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BOARD OFFERED. ' A ARDHOLME," 154, rarnell Rd.— ConiJrx - fortable Home, c.1., h.w.; early breakfast; double and single beds; 30/. 35S V CCOMMODATION for Gent. Boarders; **- early breakfast; all convs.—l73, Grafton Rd. ACCOMMODATION for Gentlemen in ™- refined home : balcony rooms, all convs., phone.—r., Park Ay., Grafton. 311 4 CCOMMODATION— Board, c.1.. bath, single Rooms or share, good table. —26. I'lcton St.. Ponsonby Rd. 15_ ACCOMMODATION for refined gentleman. sunny balcony room and breakfast : 15 minsj G.P.O.—Apply 2a, Harbour A PARANA" (Phone -i-i-330;, 6, Whitaker "•-A Place (off Symonds St.) —Visitors ire assured first-class accouiuiodtuiou, escellent views. — Mrs. Wrigley, Proirieiress. B T>ED and Breakfast offered, or Board, private family; Newton.—-Inquire ■Stak. , „,j "l_>LD i Breakfast, or Room only; per- ■*-* manents, casuala—The Oaks, Wellesley St., near St. Paul's. Phone 46-579. 0 "DOAIJD, working >Lin, single room, soft XJ washing.—lU V Garfield St., Parnell. 2m "DOARD offered to respectable young Man, *-* tv share room. —S, Beresford St., City. 4_> DOAItU offered 3 or 4 working Men: in good locality; 25/ week. —Inquire oTAR. "DOARD, superior home; c.1., hot and cold ■*-* water; 3 mins. car. —25, Gordon Rd., Mt. Eden. "DOARD, 3 gentlemen or m.c. near tram -AA 1 n nd bowling green.—3, Rautangi Rd., Mt. Eden. "DOARD, private, comfortable, c.1., cali- --* 1 font; Ist section from city.—s, Fox St., Parnell. I_l "DOARD, good table, single room, working -*-* man ; iiear Grafton Bridge.— S, Liverl'QQl St.. City. 1"4 "DOARDERS wanted, 2 gentlemen, nice AJ home; or m.c. ; off Victoria Ay Inquire Star. 789 "DOARD for 3 Geutlemen, two sharing AJ room, best part Parnell ; telephone.— Inquire Stak. BOARD, 2 or 3 men, good home and accommodation: every couv. — 27. College Hill. Ponsonby. BOARD, good, comfortable; clean, bright, checrv, single rooms, c.1.—3, Winchester St.. off Newton Rd. BOARDERS (2), good home, table, c.1.. califont, early breakfast, phone, piano, 30.—101. E.len Ter. 240 BOARD offered m.c; nice room, separate table: close cars; terms moderate. — 17. Armadale Rd.. Remuera. BOARD, suit young Man, single room, c.1.; handy car: washing; moderate.— 04. Saekville St.. Grey Lynn. _[ T>OABD offered working man or mates: A-* terms reasonable.—4, Ada St., off Middleton Rd- Newmarket. lDi T>OARD offered Working Man: single A-* room, private family, homely: washing. mending.—3. North St., Newton. I>OARD offered business lady: 21/G full A board. 10/ bed nnd bieakfast; with lunch 15/ : piano.— Inquire Star. 13 I>OARD or Beds, offered to respectable young Men. with c.1.. convs, and early 1 ireakfast.—W___nn_j House. 70. Nelson St. BOARD, Residence, offered married couple or two gentlemen: gowl table: c.1.: convenient to car: comfortably furnished: large room. — Inquire Star. 7__ TjOAItD, private family. 1 or 2 gentleA* men. good, comfortable home, washing, mending : 1 iuin. top Symonds St. ; 30/. 71, Boston Rd., 2 doors from Mt. Eden I'd. tram stop. 250 p<ARLTON GORE RD. — Gentleman *--' Hoarder wanted : good home, c.1., hot and cold water.—lnouire Star. . St 4 CECIL PRIVATE HOTEL, Hobson St., ' Corner Cook St. —Remodelled, refurnished. Pcrmanents. 30/. — P. White. Proprietor. C (NIIEI.TENHAM.— Board offered 4 friends "-' with young couple, modern home- uiltiute beach, bus. —Phone 4"". Devonport. / vITV —Board offered two respectable ■ young Men: washing, mending; private homely people.— 70. Wellington St. Home, every cony., for 1 or 2 respectable Men; New Lynn.— liumire -Stak. M'vl T "JEVONI'ORT. —Board. 1 or 2 business A-' irirls. ideal summer residence; private family. —161. Vauxbnll Rd. TAEVONPOKT.—Board offered 3 young A-' Men. private family, good locality: terms moderate.—l 2. Cnllione Rd. 450 Tjl-VoXl'ullT — Ijidy. nice home, h.-i.s -*- , Vacancy (ientleinan. bandy wharf: ______ if permanent.--Inouire Star, sii'.i TVEVONPORT Waterfront—Accommodation for gentlemen, single or double Room in refined home; terms moderate.— Iruiiiire' Star. 744 "I"jEVoNI'i iRT—. & :.-perior Board offered: ■*- benutifuly situated, overlooking harbour; ideal summer residence: handy ferry, beach : c.1.. cunvs. ; 30/. —19, Clarence St.. opp. Firebell. Calliope Rd. HOTEL GARDINER, Emily Place, facing Reserve, top Shortland St.—First-class Accommodation. Under new management. Visitors and Pcrmanents. 'Phone 42-477. B JOLIMONT. — Excellent Accommodation, Visitors. Permanents.— 1, Symonds St.. close Queen St. Terms moderate. 'Phone 43-767 B LINDEN," 55, Jervois Rd., Heme Bay— Permanents, 30/ : Smins city. Or Bed and Breakfast.—Mrs. Brown, Prop. 07 LUC. WORTH, 143, Grafton Rd. (under new management). Visitors. £2 10/; Permanents. £2 2 . Double, Single Rooms. I'hone 40____ MAN. working, respectable ; good table, tariff moderate.—2l, St. Mary's Rd.. Ponsonby. 01 \I"E.N (2), share large Room, bed and "•"A parly breakfast, soft washing and mending; 17 0: 2min. Symonds St. —Inquire Star 792 "A TILFORD Beach.—Board offered 2 gents. : A '-t e_ ; permanents preferred- — Apply Shaw. Store, or Phone 116. Takapuna. "\|"T. AHBERT—Board, good, offered 2 —'A Vouns Men, share room : washing, mending. 27/.—lo, Fourth Ay., Gladstone __; "AfT. EDEN", close 2nd section —ComfortA»A able Home offered refined couple or two friends. — Inquire Star. 752 ■VTAUMAI PRIVATE HOTEL, 10, Park —-~ Ay.. Grafton. —Excellent table. Near cars. Vacancies, singles and doubles. Visitors, permanents. 'PHONE 46-304. WS "DONSONBY Waterfront.—Superior Board A offered. 2 Gentlemen: c.l- califont. washing: moderate. —-54, St. Mary's Rd. ___. I~»EFINED Home offered lady or geutle- *■ man needing attendance.—Write for interview to 11. 115 S. Star. REMUERA —Home offered few P«-ing Guests of good address: h. and c showers, garage.—Phone 25-303. D 4 ROOM, single, suit respectable young business girl.—Apply 6, Sussex St., Grey Lynn. TjOOM. single or double, suit m.c, trndesAY p. en . or two friends: califont. c.1.—4. New St.. Newmarket. 111 ""DOSf.VILLL Private Hotel, next AA* "C'argen."—Splendid Accommodation Visitors, Permanents: excellent cuisine.— Mrs. Piggott. Proprietress. D KOYSTON, Edgerly Ay., Epsom, overlooking Carlton Bowling Green, has large double Balcony Bedroom, with board, suit m.c. or 2 gents. —Phone, Mrs. Hendry. 115 SUPERIOR Accommodation.—Large Bed Sitting Room : suit refined m.c. or gentlemen ; no other boarders.—lnquire Star. SOS SUPERIOR Accommodation for gentle*J men : excellent table, splendid outlook ; 'phoue: tariff, 30/ and 32/6; under new management-—72. Grafton Rd. THORNLEIGH. 4, Alfred St.. near Albert Park : good accommodation visitors and permanents; every cony.; good table. Phone 46-554. C 5 T VACANCY for respectable working man ; » 27/6 week. —13, Windmill Rd., Mt. Eden. XTACANCY for two Girls, summer months. ' » private family; nandy Takapuni Beach.—lnouire Star. TOO " TTEROXA," 17. Khyber Pass.—Board. ' Residence: moderate tariff. Thone 40-010. Under new management.—Mrs. Hosie. Proprietress. TXTILTON Private Hotel, Khyber Pass. — »V Vacancies. Permanents and Casuals; tennis court, elec. light. 'Phone 40-723. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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1,025Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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