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APARTMENTS VACANT. T>OOM, unfurn., large, front, separate ■*-*' entrance, kitchenette.—ll, Cameron St.. off Victoria Rd., Dcvonport. 25 "DOOMS 02), largo, t'ront, furn. or un- •*-* furn., all couvs., gas; reasonable. — 3*3, Mountain View Rd., Morningside. "DOOMS (2), nice, unfurn., own meter and ■"' gas stove, use califont, etc.; no children ; IS/ week.—l 27, Crummer Rd., Grey Lynn. TJOOMS (3), partly furn., self contained, ■*-*' sep. entrance, electric stove, bath, etc., 26/ week. —25, Disraeli St., off Richmond Rd.. Pousonby. " rnHE WILLOWS," Symonds St.—Bed -L and Breakfast. 'Phone 43-268. —Miss O'Den. Proprietress. A ») BED Sitting Rooms, furnished; also Itoom ; suit two business ladies or gentlemen: good locality; first section. — 'Phone 40-452. CI GRAFTON RD.—Double Bed Sitting, , *' ~wn kitchenette.—Phone 43-975. 155 APARTMENTS WANTED. DEVONPORT or Cheltenham. — Unfurn. Room, kitchenette or breakfast; baclielor. —Write H. 123.1, Star. TpLAT, furn., 2 rooms and kitchenette, -*- handy 2nd section. —The Home Finders, 58. Queen St. (jl T>OOMS 1.3.), unfurn., by 2 ladies, vicinity -C* , Mt. Eden or Dominion Rd.—Write W. 1037. Stau. TJOOMS (3), unfurn., use of kitchen; good '-*-*' locality. two middle-aged ladies.— Write F. 1403, Stak-. FLATS TO LET. A BSOLUTELY aelf-contained unfurn. , -£*- Flat, three rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, select.—l 3, Oakland*. Rd., Mt. Eden. A DMIRAKLE Little Flat ; sep. kitchen- - rl - ctte, gas stove, meter, electric light, telephone.—•• Cambridgf, ,, Lower Vln-jent AT Stanley Point, Jsniin. yueeu St., fares 3/ week. —i-Roomed Flat, ell con vs. separate. Rent moderate.—Apply No. 3u. Stanley PolnC "DASEMEN'T Flat, 3 rooms, convs. ; own. ■*-* entrance: suit working couple; 25' week.—l 9, Park Rd. ltji T)EVONPORT. —3 Rooms, unfurn., convs., c.1., separate entrance; near Jjoat; 30/.—20. Security Buildings. 143_ "T\EVONPORT — Self-contained Unfurn. XJ Flat, c.1., all convs. ; beautiful harbour view; ten mins. wharf: moderate rent. —43, Church St.. after 4 o'clock. "TVOMINION RD.—Flat, furn., 2 rooms, XJ kitchenette, 2nd section.—lnquire 411, New North Rd., Morningglde. 46 "pPSOM.—Comfortably furn Sitting Room, ■*-* Double Bedroom, Kitchen, all convs. ; suit refined m.c.—93. The Drive. 3 rooms, kitchenette and convs. ■*- Apply 65. Sussex St.. Grey Lynn. 57 self-contained, all convs., St. x Stephen's Ave.— J. Smith, Grocer, I"arnell. ;;;j "pUiAT, 2 rooms, kitchenette; separate gas -*- stove, c.1., convs.—38, Kelmarna Aye., Heme Bay. 37 3 rooms, part furnished; 27/ C; ■*- sas stove, E. 1., own meter.—B7, Beresford St., City. furnisrfed, also Bed Sitting Room ; ■*- every conv.—"Sharrow," 79, Parnell Rd. Phone 41-53!). "EVLAT, above shop, to Let ; sep. entrance ; - 1 - .comfortable.—Apply immediately, 243, Karanpahape Rd. furn., 2 rooms, c.1.. 27/ : Bed x Sitting Room, £1; single Room, 10/. — 24. Khyber Pass. ]O7 TfLATS (2), furn., near 2nd .section, nice x locality: garase optional —319, Mt. Eden ; ltd. I'hone 20-159. 43 "C'LiAT, superior, self-contained. 2 rooms, ■*- every cony.; telephone; adults.—o, Point St.. Mt. Eden. furn., self contained, superior, busi- - 1 - ness couple or girls ; dinner if desired. jl. Kenal! St.. Ponsonby. 94 FLAT, superior, furn., piano, 'phone, own balcony, c.l. ; adults only.—l 2, St. Stephen's Ay.. Pnrnell. D 4 2 rooms, unfurn.; kitchen, bath, -*- califont, c.1.; adults; 25/; tram stop.—237, Parnell Rd. "ECLATS, furn., own kitchenettes, balcony, x also garage, single room, c.1., califont.—l77, Mt. Eden Rd. unfurn, 2 rooms, own kitchenette ; x bathroom, c.1., self-contained; 35/. — I. Westpnd Rd.. Heme Bay. 70 "CTLAT, 2 rooms and kitchenette, unfurn., -*- sep. convs., adults.—Apply before 0 o'clock, f>3. Khyber Pass Rd. FLAT, furn. beil sitting room, kitchenette, convs., c.1.. sunny, clean : suit refined m.p.—171. Ponsonby Rd. FLAT, 3 rooms and kitchenette, unfurn.. gas stove, c.1.. separate.—22, The Drive. Epsom, near Tram Barn. I£l FLAT. 2 rooms, kitrtien, self-contained, own bathroom, entrance, c.l. ; quiet iMinplr.—3S. Picton St.. Ponsonby. 41 FLAT. 2 large rooms, furnished, balcony, .sleepini? porch, kitchenette, stove, meter, c.1.—51. Collingwood St.. Ponsonl'y. 5S_ FLATS, unfurn., self-contained, sep. meters : close ear. schools; £ 1 and 25/.—ll, Stanmore Rd.. Grey Lynn. FLAT, small, furnished, refined adult family, for business woman and daughter, vicinity Great South Rd.; terms moderate. —Write F. 1508. Star. FLAT, unfurn., 4 rooms and kitchenette, separate front entrance, garden: lust papered and painted: Parnell, Ist se<<ion: udnlts.—Writo W. 073. Star. TfMj'RNISHED. 2 Rooms, kitchenette: c.1.. - 1 - bath: separate entrance: children allowed.—7l. Hepburn St.. Ponsonby. 140 "VTT. EDEN—FIat, 3 rooms, partly furn., -"•*- superior, self-contained, lmin to car — 7. Oakland Rd. ■M"O. 1 Flat, Grafton Bridge Flats, to Let. •*■* unfurn. : .furniture and fittings enn be taken over: absolutely self-contained : 3 rooms, bathroom, kitchenette, front balcony, telephone. HORNE. LTD.. 10, Shortland Street. "DARNELL, Ist section.—Flat, 2 rooms and ■*■ kitchenette, unfurnished : adults only ; 25 '.—Morrison. Strand Arcade. "DARNELL. —Flat, 3 large rooms, flre- -*- place, gas stove, telephone: use garden : adults.—Ring 'Phone 20-253. TJONSONBY (best parti.—Flat, furnished: x minute par: 27/ C—The Home Finders. ■*S. Queen St. «2 ■p A VENSCOURT—FIat near Grand •*■*' Hotel : furn.. superior, moderate suitn'iU» tpunnt.—Aunlv afternoon or pvening. "DOOMS (2), furn.. own sas stove. ine;»r, -" "ntranrn; cheap to business couple SO, Khvber Pass. ' TANLET POINT.—FIat. 4 rooms. lm - ftmiisbed. self-contained. convs • ;;7/P.—'>O Sgfiiritr Buildings. i'jn SUPERIOR Flats, 3 and 4 rooms ■ Kiln. cor. Mt. Albert: 35/ :' adults — 1.-1. SvmAniU St. ' io s MUSICAL IWBTRUWEWTB FOH SALE. ACCORDION, small, 15/ : Symplexophone. 12/6: Kazoo Cornet. S/6; Tubephone, 12/6: post free.—Meltzer, 65, Victoria St. AMBEROL and Edison Diamond Disc Records and Phonographs only at Edison Shop, 153. Queen St. D A UCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, 372, A Queen St., will gladly demonstrate the outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phonographs. D BUY and Exchange your Records at IS, Darby St. Large selections available. All repairs cheaply pxpeuted. GRAMOPHONE Motors —The one safe place to Buy: quality, service, price. Phonerios, 18. Darby St. A GRAMOPHONE, oak floor cabinet, new, £70 model : for quick sale. £25 10/. — 27, Ardmore Rd.. Ponsonby. MUSIC MASTER Gramophones, more than any, represent value fur your money.—Phoneries. 18. Darby .St. A RECORDS, large selection, 2/6 each, exchange 1/ ; New Music, 6d copy.—42a, Ponsonby Rd. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS WANTED. r\ RAMOPHOXE. fionr enhinet.-established ' make: must be grow! ; r.o dealers.— Write IT. 1145. STAIi. WIRELESS APPARATUS FOR SALE. A BSOLUTELY Latest. Best Radio Parts. -"- Materials at lowest prireg from Radio, Limited, ."Herald" Buildings, Auckland. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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984Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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