Assets £25.000.000. Phone 43-L». . 91. Queen St. Manager. Wilfrid skegg- ±L BRITISH TRADERS' INSURANCE 00-. LTD., Fire, Marine. Accident.—AJDlo» - BttUdings. Branch Manager, Geoffrey Ne~£ . I LEATHER GOODS. _ - OUEDE Leather Souvenir Trinkets. J C 5 Presents for English mail. Grand ait play at Nairn's, S5, Karangahape Rd. ■
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
Word Count
899Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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