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APARTMENTS VACAKT. A BOUT Flats, Rooms, Houses; reason- -£*- able rentals. —Call at Ripley's, 12, Winstone Bldgs., Queen St. D AUMIKABLK Quiet Furnished Booms; Single ; Double; Flats. Each separate cooking. Califont.—"Cambridge," Lower Vincent St. A PAHTMEXTS Vacant, double and single ruoms ; under new management. 31)9. Qiife.-n St. A PARTiMEXTS, 2 unfurn. Rooms, blinds, ■*■"*- linu ; u\\ n siove, /lreplaire ; quiet; 22/(i. 107. Collfge Hill. J_7 A PARTMENXS, turn., single room ; other **- vacancies; c.1., h. water, etc. — 2;;, Upper Vincent St.. City. I£3 A PAUTMENTS 1.2), kitchenette, gns stove-, •"- rauxe, c.1.. separate entrance; sunny. •*i. Ligar Place. Grafton. A PARTMENTS. furn., conv 3 ., close 2nd ■ section, Valley Rd.—o. Ewington Aye., off Dominion Kd., Mt. Eden. D 4 A PARTMENTS—Bed Sitting Room, large, •*■*■ cooking convs.: also Single Beds; moderate.—2. Arawa St.. Khyber Pass. 10!) A PARTMENTS—SingIe Bedroom, separate entrance: would mind child over two during day.—lo6a, Wellesley St. W. 04 TiACH Room, working man : single, or two -*-* mates : separate gas stove, meter.—so, Vincent St. * TTEDROOMS. sinsJe. furu.. electric light. ■J , bath, eto —Apply No. 90, Uuion St.. City. 3EDROOM, rlouble. nicely furn.. gas, fireplace.—34, Turner St.. off Upper Queen St BED Sitting Room, front, double or single. 05, Ponsonby Rd. TJED Sitting Room, double, furn., c.1., own •*-* stove and meter.—2o, West St.. Newton. DEI) Sitting Room, double, and kitchen- -*-* ette, furnished; refs.—l6, Belgium St., next Masonic Hall (below). 74 "DED Sitting Room, double, film., use - 1 -* convs. ; own iin't.;r ; rough-cast bi pjjivlow.—(is. Belgium St. 145 "DED Sitting Room, -front, furn, use ■*-* convs.; handy top Symonds St.; 10/. Inquire Staii. 728 "DED Sitting Room, large kitchenette; -•-* gas, c.1.. bath, hot and cold : car stop at gate : moderate.—2l7. Ponsonby Kd. 67 "DED Sitting Rooms (2), large, double, -*-* furnished, fireplace, gas rings, use all convs.; rent. 15/. —Inquire Star. 750 "DED Sitting Rooms (2), nicely furn., -*-* harbour view, kitchenette, c.1., califont. fireplace, convs.—'Phone 24-056. 132 BED Sitting Room, double, furn., and kitchenette, self-contained.—l 6, Belgium St.. next Masonic Hall (below). 104 DEVONPORT —Superior self-contained furn. Flat; adults only.-—lβ, Church St. T\EVONPORT—2 Nice Front Rooms ■*-* sunny, unfuru., all convs. ; moderate. 23. Cameron St. "TiEVONPORT Waterfront—Bed Sitting ■*-' Room, suitable for m.c. or 2 ladies, in refined home.—lnquire .Star. 743 DEVONPORT, Waterfront—Three Rooms, Furnished Flat, self-contained.— Apply No. 0. Queen's Parade. DOMINION' KD.—Room, double, furn. convs., near trams; adults: terms moderate.—Apply 17, King Edward St. GLENMORE. —Rooms (2), unfurn., gas stove, fireplace, convs.; 18/6, lncludipg c.1.—24. Altken Terrace. J GRAFTON. —Rooms (2), furn., all convs.; adults. —23. Park Avenue. 180 GRAFTON — Park Road— Exceptionally nice Single Bedroom: own entrance, electric light ; menls out.—Ring 41-313. CI BAFTOX.—Bed Sitting Room, front, *" double, own kitchenette, also Furn, Single Room, convs.—2. Boyle Cres. 120 /"2J.HEEN LANE—Rooms (2 or 3). unfur- ! nished ; all moderate convs. ; moderate. —OC, Clonbern Rd. Phone 3274 (three rings). LYNN—Rooms (2). sunny, uufurn., c.1., own stove, Entrance ; reasonable. — 21, Grosvenor St. T/'OHIMARAMA—Tiro Double Rooms, kit -"- chen. c.1.. suit two m.c.'s. Also Comfortable Bed Sitting Room, grill.—Bexhill Kohl braeh. 'Phono /1414. (3 rings). 304. Vlrtorm Arcade. T ARGE Double-bedded Rooms, suitable ± - i two mates, or balcony bed ; breakfast optional.—2.l7, Ponsonby ' Rd. CS "VTILFORD—DoubIe Room and verandah, •**-*- -f urn.: snit 2 friends; 15/ each. — Write \V. 9G4. Stab. "VrORXINGSIDE—Rooms (2), kitchen- ■"-*■ ette, furn.. convs., gas cooking, c.1., iron: 25/; no children.—lnquire Star. 745 "VTEWMARKET.—BeG Sitting Room, large -*-' front, also Breakfastroom, unfurn. kitchenette, gas stove, elec. light, modern convs. ; select, reasonable.—lnquire Star, 787 "DARNELL (Ist section) —Flat, comfort -*■ ably furn., 2 rooms, self contained front, every conv.—lnquire Star. 791 KOOM, nice, big, unfurn., use of kitchen Inquire Star. 7{)( OOMS (2), part furn., cheap.—No. 4, Sheridan St., Ponsonby. BOOM, furn., to Let. use of conv«—ls Arawa St., off Khybpr Pass. DOOMS (2), kitchenette, c.1., gas stove -*-* unfum. —13. Wood St.. Ponsonby. !)• DOOMS (2), large, sunny, use all convs.; -*-» handy cars.—l 4, Arcadia Rd., Epsom, ROOM, clean, single, furn., to Let, e1 . porcelain bath.—lS. Ed>win St., Newton ; lay DOOMS (2), single; gents; c.1., bath; sep. J-* entrance; 12/fi. —The Vyne, Svmonds St. DOOM, double, furu, single beds; suit -*-*> friends.—4s2, Queen St., opp. Myers Park. DOOMS (1-2), kitchen, fnrn.. hot water •" and gas stove, c.l. ; bus.—7s, Richmond 4C DOOMS (2), unfuru., 1 fireplace, kitchen, ■" convs. —12. Williamson St., off Gt. South ltd.. Epsom. 114 OOM, single, part furn.. c.1., bath, gas ' ring; car stop; Jervois Rd.—lnquire Star. 727 ROOMS (2), furn., with convs.. to Let child no objection.—Apply 9, Wellingtor St.. City. ROOMS (2), unfurn., open fire, c.1.; ren--17/0 ; adults.—4l, Malvern Rd., Morn inpsidp. ROOMS (2), unfurnished, separate gas stove and'meters.—29, Tranmere Rd. Edendale. ROOM, large, fronv, suit m.c., no children central: 20/. —25, Edinburgh St. Newton. 8! ROOM, front; suit m.c. or friends; c.l. convs. —a, Warnock St., Grey Lynr Terminus. ROOMS (2). unfurn.. c.1., califont; own stove, meter; handy shops.—2ol. Great North Rd. 77 ROOMS (2). furnished, private, convs. : car at door; rent, 26/. —90, Great South Rd. ROOMS (2), sunny, front, unfurn. (hall 1 house): use all convs; 20/. —88 Burn ley Terrace. ROOMS. Grafton. 1 double, 1 single; c.l. convs. : moderate.—Apply Ivanboe, 91 Wellesley St. ROOMS, Turn., c.1., convs., suit business people.—Apply 484, Queen St., opp Hotel Northland. 1J37 ROOMS (2). front, unfurn., part furn. Sep. entrance, convs.—3, Arnold St. off Dominion Kd. i 2 -; ROOMS, furnished, suit respectable busl ness girls or gents: city: all convs — Apply 21. Pitt St. DOOMS (2), kitchenette, furn., c.1., cali -*-* font, use convs.: 30 (light included). 14. Rose Rd.. Ponsonhy. iij DOOMS, furnished ; breakfast if required - 1 -* moderate rental: defightful position 11. Victoria Ay.. Mt. Kdeu. DOOMS (2). kitchenette, meter, convs. -L* furu. if required: near 2nd section — 22, Royal Tor.. Eilendale. DOOMS (2). unfurn., kitchenette, separati -*-*' cooking, eonvs.: £1 ; close cars. 27 Paice Aye.. Dominion Rd. 14DOOMS. Single and Double. furn. ■*■*• convs., under new management.—Avoi House. 54. Cook St.. City. DOOMS (2 or 3), unfurnished, c.1., ga< J-* 1 stove; convenient to trams.—6s Prospect Terrace. Dominion Rd. EOOM. larc<\ and kitchenette, unfurn : sei>. pimvs.. reasonable.—Apply before f o'clock. ">3. Khyber Pass Kd. ROOMS 1 21. front, partly furnished, ovrti pas store. mrtf>r. firpplaro. reasonable — 24. Garfipld St.. Panieil. DOOMS (3). large, unfurn.. Eden Tpr ■*■* rare: eookinc and entranrp oar stop at door.—lnquire Star. 7Sf
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,020Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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