I AUCTIONS. TfIASCINATING \TEW JTINERARY j *T° "pNGLAND "f 7"IA /CANADA. IFROM AUCKLAND TO VANCOUVER— ' By either the Magnificent R.M.M.S. I AORANGI or the R.M.S. NIAGARA. i Every possible lnxnry and convenience. FROM VANCOUVER TO MONTREAL, VIA THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. THE NEW ROUTE, r Crossing the Canadian Rockies within view of the Highest Peats at the , easiest gradient and lowest altitude of any trans-continental route. PASSING THROUGH JASPER NATIONAL PARK—Traversing All the Provinces, with Liberal Free 'Trips and Stop-over Privileges at all ' important points, INCLUDING NIAGARA. FIRST-CLASS HOTELS EN ROUTE. First-class Hotel -Service while travelling. AT MONTREAL, TAKE THE CONNEC--1 TION TO QUEBEC, and there join one of the splendid Atlantic Liners, arriving . in England a few days later. ; rpHE "OEST QF ALL TjOUTES ••TTOME." Make sure Tickets are endorsed '-Canadian National Railways." See Union Steam . Ship Co. of N.Z.. Ltd.. or Thos. Cook and Son. Free Booklet and all particulars from Canadian National Railways, Ferry ; BuUdings. Auckland. RWS ! AUCTIONS. TMPORTANT QALE J-MPOHTANT OF queen ctreet "i7lreehold. ueen Street reehold. Favoured with instructions from the ADMINISTRATRICES IN THE ESTATE I OF THE LATE ALFRED PORTER, EORGE VT^ALKER WILL SELL AT HIS SALEROOMS, 38, QUEEN STREET, ON TI7EDNESDAY, -IV'OVEMBER 1 Q AT 9 P.M., THE WELL-KNOWN PORTE R' S "DLOCK, O R T E R' S AJ L O C X, t SITUATED TN rpHE TTEART /~|F a-n ahe v cry queen street, ueen Street. Having a frontage of 49FT 6IN to QUEEN STREET, also 49FT 6IN to HIGH STREET. BY A THROUGH DEPTH OF ' 186 FT I.IN, with aU buildings thereon. ► NOTE.—This sale affords a unique • opportunity to acquire a magnificent business site in the finest position in Queen St. . The frontage to High Street faces the open space on the corner of Court House Lane ! and High Street, where important developments are constantly taking place. ; . ALSO, rpHAT "pREEHOLD "pROPERTY, Having a frontage of 51FT "IN TO KIT- . CHENER STREET, 165 FT 9IN TO WILLIAM STREET, AND 142 FT TO BACON'S , LANE, 73FT TO BACK BOUNDARY, . with brick building thereon. NOTE. —A VERY FINE SITE WITH 3 ROAD FRONTAGES in the centre of a district where values are very rapidly ad- ', vancing. 1 ~ ; ALSO. i nnHAT "pREEHOLD TJROPERTY 1 TN rpAKAPUNA, Having a frontage of 905 FT TO KILLARNEY STREET, TAKAPUNA. 387 FT TO AUBURN STREET. AND 382 FT TO LAKE TAKAPUNA. containing 6J ACRES, with six-roomed house thereon. ! NOTE.—This area affords a splendid ■ opportunity as a "cutting-up" proposition, ; as the situation Is delightful and beautiful 1 grown trees and fine views are marked I features of the property. ALL MEASUREMENTS ADVERTISED ( ABOVE ARE APPROXIMATE. NONE OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTIES ARE ENCUMBERED WITH LEASES, SO POSSESSION CAN BE ( ARRANGED TO SUIT ANY PURCHASER. Full particulars from the Auctioneer, or from the Solicitors for the Estate, Messrs. Alexander, Bennett and Sutherland. Q.EORGE VVTALKER, AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT, 38, QUEEN STREET. r 'Phone 40-373. "[pONSONBY TL| A R X _ T. I . "V-EXT, AT 9 P.M. AUCTION SALE OF gOUSEHOLD "p URXIT UR E, Removed from Various Residences, Including : "D F. KAURI SIDEBOARD, Dining Tables, , -*-*• Chairs. Carpets, Cupboards, Over- * mantels. Couches, Pictures, Ornaments, Hallstands, Rimu Bedroom Suite of 3-Pleces Comb. Chests. Duchess Pairs, Bedsteads! Wires. Bedding (all sizes), Inst. Bedsteads, Stretchers, Pedestal Cupboards, Toiletware. - Swing Mirrors. Cheiffoniers. Dressers, r Crockery, Chairs. Pots, Pans. Gas Grillera, r Irons and Rings. Table Mangle, Baths, r Lawnmowers, 3 Bicycles, Vacuum Cleaner, r Orion Range, Gas Stove, and Hundreds or r Useful Household Sundries. J-JARRY TVUER, i AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, PONSONBY MARKET . 150. PONSONBY RD (Opp. Ang'lesea St.). . PHONE «TJ 9 rpiMBER. rpiMBER. rpiMBEK. _ rpUESDAY A.M. SHARP. REAR OF PONSONBY MARKET, _ ISO, PONSONBY ROAD (Opp. Anglesea Street). . gPLENDID yyELL-SEASONED ' rpiMBER, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. ' 18 000 FEET IN ALL, consisting of -LO,VW 3 X 2.' 4 X 3. 6 x 1, 6 x 2, f* 4 - 4 * L Also, FLOORING, W. BOARDS. MATCH LINING. Al«o BIU QUANTITY MIXED SIZES, a-1 12 PIANO CASES. ' U gORD PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION. 5 JJARRY T>UER, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER WILL SELL WITHOUT RESERVE. j PHONE 27-190. 401 . i OPTICIAWS. — "YITLLER'S Famous Spectacles suit almost 6 tl„, any £ sbt: aII Pockets; from 2/6. — " Miller's. Ictoria St. W. B '■ O E " XEIL SON, for Efficient Sight Test- : '- ing and Comfortable Glasses; charges 3 [ moderate.—2o6, Karangahape Rd. D
Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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