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TO IJST. TTOUSE. 0 roomed, beautifully furn., AA- within 2nd section ; good locality : owner will lease for term to suitable tenant. Apply Coakley.. Ltd.. Customs St. West. 321 JERVOIS RD. (04) —House, 5 rooms, c.1., gas.' convs., blinds; rent -2 10,'. — Phone 20-4 SO. 32_ T-ARANGAHAPE RD.—Room, front, well lighted, in Newton Arcade: suitable workroom, etc. —Shearer. Security Bldgs. KIPLING AV_.—Fr.rn. Residence, 7 rooms, c.1., spacious verandahs ; bright position ; garage ; 4 guineas weekly.—loo, Queen St. KOHIMARAMA— 0 Rooms; elevated position, every cony. : will let as separate flars. —Truelove. ______ Rd. KOHIMARAMA— Two Double Rooms, kitchen, c.l- suit two m.c.'s. Aho Comfortable Red Sitting Room, grill. -Bexhill. Kohl Beach. Phone 4414 (.5 riugsi. »>». ________ Arcade. LADY with large Furnished House, in Grafton, would like nice adult family to share.—Write s. 16s: - ,. Stak. MILFORD —Cottage, 3 rooms, furu.. close Sheriff's Store.—Apply No. 0, Strand. Takapuna. _IS "\riLFORD. 6 rooms, magnificent view. uAL water frontage: orchard: 3mins from tram. —Box 327. Auckland. MILFORD —Houses, unfurn, 30/. 35/ and 50/ per week: lease. —F. R. Bailey, Milford Rd. Phone 120. MORNINGSIDi:.— Nice Home: suit 2 friends or mother nnd child: child look after during day; very reasonable. —Inqu'rp Star. 527 MOTOR Shed, concrete floor, corner Kensington Aye. Fllerton Rd., Mt. Eden. — Inouire at Store on property. MT. ALBERT (near Terminus).—Furn. House, 5 or 6 rooms, for few months : all mod. convs. ; garage if wanted ; reasonable rent in good tenant.—Apply Cochrane, _______ Allendale ___ Mt. Albert. MT. EDEN—Six months—Large Modern Furnished House, garage, outbuildings.—Write 441, New North Rd., Mt. Albert. MT. EDEN—Furu. Residence of 6 rooms, sleeping porch, and convs., tennis court, fyiwls,. lease £3/17/0. —Baker and Swan. Lister Bldgs- Victoria St. E. si MURRAY'S BAY.—Furn. Cottage, 2 rooms, kitchenette, till Dec. IS.—5, Surrey St., Grey Lynn. MURRAY'S BAY. —Cosy Bach, turn., 3 rooms, with use of boat, for Nmas holidays.—Apply Newton. 2.5, Aitken Terrace. Glcnmore. Auckland. NARROW NECK —Fiat, furn- unfurn., own entrance.2 rooms, kitchenette, sleep. porch, c.1.—11. North Ay. NEW Modern Bungalow, all latest convs., kitchenette, etc. ; two sections. —Inqnire Star. _20 "VTO. 1 Flat, Grafton Bridge Flats, to Let, unfurn. ; furniture and fittings can be taken over: absolutely self-contained: 3 rooms, bathroom, kitchenette, front balcony, telephone. HORNE. LTD.. 10. Shortland Street. OFFICE, small. Queen St. : furn., phone and c.1.; central.—Write S. 2030, Star. OFFICES, centre of City, Short's Bldgs., 154-156, Queen i St.—Henry Allen, Sharehroker. 3rd Floor. D OFFICES in Fort St., good position, cheap.—Apply Sutherland, Pearson Ltd.. Carriers. 35. Fort St. OFFICES (2). convenient, singly or together: well lighted; low rental.— 16. Empire Bldgs.. Swanson St. OFFICE aud Storeroom, 30 x 23, first floor. Swanson St.: low rent. — Glimmer, 44. Albert St. (near _______ St.). OFFICE, large, good light. Wellesley St., also Office, Welleslev Chbrs. —Pinker and Boyd. 311, Smith's Bldgs., Albert St. B4 OFFICES, complete floor and conveniences: partially subdivided; SOO sq. ft: perfect light: no reasonable offer refused. — Mnmhrny. Limited. 30, Shortland St, 202 TAAH ROAD. Epsom—Nicely Furnished A Gentleman's Residence of 6 rooms, all convs. ; ground laid out in orchards, lawns, etc.: rental, £4 10/ per week.— Apply Public Trust Office. 2S "DANMURE. —House, S rooms, all conveiiiA enccs: 13 acres: sheds: :2 weekly good tenant.—Bird, Security Bldgs. " TAARNELL —Rooms (21, unfurn., separate kitchen, entrance, every cony.: heulthv situation : rent 25/.—IS. Balfour Rd. O'.l "DART House, handy first section: Flat, A cjty ; Room, suit mates, c.l. h.w.—Sl, Shortland St. ■pONSONBY 1!D.—12-rooiued Douse, suited A apartments or boarding; all convs. — Apply 77. Grafton Rd. "PONSONBY—6 Rooms, suitable 2 apartA ments : lease if required; £3. —Mclndoe. Land Agent. 63. Queen St. ROOMS 121. unfurn:, c.1., convs.: wilhin 2nd section.—lso, New North ltd.. Kingsland. 3_i_ ROOMS 1 5.1. kitchenette, gas stove, sep. meter: £2 weekly ; Mount Eden.— Inquire Star. 75S Bach. Onetaugi.—Apply S. G. _£ Dohsoii. Photographer. Auckland. 60 Cottage, furnished, comfortable, sleep eight : half-hour motor from city : six weeks from Dec.—lnquire Star. 812 OHED, large, suitable storeroom or workshop; Dominion Rd. —Write S. 1790, Star. SHOP. new. best part Victoria St.. suitable auv trade.— G. Jellcicb, 77, Victoria __ SHOP, lock-up. Glen Eden, near station; rent 15/ week.—Apply Railway Crossing Shops. large, modern, at low rental : good trade, position : close Town Hall. — Neville ________ H.M. Arcade. OHOrS. 14 x 31, also 20 x 00. best part *-J Albert St. : plate-glass front.—Glimmer, 44. Albert St. I near Swanson St.'). SJiHOP. new. double fronted. Royal Oak : living accommodation; suit chemist, stationer, boots and shoes ; lease ; 50/. —T. Smytheman. SS. Queen St. SHOP ( Corner.) and Room, suit fruit, confectionery, cookery. dressmaking, hairdressing. etc., Close 3 schools, best suburb. —Inquire, Star. 525 SPECIAL 1 Special '.— Mt, Eden—House, splendidly furn.. for 12 months, approved tenant: 5"/.—Whitaker's. Phoenix ' ■ ■■■■■-< House, 1 rooms. Let, Lease or *3 Sell, close beach. bus.— Whittaker's. Everybody's Agents. Phoenix Chambers. QI'LENDID 10-ROOMED HOUSE, e.lkJ califont. all convs. Rent. £2 15 we.i. omins. trams and Three Lamps, Apply 3A, BROOK SQUARE. Off Seymour St.. Jervois Rd.. Punsouby. 346 — Bach. 2-roomed.' furn.. sleeping verandah : 6 weeks or more ; accommodate 4 ; reasonable. —Write S. ____ Star. mAILORS. Drapers. Dressmakers -SplenA did opening. Morningsiile. '.) rooms and shoo: low rent. —'Phone 25-356. TAKAPUNA— Lock-up Shop. 17/6 week. 45. Lake Rd- near Hauraki Rd- punarjIAKAPUNA. -Modern Bungalow. 4 room-. A vacant, 3m!ii beach. — W. Sowdcn, 32, Queen St. rpAKAPUNA—House. 7 moms, large secA tion. beautiful views, }mm beach, tram. '■I. Strand. Takapuna. 31 _ TAKAPUNA —Furnished Flat, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, 2nd section, til! March.—lnquire Star. 7'iQ rPAKAPUNA, Sanders Ave.—s-ro.uned A furn. Bungalow, any period. £;; jr, ■ — Mclndoe. Land Agent, ii.3. Queen St. TAKAPUNA.- House. R-roonnd. ftirn.. 250 yards from bench : fur S weeks, from beginning school holidays.- Mrs. Bartruni. Rewhiti Avenue. Takapuiia. rpHIRD Section. Ml Albert.- 4 roomed A Bungalow, nil convs.; rent moderate.— Aonlv 10. Nugent St.. Grafton. TWO-STOREYED 7-roomed House. Ladies' Mile, Ellerslie, opp. Convalescent Home: key next door. 1 22 TT7ORKSHOP. fitted for electric light.— TT Ajroly 132. Kbvher Pass. YI7ORKSHOP, New North Rd. ; cart ** entrance, motor shed: rent 27/0; lease.—Trucks.. Ltd.. Eden Terrace. C'-t —COUNTRY House, semi-furn.: beach 13 miles, Whangarei: term; wood — Write F. 1463. Stab. 4>-J PER Week—Comfortable 4-Roomed C "A Dwelling, handy Henderson Station Sanders and Bond. Shortland St. 6 ROOMS. 113. Grafton Rd.—l. Taylor. Boot Store. Queen St.. or 201 .Mr. Eden Road. X ROOMS, Ponsonby. 36/: 6 Rooms, Papa'A toetoe, £2: 6 Rooms. Remuera, £2 5,'. Smytheman, 58, Queen St.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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1,042Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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