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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. gROWN'S BAY.—Bargain. Owner erecting 2-roomed Cottage ; tank, range, fine s f c ' lo ?> d°se beach; also furniture included. Total price £ 200; low deposit. Wonderful chance.—Tozer and Tozer, Dominion Road Terminus. 8 OOTTAGE, 5-roomed, Ponsonby, in good repair; vacant; must sell; easy terms. Write F. 156-J, Star. "QOMINION KD.- Govt. Mort., £550.- - -1-, - - Kauri Villa, <j large rooms, bathroom, scullery, washhouse, c. and t.'s; large worksaop. Price, £Soo. Cash £-«-*>. Owner inu-jt sell.—Soldiers' Land Bureau, Hellaby's Bldgs. Bargain.—Sound Modern ResiJ - i denee. 6 rooms and kitchenette; garage; c. light, every modern cony.; grounds all law out; handy bus and tram. Reduced t> il6<o. Worth £1950.— G. Mavhill, .V Phoe"ix Chambers. ' Q.OVT. MOUT.. £600.-Near Upper Syv -* monds St.—Bungalow, 6 large rooms, bathroom, pore, bund b., h. and c water and shower. Elec. light. Elevated section. Price, £1200. Cash £.T5.-Soldiers' Land Bureau. Hellabys Bldgs. Q.REY LYNN—£SO Deposit—House. 3 v ' , rooms, every cony.; balance £7."V0; snip.—Colquhoun, 3, Totara St., Ponsonby . ,SS "DEMUERA—S Rooms, garage, c.1., £11)95 ; terms.—Layeock and Faitbjfull, 32 Queen St. MT. ALBERT—Bungalow, 0 rooms, convs ■Phillip?, Builder. Phone 27-14 S. TV.TT. ALBJCRT — Modern Bungalow, ft ■"-*• rooms, convs.; good position; only £1050; deposit £100. — Parris, Phoenix Chambers. MT. EDEN, High Side.— 6-roomed Modern Bungalow: large level section; £1450: terms.—Parrls. Phoenix Chambers. rpAKAPUNA—Seaside House and PropertJ -*- for Sale: 5 rooms, sleeping porch, gas stove, califont.—Write F. 1."V47. Star. — Bungalow. 5 room? '* convs.; large section: handy Queei: St. £9TiO. Terms.—Owner P.O. Box 7s:i Auckland. -||A| PER Cent net return from Freehoic - L " Suburban Shop Property, with gxea! prospective value. Price only £2>o0; casr required £550. Absolutely a "giH-edged in vestment.—G. May hill, 3. Phoenix Cham hers. rpAKAPUNA BARGAIN New Bungalow, of 3 rooms, just com pleted ; every modern convenience. Righi on tram stop. Large, level Section, splen did soil. £350 DEPOSIT. BALANCE ONLY £SOO Write F. 1629, STAR. WATERFRONT r?-J £}~() WATERFRONT 3^-LxOU BUNGALOW AND 2 SECTIONS Modern, 4 rooms and kitchen; every con ceirable convenience. Property has fbeaet frontage. Extra Section would sell at £450 Well laid out, glorious views, wonderfu soil; 5 mins. from tram or bus. CASH, £300 OR OFFER. A very cheap property for someone. J. M. McVEAGH, LTD., 3, Swanson Street. .141^ A SECTION FOR £212, ON £10 DEPOSIT. This Is what we can offer In the WESTVTEW ESTATE, WESTVIEW ESTATE, HERNE BAY. HERNE BAY. The Estate is situated at the junctior of WEST END HO AD and GARNEI ROAD, overlooking the upper reache* of Auckland Barboor, and comprises gentle slopes '.vita, high elevation anc sunny aspect. WESTVIEW ESTATE, WESTVIEW ESTATE, is close to both Heme Bay and Grej Lynn trams. Uas, water, electric light available. PRICES FROM £5. PER FOOT, ON £10 DEPOSIT, £10 IN 1 MONTH. £10 IN 3 MONTHS, BALANCE i YEARS. INTEREST AT 6 PER Cfc.Vl PER ANNUM. Already o\er half the Sections iavc been sold.—there is no time to lose in making a choice. Illustrated Plans on Application. SAMUEL VAILE& SONS, LTD 83, QUEEN STREET. NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS 11".GOOD." REMUERA WATERSIDE. TWO CHEAP HOMES. 4? -J AFLfI— XBW BUNGALOW, just com °^- Ltrt/ " pleted, v rooms, kitchenette bathroom, washhouse and workshop, fron and back porch, beam ceilings, folding doors between sitting and breakfast rooms tuilt-in wardrobe, linen press, large num ber of cupiboards. panelled papering, ga; stove, electric light and hot water service sewer drainage; section 50 x 165 feet 'PRICE O.VLY £1450. Terms. £200 cash Harbour view. Close to Bus Service. CLOSE ARNEY ROAD. "DUN<!ALOW, 5 rooms, sleeping verandah ■*-* bathroom, etc.; newly repainted anc in good order inside; rooms nice size; cali font, gas stove, electric light, sewer drain I age. Section approx. 50 x 150 ft SPLENDID HARBOUR VIEWS. Ownei has refused £1750 for this "property, 'but is now prepared to accept £1650. "Building ■Society mortgage £1050. SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD 83, QUEEN STREET. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD." TAKAPUNA BEACH, ONLY" ONE DOOR FROM POPULAR LAKE BEACH. COMFORTABLE HOUSE of 5 rooms ' comprising 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, bathroom, large glassed-in verandah in front with case ment windows. Washhouse. Section 50 x 125. Charming situation, jusl off the beach and commanding beauti ful views of the water. PBICE £1450, on reasonable terms, furniture at Valuation if desired. (61) GRAFTON. PRICE, £900. HOUSE of 7 rooms on two floors, bath room, combined washhouse and scul lery: usual convs. Freehold Section with approx. 40ft frontage. Very handy posi tion; just off Grafton Rd.. close to Bowl ing Green and easy walk to city. PRICt £900. Terms. (22 SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD S3, QUEEN STREET. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD." £75 DEPOSIT—MT. ALBERT ~VJ"EW BUNGALOW of 4 rooms, bath room and washhouse; moderr conveniences and appointments: pore lain bath and basin, range, electrU light, hot and cold water. Volcanu section 50 x ISO. Elevated positiot and within easy reach of 3rd sectior trams. PRICE, £975, on £75 deposit, balance n< arranged. (81) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD S3, QUEEN STREET. " NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD." E £1000 —GIVEN AWAY. : O-ROOMED rpiLED-ROOE j TJUNGALOW, in xpPSOM. j NEARLY ONE ACRE OF LAND. I FOR SALE AT £ 1000 BELOW COST I AND EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS Apply to QOLIN -jyj-CJ^AHEN, •OWNER, ROYAL HOTEL.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
Word Count
855Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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