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• BOARD OFFERED. ORKING Man. Bed. Breakfast, Sunday Meals, or Full Board.—l7l, Upper Nelson St. 93 iy Tradesmen offered comfortable Home. —' private family : terms moderate.—4, George St., Ponsonby, College Hill. BURWOOD," 41-454. 26, PRINCES STREET. Opp. Main Entrance Albert Park. Quier and Select. Three Minutes From City. Excellent Cooking and Moderate Tariff. Telegrams : "BURWOOD." PRINCES STREET. C THE M A N S I O N S. PRIVATE HOTEL. WHITAKER PLACE. SYMONDS ST. ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. Electric Light Throughout. Hot and Cold Water, Double aud Single Rooms. Excellent Table, Spacious Ballroom, Lounge and Drawing Rooms, rhotngraphic Dark Room, and nil Modem Conveniences. The Drawing Room contains a Superb CHAPPELL REPRODUCING PIANO, the only instrument of its kind in New Zealand. Tennis Courts are being laid down for the coming season ; and Dances will be given throughout the winter. Splendid views. Over 2 acres of ground. Tariff: Casuals, 10/6 daily, or £". 3/ weekly. Prrmanents, £2 2/. Certain rooms can be shared by arrangement. Radio instal'e'2. TENNIS CLUB FORMING. See Notice under Tennis. 'Phone 42-724. Telegrams: "Mansions." B BOARD "WANTED. \ CCOMMODATION", reasonable, wanted by -A- young business lady. —Write S. 10SS, Star. A CCOMMODATION" required by refined —a- m.c; own bedroom furniture: private home preferred.—Write particulars, S. 1712. Star. A CCOMMODATION required for elderly ■*•■*■ gentleman, invalid, genial, in quiet, private home: single bedroom, sunny; preferably one kept by nurse, as attention required.—Apply Protestant, P.O. Box 047, Auckland. BOARD. respectable Man, in private _______ llerne Hay. —Write S. 1011. I»OARD. young man, private family, A handy cars.—Write 11. 1135, Star. "IJOARD wanted, with private family. City, AA by young married couple.—Write S. IS7O. Star. BOARD wanted in or near Penrose, private family.—Write N. Tissier, 6, First Ay.. K__s_in_. 30 "DOARD. beach, by lady and girl (Oi; AJ S Christmas week and following week.— Write S. ISI2. Star. DOARD, private. Business Lady, vicinity -*-* Mt. Eden or top of Svmonds St. —Write S. 1454. Star. T>OARD and Resilience wanted, in private -*-* family: single room: working man; state terms.—S. 1034. Star. BOARD, handy city, suit young lady at business; where boarders are kept preferred.—Write H. 121)5. Star. BOARD in refined private family required by two sisters in business, vicinity Ei____ preferred— Write S. 104 S. Star. BOARD required by business Lady in private family, sinale room, close to c"r and city. —Write 11. 1163. Star. BOARD required; single Rooms (2), refined heme; Christian preferred; hnnrlv cirr.—Write IT. 1147. Star. _ 9 "DOARD or Furnished Room wanted by business lady in superior private home, vic'nifv Devonoorr.—Write S. KS47. Star. BUSINESS Man. any locality: 2nd section preferred: single roont: proper table. cleanliness.—Bachelor. S. 'I7IQ. Star. lADIES (2i. young., require Board, fortJ nitrh*-, Nmas. Milford Beach.—Reply Bench. P.O. Box 114. Auckland. MARRIED Couple want Board, nd'ult refined workingmatCs home: wife business: Ponsonby preferred. —Write S. 1023, Star. ' POULTRY FOR SALE. 1 NCONAS are little money-makers: hatch —A. them now. and you can't go wrong. Setting only 12/o.—Page, Sarawai St., Parnell. 1_ I>LACK Orpington, White Leghorn Chicks, A best laving strain.—Apply 43, Lake Rd., Devonport. 120 LACK i irpiiigtnn lien aud !) Chicks. Iluakura strain.—Apply three houses past Mt. Albert Terminus. 402 LACK ORPINGTONS (40). last year's pullets: White Leghorns |40). pullets, in full profit.—Turnbull, 07. Mays Rd., Onehunga. 322 80.. Masson-Masson. Cruickshank :6/ sitting, delivered Auckland. —42. FinIny St.. Ellerslie. 'Phone 25-222. BROWN" Leghorns, top strain : splendid layers; T.i setting.—l 7. Quadrant Rd.. Onehunga. 525 CIHICKS, 8.0.. 16, with or without Hen, > from splendid layers.—Brick Cottage. Trafalgar St.. Onehunga. 131 T\ON"T waste that Broody Hen. A Page A-' Setting is a sound investment.—Fagc, Sarawai St., Parnell. 15 UCKS TsV, for Sale. 4~' each.—93. Wheturangt Rd- Green I>ane. 247 t INCUBATOR. SO-egg. filled with 8.0. eggs; 70/.—Nash. Bollard Ay., past Mt. Albert terminus, Avondale. INDIAN Runner Ducks. Settings (15 eggs I. 5/ ; great layers.—s, Henry St., Avondale. PULLETS.— White Leghorn, Black Orpington. McLean strain. liens, with Chickens.—Coates. 14. Hastings Rd- Remuera. C ROOSTER, young. W.L.. good : also Broody Hen. P. 0., cheap.—s, Old Mill Rd„ Grey Lynn. 471 SETTINGS Purebred 8.0. Eggs :McLeanChristie strain.— IS3. Arthur St. E.. Oneliung.-i. SETTINGS Pure Bred Minorcas. Orpingtons. White. Brown Leghorns. Rhodes, Runners. 7/0. —Davis, SO, Balmoral Rd.. Mt. Edeu. 241 CILVER Wyandotte. Schnackenberg's lay*s ing strain. 10/6: Setting. S/6 dozen, postage. —Clarkson, 33, Baildon Rd., Grey Lynn. 513 <T)f\ 8.0. Chicks, week old. Cruickshank's- —'" McLean strain :1/ each.—lo7... Western Springs Rd.. Morningside. 135 ■yOUR SETTING TROBLEM SOLVED.— A- Settings from my Non-broody. Highproducing Aneonas. Minorcas, I.angshans. Reds. Orpingtons, Brown and White Leghorns. Only 12/6 per 15 Eggs, post free. High fertility. Strong Chicks.—WM. C. I'AGE. 5. 'Sarawai Street. S BETTER QUALITY SETTINGS, Incubator Lots, and Day-old Chicks. Twelve breeds kept. Hatch now and have autumn eggs. Over 50 prizes, including two North Island championships won this season. Settings from 10/6, posted. Write mc your requirements. Satisfaction guaranteed. Inspection invited. — John Kissling, Rexdale Poultry Farm, Hall Ay., Mangere. Letters via Otahuhu, Auckland; country order, special attention. Address telegrams : Kissling, Favona. s BOATS WANTED. TAINGHY, about Oft or 10ft, second-hand, A./ good condition.—Write S- 1772, Star. DINGHY wanted: state price and size.— Squire and Son, Broadway. Newmarket. MAINSAIL wanted, foot 24, hoist 15 head 17. —Write B. llf»>. Star. "AfAINSAIL and Jib. in good order: one--*A design size or larger, for 14ft Yacht. Write s. ___ Stak. ".TULLET Boat, about 20ft: pay £50 cash, X 'A balance instalments.—Write S. 1756,' Star. UTBOARD Motor wanted.—Price and particulars to Motor, c/o Wilson, Newmarker. :jSO ROW Boat, about 10ft long.—Price and particulars to Boat, c/o Wilson, Newmarket. 379 STRONG Boat, 14-lSft, with in or ontK3 board motor.—Dimensions, condition price, to S. 1815. Star. » rpWIN-CYL. Outboard Motor, in good A o-der.—State price and where seen to S. ISI7. Star. TT7ANTED, any or nil Gear for 25ft »» launch: Lights. Anchors. Tank. Wheel, Dinghy, etc. —Write F. 1404. Star. SOLID Saw Bench. Hinge-lable. Fence ana slide, new spindle; cheap.—72, Norfolk St., Ponsonby. 42
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
Word Count
976Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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