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LATE NEWS, i __—__—_—_—___—_—_—_. —r TO __!T. ___ U- R 0 0 M E D H 0 I" S _• Good order Suitable Apartments. •Handy City £4 Week for Term. VAUGIIAN. TALLISS, Newton. ___ X~-*} I {U PER Week —I-roomed Bungalow, ---*»—' every possible modern cony. ; practically new: 3mins train. 2nd section, Dominion Rd.—Apply Coakley, Ltd., Customs St. West. 321 SEASIDE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS.—The owner of one of the most beautiful Seaside Homes near Auckland is prepared to Let same for 4 weeks at Nniiis. Rent. £6 a week. For further particulars, apply P.O. BON 102. SANDERS , AVENUE. TAIvAPUNA — One minute to Takapuna Beach. 5-ROOMED FURNISHED BUNGALOW in very nice order. All conveniences. Owner will Let now for a period of 3. 0 or 12 months. RENT. £3 10/. NOW VACANT. Apply to the Agent, T. McINDOE AND SON. Land and Estate Agents. 63, t_ie_n Street. TDEAL SEASIDE FURNISHED FLATS. PRIVATE BATHING ON THE PROPERTY Good anchorage for Launches or Yachts. 10 MINUTES FROM QUEEN STREET. Half-hourly Ferry Service. Cheap fares. 2 Minutes from Wharf. SINGLE ROOMS OR SUITES i>F ANT SIZE, ALL NICELY FURNISHED. EASY TERMS. Joint Agents. T. McINDOE AND SON", . Alston Chambers, 63, Queen Strecr, l'hone 40-716. TOM HADFIELD AND SO.N3, 5, Winstone's Buildings. Phone 42-140. P. J. CRUMP. Alston Chambers, 63, Queen Street. l'hone 45-51.3. BOATS FOR SALE. T>AEQUE, about -Jft long, fully rigged; AA beautiful model. —Apply VJ, Dean St., Arch Hill. ■ 345 BOAT. 12ft. outboard motor, complete: ' lovely turnout ; cheap.—ll,' Ethel St., Ponsonby. 2io "DEONZEWTNG, champion square-bilge 11AA footer, 1024-25, racing gear, punt, .moorings ; £50, complete.—Ring 4302, 2 rings. GANGES, canvas, new, up-to-date, Eskimo pattern, from £2 10/. —-Write F. 148S, _£__ * /"IONTINI'ANCE— 14ft ; complete outfit; N--' spinnaker ; £28 quick sale. —Daniel, Stanley Bay. CRUISERS, 32ft and 2sft. almost new; must sell one or other. Easiest terms. Write 1.. 131KS. Star. CRUISER, 36ft x Oft. best of everything, ready launching; full head room. Terms. 2 years.—lnquire Star. 774 CRUISING Launch, 21ft, perfect order, dinghy, double cylinder engine; £25 cash. — Inquire Star. 7 . I ■"> DINGHY, sft, good, cheap.—ll, Ethel St., Ponsonby'. 271 TAINGHY. built by Bailey, jun.—Apply A-* Fountain, corner Waterloo and Shakespeare lids.. Milford. Takapuna. TTILATTIE, 14ft. half-decked. perfect order, new gear, new sails.—3o, Trinity St.. llerne Bay. LAUNCH. 27-footer, sleeps 5: S h.p.: all gear, dinghy, etc: snip, £00. —Ranini, 24. Winstone's Bldgs. LOGAN 16ft Aratu". new silk sails, moorings, all spare sails; ready for season. Wiseman's. Queen St. MF3 "DOWiNG Boats. 10ft and 12ft: small At Dinghies. 7ft, Sft; Punt, 7ft; cheap.— 113. Cook St. West. 256 ITCTISCONSIN Outboard Engines. latest »* models, battery anil magneto ignition: from £26 10/. —Manning Co.. 135, Albcrr S_. B YAf'HT, 22ft. built last season: a gift. -»- £50.-44, King Edward Parade, Devon- . "\rACHTSMEN —Get your Sails made or A Repaired a; the Yachtsman's Sail Lofr, __ Karangahape Rd. 6 FT Square Bilge Dinghy, good condition; suitable for IS-footer.- Apply 13. Beliiumt Terrace. Remuera. -I A AND 12ft Rowing Boar, also Sft A l / Dinghy.- •"., England Si., off College Hill. -( -| FT Punt. £3 in : cheap.- .1. Lockwood. Al _____ St.. Te ___ -1 ."}I'T. nars aud Rowlock", cheap.—■''.. ■L — Hill St.. Newmark.-t. 32t> -I OPT "I'eU Boat. New Sal's, nil gear: A— cheap.-24, Prospect Terrace, Pon- | s__l_v. K2 -1 .)-FOOTER. 2 s-fnot'TS. I ID Jelllcoe A—i Class, com].lef. cheap: Set Spars, suit launch. Union ______ ______________ Bay -1 /'FT. Carvel-built, big beam, ready lor A reason: all gear, g I sails, „<■«- tiiooriiiL's : no reasonable offer niuscd. - iuMiiire stab. s_3 -j O-FOOTER, fast, new las; season, i-i ■AO first class order; a bargain.—l". F___toii ltd.. Parnell. -I OFT. Millie,nt. complete; new spinna|AO k ,. r leader jib; cash or terms - I Si'iiol)--. 401.. Queen St. .)AIT Mullet Boat, all gear: will take I "'J 1 I footer part payment.- Phone _______ U>OFT Cruising launch, avid order, full —<0 liearl room: complete: cruising geai ■; j £27.". - Tbi.rii'. Pho_ni_ __________ j "JOHNSON OUTP.OARD MOTORS. 1025 MODEr. has .".'i ]>r MORE POWER AND SHOCK-AP.SoRBF.R DRIVE. | F..r particulars of further exclusive 'features <,;■ the locil rg.-ut or apply to NEII.L. CROPPF.R AND CO., Wholesale Distributors, Auckland. R "DEADT mi! LAUNCHING. 3-CAPIN CRUISER MARNE. equipped in every detail. Fay and Bowen relinhililv 4o marine plant. Guarsnt-ed staun-h :•••• i sound. Ideal for those wishing to .-■:.-■ in comfort. Must sell. Reasuiia- !•■ off. r wanted. I'linvr ___] i •7 JFT CABIN LACNCir, " d " 7ft Oin Beam, with Dlnzliy. 2-cylinder 4-cyc|c I;., :>., Engine. Any Trial. Owners mi—t sell. Leaving \'tck!.tcd. offer warned minicrtla;-ly. MR. BOKLASK. S.S. Talunc, King's Viiiarf.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
Word Count
736Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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