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WANTED TO SELL. A BEAUTIFUL Fairy Doll's Pram given away free. Guessing Competition ; send address.—3s, Great North ltd. D ANY Barrow, Ladder, Wasbcub, from Pelham's. 130, Victoria St. W\, iaets a lifetime.—l'hoae 40-654. 1_ A UCKLAND SCALE CO., Little QueeU -*. St. -We Repair and Sell Scales or any description.—Ring 44-069. U A UCKI/AND'S Cheapest Place for New and Second-hand Building Timber, etc. .Sawyer and Lowndes, Lower Hobson St., next Power House. 1_ A 2/4 TIN of Rolfe's Wax contains as A much ns three 1/ tius.—Obtainable everywhere. iJ "DENZINE Hanging Lamp, wonderfully -*-*' improved, reliable; 500 candle power; cost id per hour.—Wesionhouse, Uutlun I Street. a T>OOT Patching Machines, smallest -*-* shuttle known, just landed; 50 per cent discount cash.—Globe, 154, Queen St. BOWLERS !—Your Club Colours, Hat Baud, Badge, and Tie at Cox. tlie Hatter's. Karangahape Rd. j_ BOY'S Tricycle, good order, 12/G. —3, St. Luke's Rd.. Edendale. P'HEAP MAIZE CHEAP MAIZE. *--' 110 SACKS 5/3 A BUSHEL. Pig Pollard. 6/ Sack. PERKINS AND CO., City Markets. ku: /CONCRETE Foundation Blocks, 1/ each. v-/ less discount. —Cowperthwalte Cement Roofing Tile Co., Mount Eden. 'I'Uone 20-328. D DEAF?" Why? Write Proctor's, High St., Chrlstchurch, for ten days' free trial of Accousticon. Y4 DOORS, Windows, Weights, Sashes. Sashlights, MRnrels. Grates; large selection. Inspect.—gam White. Market Place. iJ DOORS (glass), Partitions, Totara Posts, Match Lining for Sale cheap.— Sawyer and Lowmles. Lower Hobson St. D EASY Terms Arranged—Furniture. Bedding, Carpets. Linos, etc.—Oak Furnishing Co.. Symonds St. A TI-tree Block, 6 sacks £i •*- cash, delivered.—Hadfield, 034, Mannkan Kd. Phone 30-514. D TjMREWOOD —11 Sacks Kauri Blocks ■*- delivered anywhere, £I.—Edwards and Son, 2, AVarnoek St. 'Phone 26-498. t "TIIT Our Improved Burner to your old -*- Primus and make it like new.— Wfestonhouse. Rutland St. A TRON Shed, large; excellent order.—Apply - 1 - evening, 2. Bloomfleld Rd.. Epsom. MOTOR Car Cases for Sale, from 10' each.—Harrison and Gash, foot of Khyber 'Pass. a PAINTERS' Ladders. Trestles, Steps, Wheelbarrows, Washtubs. — Pelham and Sons, ICO, Victoria St. W. —Phone 40-654. l> SAFES. —Thomas Withers' Fireproof, 241n to 481n; aleo Strongroom Doors and Frames. —Alpe Bros.. Fort St. a SCORIA for Concrete, delivered; 3 yards fl 7/. 4 yards fl 15/.— E. Ball. 'Phone 21 h>97. v SINGER Drophead. best shuttle, £ 4 15/ ; New Home, £3 10/; White, £2 10/. Open Friday Evenings.—Globe, Short , ' Bldgp. IX Months' Credit without Interest; smnU deposit.—Wickins ana SutclitTc, 42. Knrnngahnpe Rd. l> STEEL Tank. 3000 gals.; 5-foot Circular Saw, Grit Mill, Powerful Log Winch. Hauling and Tail Drums, Machinery every description.—Applet on. Newmarket. CJTONE Crnsher, 12 x 8: Portable Engines; Winches, steam, friction and belt-driven; Steam Pumps.—Appleton, Newmarket A VOLUMES, "The Practical Woodworker," * by Bernard E. Jones, cheap.—lnquire Star. 726 Af\ PLANS. Elevations, Dainty. Convenl-ently-planned N.Z. Bungalows. 5/. complete.—Designers. Box 1270. Wellington. 9AA OR 400 Dozen Plain Pints, Corks, OW Bottles. f.o.b.r. What offer? Write H. SX < Star. BOATS FOR SALE. /'ys.NOES, canvas, new, up-to-date, Eskimo *—' pattern, from £2 10/. —Write F. 14S8 Staip. pAXOE (Can\-au), half-deck; practically new; _£4 10/. —Apply 2, Norwood Rd., BayswateK <\n /"VRUISERS, 32ft and 28ft, almost new; must sell one or other. Easiest terms Write F., 139 C, .Star. " /CjRUISER, 36ft x »ft, test of everything, ready launching: full head " room. Terms, 2 years.—lnquire 'Star. 774 /BRUISING Launch, 21ft, perfect order v - /f dinghy, double cylinder engine; £2." cash.—lnquire Star. 7!)= T AUXCH, 27-footer, sleeps 5 : 8 h.p. ; all -*-* gear, dinghy, etc; snip, £90.—Ramni 24. Winstoue'.s Bldgs. TOGAN 16ft Aratu, new silk sails, moor ■ KJ ings, all spare sails; ready for season. Wiseman's. Queen St. mf? TJOW Boat, c.b., 12ft, and sails, also -" Anchor, about 501b : cheap.—A. Riley. 1. Wallace St.. Heme Bay. > 55 ■\7"ACHT, 22ft. built last season: .1 gift, - 1 - £50.—44, King Edward Parade, Devonport. __ "\TACHTSMEN— Get your Sails made 01 -*- Repaired at the Yachtsman's Sail Loft. 05. Knrangahape Rd. £>/»FT Cruising Launch, well found. *->** Scripps' engine, 23-33 h.p. : complete with all gear.—Thode. Phoenix Climbs. T>EADTI FOR LAUNCHING. 3-CABIN CRUTSER MARXE. equipped in every detail. Far and Bon-en reliability 40 marine plant. Guaranteed staunch an-ci sound. Ideal for those wishing, to cruise in oomfort. Must sell. Reasonable offer wanted. PARKER. PHONE 265t34. 2B •OJ.FT CABIN LAUNCH. 7ft 6in Beam, with Dinghy. 2-cylinder 4-cycle Ralieo Engine. Any Trial. Owners must sell. Leaving Auckland Offer wanted immediately. MR. BORLASE, S.S. Talune, King's Wharf. IS BOATS WANTED. MAINSAIL -wanted, foot 24, hoist 15 head 17.—Write B. 1190, Stak. •pROPELLER, IS x 22in, R.H., with 9ft - 1 - Shaft.—Propeller. 57. Edeu Ter. 184 T AUNCH Hull, about 36ft.—State price -"-< particulars, and where seen to W Sl3, Stab. •IT7ANTED, any or all Gear for 25f »» launch: Lights, Anchors, Tank Wheel Dinghy, etc.—Write F. 1404, Stah. POULTRY FOR SALE. •DLACK Orpington. White Leghorn Chicks XJ best laying strain.—Apply 43 Laki Rd., Devonport. " ' j^, T)LL'E Amlalnsians (inip.i, Eggs, \- t !■•/« -*-» Blauk Mlnorcas limp./, lU.U.—Joun~ C Wallace, Hamilton East "DROODY Hens. Black Orpington, 7/t J-> each ; also, Setting Eggs.—S6, Market Kβ; . _7_ DUCKLINGS —60 Indian Runners, 1/; each, in lots to suit. —C. Oliver 80l lard Aye., Avonrtalp. VTTHITE Leghorns. Brown Leghorns »'» muted. North Island Champion: 1! Eggs, 10/6.—John Wallace. Hamilton East. ARTICLES /OR SALE. VIOLET Rays cure most human ailments complete machines. £S B'.—Fishers 243, Karangahape Rd. Free trinl. v WASHTUB. Heart of Kauri, 40/: Kaur; from 32/3.— Smyth, Maekey St., on Welle3le.v St. W. t _£ •\7"ACHTBMEN. Sportsmen. — Harpooi 1. Gnn, Harpoon, Ammunition; £25 o: o ff er .—26. St. George's Bay Rd. VX7HKS BUn:>G A SEWING MACHINE VV Don't be Exploited and pay ' £23. Inspect the •'ROBERTSON" SEWING MAPHINK. Price only £13 15/. Twenty years' guaran tee. With 811 Its Wonderful ImprovementsJ. R. ROBERTSON", LTD., Opposite John Court's, Queen Street. 11
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
Word Count
935Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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