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TO LET. "DACH, with gas, to Let; suitable for m.c. AA or woman. —Inquire Star. S6O "DACH, Murray's Bay, 1 room and sleeping -*-* porch, 2mins bus and beach. —Phone 27-067. 267 BACH,' Murray's Bay, furnished, 3 rooms : and verandah: will let for any period. Write S. 2013. Star. "DACH. Milford Beach ; suit six girls, one aA or separate parties, from middle Nov.— Address Shaw's Store, or Phone 116, Takapuna, - "DAKEHOUSE, CITY, 2 ovens, plant, etc., -*-* as going concern if desired ;no goodwill ; moderate rental. NEVILLE NEWCOMB, LTD., His Majesty's Arcade. "DAYSWATER—Cottage, 4 rooms, convs., AA partly furnished; £2 per week; smins. from wharf ; immediate possession.—Apply Manager. Takapuna Tramways. BEDS, single, c.1., bath ; 7/6 weekly.— Sg. Union St.. City. __ BEAUTIFULLY Furn. House to Let. term 12 mouths. £3 week; 2nd section. —30, Strand Arcade. "DEAUTIFUL Shop, dwelling, new block: AA reasonable rent :no goodwill.—3os, Dominion Rd.. next Empire Theatre. "DIRKENHEAD —4 Rooms, convs.; newly AA renovated : buses pass: suitable fowls, garden : 20/. —Tipping. Endean's Bldgs. BON MARCHE CHAMBERS, Karangahape Road—Modern Oflices, suitable doctor, lawyer, healer, optician, dressmaker, photographer, agent. D BUCKLANDS BEACH.—House, 4 rooms, partly furnished : fl per weekT — W. Ballard, 14, Exchange Lane. BRICK Lock-up Sheds (2), heart of City: suitable garage or storerooms. Inquire Stab. 764 BROWN'S BAY. —Cottage, 3-roomed, furn.. close beach. Terms, 6 weeks. Nmas.—lnquire Star. 820 BROWN'S BAY.—Furn. Bach, vacant till Dee. 22: near beach, wharf. —Apply 165, Broadway. Newmarket. 114 m — BROWN'S BAY.—Cottage, furn.. 2 rooms, kitchenette, sleeping verandah, every cony. : from January 7.—lnquire Star. 523 BUNGALOW, Takapuna, furnished or unfurnished; long lease.—lnquire Star. 544 "DUNGALOW, new. 5 rooms. Bannerman AA Rd., Mornurgside : moderate rent.—l6l, Gt. South Rd. Phone 24-30 S. "DUNGALOW, furn., 5 rooms and convs.. A> 2nd section, Mt. Eden: rental, CS 5, weekly.—Home. Ltd.. Sbortland St. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and kitchenette: buses pass 12mins.; 3,3 concession; £2, term.—lnquire Star. __j "DUNGALOW, 5 rooms, kitchenette, c.1., AA pore, bath, h.w. service.—Apply 14, West End Rd- Heme Bay. "DUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern convs.. A-* close station, Titirangi Rd. —Grandison. opp. Hellahy's. New Lynn. BUNGALOW, Remuera, well furnished, 8 months; 6 rooms; harbour view; piano.—'Phone 3SS7 (3 rings). _i BUNGALOW, furu., Mt. Eden Terminus; 5 nice rooms, every comfort; £2 15/. ■Tolly, 113. Eden Terrace. "DUNGALOW, 5 rooms, kitchenette, convs., AA f e(V minutes terminus: reasonable rent. 46. Balmoral-Rd- Mt. Eden. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, c.1., all convs. : handy Edendale Terminus; elevated, beautiful'view; 37/6. —Write S. 2101, Star. _"MTY —2 Unfurn. Rooms and kitchen ; *—' £I.—Apply 10, Runnel! 6t., College Hill. CITY. —House, 0 rooms, partly furn. — Apply 57, Virginia Ay., Eden Terrace, To-night, 7.30. 73 CITY —-Wooden Factory, suitable storage ; 20/ week.—Hadflcld and Sons, 5, Wi'nstone Bldgs. CIITY. Shop, 5 living rooms and store- / room: moderate rental. — Neville Newcomh. H.M. Arcade. CITY —Old Wooden Factory. suitable storage: small rental.—lladfield and Sons. 5. Winstone's Buildings. COLLEGE HlLL—House, 14 rooms and convs. : rental, £4.—Home. Ltd., 19, Shortland St. COMFORTABLE Dwelling, over shop, to Let: private entrance; nice conveniences.—Apply immediately, 243, Karangahape Rd. COTTAGE, 2 rooms and convs.—Apply 7, Arthur St, West. Onehunga. 524 COTTAGE, 2-roomed. furn. : garden, poultry house ; near bus and beach ; inspect. Thom.Ts. Balmain Rd.. Birkenhead. ptOTTAGE, 4 rooms, furnished, lmin bus ' and beach ; £3 15/, includes crockery, linen, blankets, etc.,; c.1., gas stove. range.—lnquire Star. 705 DEVONPORT —Superior Furnished House, 5 rooms, all convs. : 65/ ; 3mins wharf. Asher. Wharf. Devonport. DEVONPORT —House, 4 rooms and kitchenette. —Price and Co., Land Agents, Three Lamps, Ponsonby. Phone 26-870. 502 DEVONPORT —For six weeks, Xmas school holidays. Bungalow. 6 rooms, all convs. ; close to beaches ; terms reasonnble.—Apply P.O. Box IU7. ELLERSLIE. —6 Rooms and convs.: 35/ weekly.—Apply corner Mamie and Ada Sts.. Remuera. 117 TT'PSOM, near Newmarket.—House, furn., A-* 7 rooms, c.1.. 'pboue, near cars. — 'Phone 25-45.3. EPSOM.— House. 0 large rooms ; elevated position, near cars; convs. blinds.—lo. King George's Aye. IOR EDENDALE —6 Rooms, £2 2/. EDENDALE. 4 Rooms, iil 17/6. MOUNT ALBERT, 5 Rooms, £1 17 6. lIORNE. LTD.. . Shortland Street. FLOOR SPACE TO LET. Suitable for Sample Room. Central Position. Apply BOX 321, G.P.O. 173 FURNISHED, 5 Rooms, 124. Wellington St. : c.1., convs. £ 2.—Apply William ilogan, Cambridge House, Lower Vincent St.. H to S this evening. GARAGE and Yard to Let. —Prentice and Co., 31. New North Rd. 457 Gt ARAGE to Let, IS x 12. corrugated r iron.—is, Inkerman St., Onehunga : ■>/ weekly. —Apply Chemist. Royal Oak. ' 363 GREY LYNN —Modern House. 4 rooms, sleeping porch; 2nd section, close cars : £2 : rets. —17, Baildon Rd. 153 GREY LYNN —Shop and Dwelling, suitable fancy goods : £4 week.—lladfield and Sons. Winstone Bldgs. . HALF House, 2 private doors and convs. ; reasonable. ■ — 21, Marama Aye., Epsom. HALF House, ground floor: Flat. 3 rooms, kitchenette ; sep.; convs. ; 2nd section. Inquire Star. SO.l HALF House, self-contained. new. elevated, handy car; 30/. —Kennedy's Fish Shop. Dominion Rd. Terminus. HERNE BAY —Bungalow, 4 rooms, furn., every cony., moderate. —02, Jervois Rd.. Ponsonby. Phone 26-975. 260 HOUSE, 5 rooms, suburbs; 35/, or lease. Inouire Star. TOS HOUSE. 6 Rooms, to Let; Kingsland.— Apply B. Tudor. Albion Hotel. TTOUSE, 4 rooms, city, handy tram; 16/ AA week. —Apply McKeown's Store, Union St 257 HOUSE, 9 rooms: suit boarding or apartment house : newly renovated.—4s. Cook St.. w. | 401 HOUSE. 6 rooms, every cony.. tenant to buy £60 furniture ; handy car.—ln(fuire Star. ___ HOUSE. S rooms and 2 kitchenette*: gas stoves, califont. c.1.. etc.; 70/. —22, Wanganui Aye- Heme Bay. HOUSE. 5 rooms, all conveniences, furnished or unfurnished, to approved tenant; off Dominion Rd. —Inquire Star. 546 HOUSE, furn- 6 rooms, mm. 2nd section, sleeping porch, convs., about December 15 till February 6.—129, Williamson Ay., Grey Lynn. HOUSE, 7 rooms, all convs.. No. 30. Ardmore Rd- Heme Bay, to Let, £2 10/ per week. —Apply, in first instance, to W. 1312. Star. HOUSE. 7 rooms, lease 2 years, c.1., 2 gas stoves, range, • califont : good garden.—Apply between 5-7 p.m.. 9, Rose Pd- Ponsonby. HOUSE. 6 rooms, c.1.. hot and cojd water. Apply 18, Northcote St.. Grey Lvnn. 307 HOUSE, 7-roomed. good order: best part of Parnell : rpntai £2 10/. —Kvd, Solicitor, O'Connell St. 491
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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1,006Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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