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PROPERTIES FOR 6ALE. \ BOUT Epsom Bungalows and Sections. T -»- coL.-uit 1. '1 I'uwlor. • la. Epsom A __£_____ ' '- r '" I ____<__■ ■ \ —NORMAL Value. choice p...-ilioti, i -a. Govt, mortgage six Rooms, sleeping r"rch, drainage. -__i___r, 32, Ferry BUlgs. i \ YoNDALL.— Ko;:. i,.i. Station Road.— j -A. 11-;,-.. ;, 0.-d r.-uns. all convs.. gar- -I uen, lawns. Lewi >.-. t i.»:i.—Full particu- i> ' :■. _____■_ si_ A_____a__ i T>ACkl- -BL'l KLAND S BEACH—3 Rooms, i J•* 2 enclosed verandahs; billiard room: J garage. Two Peciious. property, no ll:ortgages. Price £1250; £ IJIHt Cash.-— i (jwncr :.-.:v:;:g f_r England.— Ri__: _______■ i "T3AF.Fi >oT, Newmarsct, ior Remuera, - AJ Epson- and Green Lane Properties. - Coloured Ma;. _f District _______ Free. C - "DAYSWATER—Bungniows aDd Sections, { AJ 10 minutes from G.P.0.; views, value: J terms.—_______ Pl_ ne 00. Takapuna. D DROWNS BAY.—Bungalow, well built. - *-* 4 I'i'oii.-. turn.: U mins. beach. £500; ; ! rms.— Write i iwn>r. S. 1554. S-va. - 1 DROWN S RAY.—Bargain. Owner erect- I -*■■* ing 2-roonied Cottage : tank, range, tine , -ection. ■!..>•■ heacli ; also furniture mii iuded. Total uric 12.«">; b>w deposit. Wonderful chance. —Tozer and Tozer. « Dominion Ri-.-nl Terminus. S ' DUNGALOW. 5 room-. M:. Eden.— J A> Wrigiey. Builder. 16. Eauiri ltd- Mt. « I'd en. Phone S3 ! DUNGALOW, new. 5 rooms, convs.. sleepAJ mc porch, garage. Section 66 x 165. " McDonald. Mounraln Rd.. Mt. Albert. 121 I DUNGALOW, Quarter acre section. ' A-» orchard, fowlhouse. good value, working man's home: easy terms. —Inquire J Star. " 757 •' /"tOTTAGE. 5-roomed, Ponsonbv. in good ' — ' repair: vacant: mast sell; easy terms. ' Write F. i:.AS. Star. ' T\EP()SIT £50. —Ponsonby.—5 Rooms. \ A-' bathroom, convs. Level Section. Sound, j Balance 1085 rent.—Write S. _____ Star. "TAEVONPORT—Semi-Bungalow. C rooms. • XJ oinins wharf, £1200". cash £150. —; Asher. Wharf. Devonport. XrLLERSLIE —1-Roomed Concrete Cottage, A> £750 : unencumbered: level section : , Glasgow Rd. Offers wanted. —Write B. ■ 4707. Stak. B TT'ARMLET, 52 acres, freehold ; main road, A handy Auckland ; going concern, going , cheap.—Adams, Oroua Bay. B ' LYNN—£SO Deposit—House, 5 , rooms, every cony.; balance £750: < snip.—Colquhonn, 3, Totara St., Ponsonby. : ss MANGERE. — Unencumbered. —6 Acres I lovely land. £100. Buildings, telelihone. water frontage, nice beaches. Well subdivided. Consider suitable exchange. — Hcdditch, 01, Campbell Rd., Royal Oak. , MODERN Home, 6 rooms, c.1.; workshop: large section; excellent order.—3--S. ' Queen's Avenue. Dominion Rd. Terminus. "11T. ALBERT—Bungalow, 5 rooms, convs. ___ Phillips. Builder. Phone. 27^145. MT. ALBERT.—Bungalow. 5 rooms: , lawns, gardens. £ 1250. Deposit £200.—First Springleigth Ay., off Woodward Rd. i MT. ALBERT — Modern Bungaloiv, a rooms, convs.; good position; only a 050; deposit fioO. - Porris, Phoenix Chambers. • MT. EDEN, High Side.—6-roomed Modern , Bungalow; large level section; £1450: , terms.—Parris, Phoenix Chambers. . ~II"T. EDEN.—-Fine House, 7 rooms, splen- ■»■*-»- did section and locality. Bargain £1300; terms. —Moore, Agent. Onehunga. - ~ITT. EDEN, Glenalmond Rd.—Bungalow, j "■A (j rooms, sleeping porch, 2 rooms con- . neeted sliding doors, electric throughout.— McDougß]!. Builder, Torrance St.. Epsom. "V"BWTON —3 Rooms, few doors Karanga—l hape Rd.: deposit £150, bal. £900.— Kay-Stratton. opp. Newton P.O. , "DONSONBY.—Houses (2), 6 rooms and 1 A 5 rooms and convs.; £1700. —Write < ■S. 1665, Star. j I TJEMUERA— 5 Rooms, garage, c.1., £1095; j; AVeasy terms. —Laycock and Faithfull, 32, i Queen St. j REMUERA (3mlns. tram)—4-Rd. Bunga- j low, c.1.;« 1-3-acre; £1400; terms.—i 'Write B. 4782, Stab. C.| "DEMUERA Waterside, oniins Car—Bun-1 Ay galow, 1J acres; keeps cow; ideal' poultry, garden ; cheap quick sale.—Owner, 26, Warrington Rd. SYMONDS ST.—Valuable Position.—Brick House, 7 rooms, every convenience; salt doctor.—Particulars, Spain, 103, Symonds St. m rpAKAPUNA —£1250, reducible for cash. A Four Rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, : • washhouse. _______— Inquire Stab. 753 : rpAKAPUNA—Seaside House nnd Property ; A for Sale; 5 rooms, sleeping porch, gas i stove, califont.—Write F. 1547. Star. j rpAKAPUNA — £50 Deposit — B'jngalows j A built (with sections) to suit buyers;,, balance rent. —Wilkie. Agent. Takapuna. ' rpAKAPUNA —Builder has several Sec-|i A rionß ; will build suit clients : section j' owners financed build. —Write H. 1259, ]. Stab. j '■ rpAKAPUNA. —Cottage, 4 rooms, main : -*• road frontage. Gleat prospective j', value. Terms,—Goflin, 178, Symonds St.. I Auckland. TFS' TAKAPUNA. —Attractive, new, well-built Bungalow, 6 rooms ; garden, lawns, I concrete paths. Pretty street ; close sea. Owner leaving.—Write S. 1601. Star. "I A ACRES, main road, pari improved, Ay water. £ 400 ; low deposit. Bach. I Would improve.—Write Owner, S. 1555, Star. f'9A Balance as rent. —I- «*—'" roomed House, flrst-class order, all • convs., heart kauri, large rooms; big sec- j. tion. £875. —J. Turner, Luke St., Ota- . buhu. 'Phone 72. | j jppTA DEPOSIT.—New Bungalow, four 3 vO\J rooms, convs., balance £700 —Rose, j Avondale. Open all day Saturdays. 154 > -f*lfW\ DEPOSIT. — Ist Section. -0 ( Rooms, electric light, gas stove, i Balance £735-7, York St., Parnell. 24 I r? -J Art DEPOSIT —5 Large Rooms, kitchenette, every cony.; price ! £1400.—24, Stewnrt's Rd., Mt. Albert. i —FOUR Rooms, kitchenette, sleepam>A.\J\J ing porch ; every cony ; price £1350.—21. Stewart's Rd- Mt. Albert. J(}f7 _r DEPOSIT, Balance 30/ weekly. °w ItJ principal, interest: Council House. I 5 rooms, convs.—lnquire Star. - 776 | n Xfi DEPOSIT—S-roomed House, level j 3in/\I section; balance arranged.—o, Bond , St.. Arch Hill. 'Phone 26-772. j n K(\ DEPOSIT, best part Grey Lynn— ' ~t)" 4 Rooms, kitchenette, every modern I' cony.; elevated, level section ; harbour | views, built-in furniture, city drainage.— ( Reynolds, Builder, 14, Marsden Aye., Dominion Rd. Phone 21-356. D 4 n__9"r- T -COMFORTABLE 4 Rooms, J--3wtt_/tJ acre Section, handy suburban trains ; small deposit.-—Sanders, 31, Shortland St. r« Kfifl PW TS i,ou in Orafton Apartdi/OUU ments, 12 rooms. Price £2300. Kay Stratton, opp. Newton P.O. r? OKA —BUNGALOW, Edendale, 4 rooms, I o-OtJU convs.; 2 mins trams. £100 cash. Urgent sale.—lnquire Star. 751 DEPOSIT. Total Price £1250. ; jwOU Balance very easy terms. Dominion Road. Just now on builder's hands.— Lovely Bungalow Home, 5 rooms and kitchenette, beam ceilings throughout, electric light, califont, Auckland gas cooker, builtin wardrobes, cupboards, and tip-up bius. Latest art papers, p.w.c. Level, rich, Vol- -, canlc Section.—GEO. SAVERS AND SONS, IP, Vulcan La ne. A CHANCE TO SAVE. —Direct From the ! : f*- Builder to Yourself.—FlNß BUNGA- J LOW, very latest design ; 3 bedrooms and , sleeping porch, 2 other large rooms and kitchenette; electric hot water service, gas i stove, cupboards and bins galore. Volcanlc section, partly laid out paths etc Ring° 41 1 2 17. : vwM take £15Q d^B "'-1 l B^^'hV, 7 Rooms, central, sunny ; Apply OWNER, i 1 Or^- P0^ 5 ?». Auckland. .J ° r PhOPO RS ""__U_r_e_vl ngs) j \ side Dominto^Road 7 E <*en 1 Wlow of 4 »nUd Buu" . worn, pore, bath ami kltcl ienette. bathand back: , bM«_J ran porch front papers, linen press ?,,„i? last< * eelUngs, art ' light, electric P hot'water a I d 8 c ' U 3 few minutes („ t»- service. Only n ' 50ft * 160 ft. SeHneVl m I i ,eV u atert ' 140
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
Word Count
1,094Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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